USING: compiler.cfg compiler.cfg.dominance.private help.markup help.syntax sequences ; IN: compiler.cfg.dominance HELP: dom-parents { $var-description "Maps bb -> idom(bb)" } ; HELP: dom-children { $values { "bb" basic-block } { "seq" sequence } } { $description "Maps bb -> {bb' | idom(bb') = bb} or in other words, all basic blocks dominated by the given basic block." } ; HELP: dom-parent { $values { "bb" basic-block } { "bb'" basic-block } } { $description "The basic block dominating the given block." } ; HELP: needs-dominance { $values { "cfg" cfg } } { $description "Recalculates predecessor and dominance info for the given cfg." } ; ARTICLE: "compiler.cfg.dominance" "A Simple, Fast Dominance Algorithm" "A Simple, Fast Dominance Algorithm" $nl "Keith D. Cooper, Timothy J. Harvey, and Ken Kennedy" $nl "" $nl "Also, a nice overview is given in these lecture notes:" $nl "" $nl "To rebuild dominance information:" { $subsections needs-dominance } "To read the dominance data:" { $subsections dom-children dom-parent } ; ABOUT: "compiler.cfg.dominance"