USING: accessors arrays compiler.cfg compiler.cfg.instructions compiler.cfg.linear-scan.allocation.state compiler.cfg.linear-scan.assignment compiler.cfg.registers compiler.cfg.ssa.destruction.leaders compiler.cfg.utilities cpu.architecture cpu.x86.assembler.operands heaps kernel make namespaces sequences sorting tools.test ; IN: compiler.cfg.linear-scan.assignment.tests : cherry-pick ( seq indices -- seq' ) [ swap nth ] with map ; : (setup-vreg-spills) ( vreg-defs -- reps leaders spill-slots ) [ [ 2 head ] map ] [ [ { 0 2 } cherry-pick ] map ] [ [ first4 [ nip [ rep-size 2array ] dip 2array ] [ 3drop f ] if* ] map sift ] tri ; : setup-vreg-spills ( vreg-defs -- ) (setup-vreg-spills) [ representations set ] [ leader-map set ] [ spill-slots set ] tri* ; ! activate-new-intervals { { T{ ##reload { dst RBX } { rep tagged-rep } { src T{ spill-slot } } } } } [ ! Setup H{ } clone pending-interval-assoc set pending-interval-heap set 30 { T{ live-interval-state { vreg 789 } { reg RBX } { reload-from T{ spill-slot } } { reload-rep tagged-rep } { ranges V{ { 30 30 } } } { uses V{ T{ vreg-use { n 26 } { use-rep tagged-rep } } } } } } live-intervals>min-heap [ activate-new-intervals ] { } make ] unit-test ! assign-insn-defs { T{ ##peek { dst RAX } { loc T{ ds-loc } } { insn# 0 } } } [ H{ { 37 RAX } } pending-interval-assoc set { { 37 int-rep 37 f } } setup-vreg-spills T{ ##peek f 37 D: 0 0 } [ assign-insn-defs ] keep ] unit-test ! assign-all-registers { T{ ##replace-imm f 20 D: 0 f } T{ ##replace f RAX D: 0 f } } [ ! It doesn't do anything because ##replace-imm isn't a vreg-insn. T{ ##replace-imm { src 20 } { loc D: 0 } } [ assign-all-registers ] keep ! This one does something. H{ { 37 RAX } } pending-interval-assoc set H{ { 37 37 } } leader-map set T{ ##replace { src 37 } { loc D: 0 } } clone [ assign-all-registers ] keep ] unit-test ! assign-registers { } [ V{ T{ ##inc { loc D: 3 } { insn# 7 } } } 0 insns>block block>cfg { } assign-registers ] unit-test ! assign-registers-in-block { V{ T{ ##inc { loc T{ ds-loc { n 3 } } } { insn# 7 } } } } [ { } init-assignment V{ T{ ##inc { loc D: 3 } { insn# 7 } } } 0 insns>block [ assign-registers-in-block ] keep instructions>> ] unit-test ! expire-old-intervals { 3 H{ } } [ H{ { 25 RBX } } clone pending-interval-assoc set 90 { 50 90 95 120 } [ 25 2array ] map >min-heap [ expire-old-intervals ] keep heap-size pending-interval-assoc get ] unit-test ! insert-reload { { T{ ##reload { dst RAX } { rep int-rep } { src T{ spill-slot } } } } } [ [ T{ live-interval-state { reg RAX } { reload-from T{ spill-slot } } { reload-rep int-rep } } insert-reload ] { } make ] unit-test ! insert-spill { { T{ ##spill { src RAX } } } } [ [ T{ live-interval-state { vreg 1234 } { reg RAX } } insert-spill ] { } make ] unit-test { V{ T{ ##spill { src RAX } { rep int-rep } } } } [ [ 1234 RAX >>reg int-rep >>spill-rep insert-spill ] V{ } make ] unit-test ! spill/reloads-for-call-gc ! The interval should be spilled around the gc instruction at 128. And ! it's spill representation should be int-rep because on instruction ! 102 it was converted from a tagged-rep to an int-rep. : test-call-gc ( -- ##call-gc ) T{ gc-map { gc-roots { 149 109 110 } } { derived-roots V{ } } } 128 ##call-gc boa ; : test-interval ( -- live-interval ) T{ live-interval-state { vreg 235 } { reg RDI } { ranges V{ { 88 94 } { 100 154 } } } { uses V{ T{ vreg-use { n 88 } { def-rep tagged-rep } } T{ vreg-use { n 90 } { def-rep int-rep } { use-rep tagged-rep } } T{ vreg-use { n 100 } { def-rep tagged-rep } } T{ vreg-use { n 102 } { def-rep int-rep } { use-rep tagged-rep } } T{ vreg-use { n 144 } { use-rep int-rep } } T{ vreg-use { n 146 } { use-rep int-rep } } T{ vreg-use { n 148 } { def-rep int-rep } { use-rep int-rep } } T{ vreg-use { n 150 } { def-rep tagged-rep } { use-rep int-rep } } T{ vreg-use { n 154 } { use-rep tagged-rep } } } } } ; { V{ { RDI int-rep T{ spill-slot } } } } [ f f cfg set H{ } clone spill-slots set H{ } clone pending-interval-assoc set pending-interval-heap set H{ { 235 float-rep } } representations set test-interval add-pending test-call-gc spill/reloads-for-call-gc ] unit-test ! vreg>spill-slot { T{ spill-slot { n 990 } } } [ { { 10 int-rep 10 T{ spill-slot { n 990 } } } } setup-vreg-spills 10 vreg>spill-slot ] unit-test ! vreg>reg { T{ spill-slot f 16 } } [ { { 45 double-rep 45 T{ spill-slot { n 16 } } } } setup-vreg-spills 45 vreg>reg ] unit-test [ ! It gets very strange if the leader of a vreg has a different ! sized representation than the vreg being led. { { 45 double-2-rep 45 T{ spill-slot { n 16 } } } { 46 double-rep 45 f } } setup-vreg-spills 46 vreg>reg ] [ bad-vreg? ] must-fail-with ! vregs>regs { { { 33 RAX } { 44 RBX } } } [ { { 33 int-rep 33 f } { 44 int-rep 44 f } } setup-vreg-spills H{ { 33 RAX } { 44 RBX } } pending-interval-assoc set { { 33 33 } { 44 44 } } vregs>regs ] unit-test { { 3 56 } } [ { { 3 7 } { -1 56 } { -1 3 } } >min-heap [ -1 = ] heap-pop-while sort ] unit-test