USING: accessors compiler.cfg compiler.cfg.comparisons compiler.cfg.instructions compiler.cfg.registers compiler.cfg.representations.conversion compiler.cfg.representations.preferred compiler.cfg.utilities compiler.constants compiler.test cpu.architecture kernel layouts literals make math namespaces sequences system tools.test ; FROM: alien.c-types => char ; IN: compiler.cfg.representations { { double-rep double-rep } } [ T{ ##add-float { dst 5 } { src1 3 } { src2 4 } } uses-vreg-reps ] unit-test { { double-rep } } [ T{ ##load-memory-imm { dst 5 } { base 3 } { offset 0 } { rep double-rep } } defs-vreg-reps ] unit-test H{ } clone representations set 3 vreg-counter set-global { { T{ ##allot f 2 16 float 4 } T{ ##store-memory-imm f 1 2 $[ float-offset ] double-rep f } } } [ [ 2 1 tagged-rep double-rep emit-conversion ] { } make ] unit-test { { T{ ##load-memory-imm f 2 1 $[ float-offset ] double-rep f } } } [ [ 2 1 double-rep tagged-rep emit-conversion ] { } make ] unit-test : test-representations ( -- ) 0 get block>cfg dup cfg set select-representations ; ! Make sure cost calculation isn't completely wrong V{ T{ ##prologue } T{ ##branch } } 0 test-bb V{ T{ ##peek f 1 D: 0 } T{ ##peek f 2 D: 1 } T{ ##add-float f 3 1 2 } T{ ##replace f 3 D: 0 } T{ ##replace f 3 D: 1 } T{ ##replace f 3 D: 2 } T{ ##branch } } 1 test-bb V{ T{ ##epilogue } T{ ##return } } 2 test-bb 0 1 edge 1 2 edge { } [ test-representations ] unit-test { 1 } [ 1 get instructions>> [ ##allot? ] count ] unit-test ! Don't dereference the result of a peek V{ T{ ##prologue } T{ ##branch } } 0 test-bb V{ T{ ##peek f 1 D: 0 } T{ ##branch } } 1 test-bb V{ T{ ##add-float f 2 1 1 } T{ ##replace f 2 D: 0 } T{ ##epilogue } T{ ##return } } 2 test-bb V{ T{ ##add-float f 3 1 1 } T{ ##replace f 3 D: 0 } T{ ##epilogue } T{ ##return } } 3 test-bb 0 1 edge 1 { 2 3 } edges { } [ test-representations ] unit-test { V{ T{ ##peek f 1 D: 0 } T{ ##branch } } } [ 1 get instructions>> ] unit-test ! We cannot untag-fixnum the result of a peek if there are usages ! of it as a tagged-rep V{ T{ ##prologue } T{ ##branch } } 0 test-bb V{ T{ ##peek f 1 D: 0 } T{ ##branch } } 1 test-bb V{ T{ ##replace f 1 R: 0 } T{ ##epilogue } T{ ##return } } 2 test-bb V{ T{ ##mul f 2 1 1 } T{ ##replace f 2 D: 0 } T{ ##branch } } 3 test-bb V{ T{ ##epilogue } T{ ##return } } 4 test-bb 0 1 edge 1 { 2 3 } edges 3 { 3 4 } edges 2 4 edge { } [ test-representations ] unit-test { V{ T{ ##peek f 1 D: 0 } T{ ##branch } } } [ 1 get instructions>> ] unit-test ! But its ok to untag-fixnum the result of a peek if all usages use ! it as int-rep V{ T{ ##prologue } T{ ##branch } } 0 test-bb V{ T{ ##peek f 1 D: 0 } T{ ##branch } } 1 test-bb V{ T{ ##epilogue } T{ ##return } } 2 test-bb V{ T{ ##add f 2 1 1 } T{ ##mul f 3 1 1 } T{ ##replace f 2 D: 0 } T{ ##replace f 3 D: 1 } T{ ##branch } } 3 test-bb V{ T{ ##epilogue } T{ ##return } } 4 test-bb 0 1 edge 1 { 2 3 } edges 3 { 3 4 } edges 2 4 edge 3 vreg-counter set-global { } [ test-representations ] unit-test { V{ T{ ##peek f 4 D: 0 } T{ ##sar-imm f 1 4 $[ tag-bits get ] } T{ ##branch } } } [ 1 get instructions>> ] unit-test ! scalar-rep => int-rep conversion V{ T{ ##prologue } T{ ##branch } } 0 test-bb V{ T{ ##peek f 1 D: 0 } T{ ##peek f 2 D: 0 } T{ ##vector>scalar f 3 2 int-4-rep } T{ ##replace f 3 D: 0 } T{ ##branch } } 1 test-bb V{ T{ ##epilogue } T{ ##return } } 2 test-bb 0 1 edge 1 2 edge { } [ test-representations ] unit-test { t } [ 1 get instructions>> 4 swap nth ##scalar>integer? ] unit-test ! Test phi node behavior V{ T{ ##prologue } T{ ##branch } } 0 test-bb V{ T{ ##load-integer f 1 1 } T{ ##branch } } 1 test-bb V{ T{ ##load-integer f 2 2 } T{ ##branch } } 2 test-bb V{ T{ ##phi f 3 H{ { 1 1 } { 2 2 } } } T{ ##replace f 3 D: 0 } T{ ##branch } } 3 test-bb V{ T{ ##epilogue } T{ ##return } } 4 test-bb 0 { 1 2 } edges 1 3 edge 2 3 edge 3 4 edge { } [ test-representations ] unit-test { T{ ##load-tagged f 1 $[ 1 tag-fixnum ] } } [ 1 get instructions>> first ] unit-test { T{ ##load-tagged f 2 $[ 2 tag-fixnum ] } } [ 2 get instructions>> first ] unit-test ! ##load-reference corner case V{ T{ ##prologue } T{ ##branch } } 0 test-bb V{ T{ ##peek f 0 D: 0 } T{ ##peek f 1 D: 1 } T{ ##add f 2 0 1 } T{ ##branch } } 1 test-bb V{ T{ ##load-reference f 3 f } T{ ##branch } } 2 test-bb V{ T{ ##phi f 4 H{ { 1 2 } { 2 3 } } } T{ ##replace f 4 D: 0 } T{ ##branch } } 3 test-bb V{ T{ ##epilogue } T{ ##return } } 4 test-bb 0 { 1 2 } edges 1 3 edge 2 3 edge 3 4 edge { } [ test-representations ] unit-test ! Don't untag the f! { 2 } [ 2 get instructions>> length ] unit-test cpu x86.32? [ ! Make sure load-constant is converted into load-double V{ T{ ##prologue } T{ ##branch } } 0 test-bb V{ T{ ##peek f 1 D: 0 } T{ ##load-reference f 2 0.5 } T{ ##add-float f 3 1 2 } T{ ##replace f 3 D: 0 } T{ ##branch } } 1 test-bb V{ T{ ##epilogue } T{ ##return } } 2 test-bb 0 1 edge 1 2 edge [ ] [ test-representations ] unit-test [ t ] [ 1 get instructions>> second ##load-double? ] unit-test ! Make sure phi nodes are handled in a sane way V{ T{ ##prologue } T{ ##branch } } 0 test-bb V{ T{ ##peek f 1 D: 0 } T{ ##compare-imm-branch f 1 2 cc= } } 1 test-bb V{ T{ ##load-reference f 2 1.5 } T{ ##branch } } 2 test-bb V{ T{ ##load-reference f 3 2.5 } T{ ##branch } } 3 test-bb V{ T{ ##phi f 4 H{ { 2 2 } { 3 3 } } } T{ ##peek f 5 D: 0 } T{ ##add-float f 6 4 5 } T{ ##replace f 6 D: 0 } } 4 test-bb V{ T{ ##epilogue } T{ ##return } } 5 test-bb test-diamond 4 5 edge [ ] [ test-representations ] unit-test [ t ] [ 2 get instructions>> first ##load-double? ] unit-test [ t ] [ 3 get instructions>> first ##load-double? ] unit-test [ t ] [ 4 get instructions>> first ##phi? ] unit-test ] when : test-peephole ( insns -- insns ) 0 test-bb test-representations 0 get instructions>> ; ! Don't convert the def site into anything but tagged-rep since ! we might lose precision 5 vreg-counter set-global { f } [ V{ T{ ##peek f 0 D: 0 } T{ ##peek f 1 D: 1 } T{ ##tagged>integer f 2 1 } T{ ##add-float f 3 0 0 } T{ ##store-memory-imm f 3 2 0 float-rep f } T{ ##store-memory-imm f 3 2 4 float-rep f } T{ ##mul-float f 4 0 0 } T{ ##replace f 4 D: 0 } } test-peephole [ ##single>double-float? ] any? ] unit-test ! Converting a ##load-integer into a ##load-tagged { V{ T{ ##load-tagged f 1 $[ 100 tag-fixnum ] } T{ ##replace f 1 D: 0 } } } [ V{ T{ ##load-integer f 1 100 } T{ ##replace f 1 D: 0 } } test-peephole ] unit-test ! Peephole optimization if input to ##shl-imm is tagged 3 vreg-counter set-global { V{ T{ ##peek f 1 D: 0 } T{ ##sar-imm f 2 1 1 } T{ ##add f 4 2 2 } T{ ##shl-imm f 3 4 $[ tag-bits get ] } T{ ##replace f 3 D: 0 } } } [ V{ T{ ##peek f 1 D: 0 } T{ ##shl-imm f 2 1 3 } T{ ##add f 3 2 2 } T{ ##replace f 3 D: 0 } } test-peephole ] unit-test 3 vreg-counter set-global { V{ T{ ##peek f 1 D: 0 } T{ ##shl-imm f 2 1 $[ 10 tag-bits get - ] } T{ ##add f 4 2 2 } T{ ##shl-imm f 3 4 $[ tag-bits get ] } T{ ##replace f 3 D: 0 } } } [ V{ T{ ##peek f 1 D: 0 } T{ ##shl-imm f 2 1 10 } T{ ##add f 3 2 2 } T{ ##replace f 3 D: 0 } } test-peephole ] unit-test { V{ T{ ##peek f 1 D: 0 } T{ ##copy f 2 1 int-rep } T{ ##add f 5 2 2 } T{ ##shl-imm f 3 5 $[ tag-bits get ] } T{ ##replace f 3 D: 0 } } } [ V{ T{ ##peek f 1 D: 0 } T{ ##shl-imm f 2 1 $[ tag-bits get ] } T{ ##add f 3 2 2 } T{ ##replace f 3 D: 0 } } test-peephole ] unit-test ! Peephole optimization if output of ##shl-imm needs to be tagged { V{ T{ ##load-integer f 1 100 } T{ ##shl-imm f 2 1 $[ 3 tag-bits get + ] } T{ ##replace f 2 D: 0 } } } [ V{ T{ ##load-integer f 1 100 } T{ ##shl-imm f 2 1 3 } T{ ##replace f 2 D: 0 } } test-peephole ] unit-test ! Peephole optimization if both input and output of ##shl-imm ! need to be tagged { V{ T{ ##peek f 0 D: 0 } T{ ##shl-imm f 1 0 3 } T{ ##replace f 1 D: 0 } } } [ V{ T{ ##peek f 0 D: 0 } T{ ##shl-imm f 1 0 3 } T{ ##replace f 1 D: 0 } } test-peephole ] unit-test ! Peephole optimization if neither input nor output of ##shl-imm need to be tagged { V{ T{ ##load-integer f 1 100 } T{ ##shl-imm f 2 1 3 } T{ ##load-integer f 3 100 } T{ ##load-integer f 4 100 } T{ ##store-memory f 2 3 4 0 0 int-rep char } } } [ V{ T{ ##load-integer f 1 100 } T{ ##shl-imm f 2 1 3 } T{ ##load-integer f 3 100 } T{ ##load-integer f 4 100 } T{ ##store-memory f 2 3 4 0 0 int-rep char } } test-peephole ] unit-test 6 vreg-counter set-global ! Peephole optimization if input to ##sar-imm is tagged { V{ T{ ##peek f 1 D: 0 } T{ ##sar-imm f 7 1 $[ 3 tag-bits get + ] } T{ ##shl-imm f 2 7 $[ tag-bits get ] } T{ ##replace f 2 D: 0 } } } [ V{ T{ ##peek f 1 D: 0 } T{ ##sar-imm f 2 1 3 } T{ ##replace f 2 D: 0 } } test-peephole ] unit-test 6 vreg-counter set-global ! (Lack of) peephole optimization if output of ##sar-imm needs to be tagged { V{ T{ ##load-integer f 1 100 } T{ ##sar-imm f 7 1 3 } T{ ##shl-imm f 2 7 $[ tag-bits get ] } T{ ##replace f 2 D: 0 } } } [ V{ T{ ##load-integer f 1 100 } T{ ##sar-imm f 2 1 3 } T{ ##replace f 2 D: 0 } } test-peephole ] unit-test ! Peephole optimization if input of ##sar-imm is tagged but output is untagged ! need to be tagged { V{ T{ ##peek f 0 D: 0 } T{ ##sar-imm f 1 0 $[ 3 tag-bits get + ] } T{ ##load-integer f 3 100 } T{ ##load-integer f 4 100 } T{ ##store-memory f 1 3 4 0 0 int-rep char } } } [ V{ T{ ##peek f 0 D: 0 } T{ ##sar-imm f 1 0 3 } T{ ##load-integer f 3 100 } T{ ##load-integer f 4 100 } T{ ##store-memory f 1 3 4 0 0 int-rep char } } test-peephole ] unit-test ! Peephole optimization if neither input nor output of ##sar-imm need to be tagged { V{ T{ ##load-integer f 1 100 } T{ ##sar-imm f 2 1 3 } T{ ##load-integer f 3 100 } T{ ##load-integer f 4 100 } T{ ##store-memory f 2 3 4 0 0 int-rep char } } } [ V{ T{ ##load-integer f 1 100 } T{ ##sar-imm f 2 1 3 } T{ ##load-integer f 3 100 } T{ ##load-integer f 4 100 } T{ ##store-memory f 2 3 4 0 0 int-rep char } } test-peephole ] unit-test { V{ T{ ##load-vector f 0 B{ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 } short-8-rep } T{ ##select-vector f 1 0 0 short-8-rep } T{ ##sar-imm f 2 1 3 } T{ ##load-integer f 3 100 } T{ ##add f 4 2 3 } T{ ##load-integer f 5 100 } T{ ##load-integer f 6 100 } T{ ##store-memory f 4 5 6 0 0 int-rep char } } } [ V{ T{ ##load-vector f 0 B{ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 } short-8-rep } T{ ##select-vector f 1 0 0 short-8-rep } T{ ##sar-imm f 2 1 3 } T{ ##load-integer f 3 100 } T{ ##add f 4 2 3 } T{ ##load-integer f 5 100 } T{ ##load-integer f 6 100 } T{ ##store-memory f 4 5 6 0 0 int-rep char } } test-peephole ] unit-test 6 vreg-counter set-global { V{ T{ ##load-vector f 0 B{ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 } int-4-rep } T{ ##select-vector f 1 0 0 int-4-rep } T{ ##sar-imm f 2 1 3 } T{ ##load-integer f 3 100 } T{ ##add f 7 2 3 } T{ ##shl-imm f 4 7 $[ tag-bits get ] } T{ ##replace f 4 D: 0 } } } [ V{ T{ ##load-vector f 0 B{ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 } int-4-rep } T{ ##select-vector f 1 0 0 int-4-rep } T{ ##sar-imm f 2 1 3 } T{ ##load-integer f 3 100 } T{ ##add f 4 2 3 } T{ ##replace f 4 D: 0 } } test-peephole ] unit-test ! Tag/untag elimination { V{ T{ ##peek f 1 D: 0 } T{ ##add-imm f 2 1 $[ 100 tag-fixnum ] } T{ ##replace f 2 D: 0 } } } [ V{ T{ ##peek f 1 D: 0 } T{ ##add-imm f 2 1 100 } T{ ##replace f 2 D: 0 } } test-peephole ] unit-test { V{ T{ ##peek f 0 D: 0 } T{ ##peek f 1 D: 1 } T{ ##add f 2 0 1 } T{ ##replace f 2 D: 0 } } } [ V{ T{ ##peek f 0 D: 0 } T{ ##peek f 1 D: 1 } T{ ##add f 2 0 1 } T{ ##replace f 2 D: 0 } } test-peephole ] unit-test ! Make sure we don't exceed immediate bounds cpu x86.64? [ 4 vreg-counter set-global [ V{ T{ ##peek f 0 D: 0 } T{ ##sar-imm f 5 0 $[ tag-bits get ] } T{ ##add-imm f 6 5 $[ 30 2^ ] } T{ ##shl-imm f 2 6 $[ tag-bits get ] } T{ ##replace f 2 D: 0 } } ] [ V{ T{ ##peek f 0 D: 0 } T{ ##add-imm f 2 0 $[ 30 2^ ] } T{ ##replace f 2 D: 0 } } test-peephole ] unit-test [ V{ T{ ##load-integer f 0 100 } T{ ##mul-imm f 7 0 $[ 30 2^ ] } T{ ##shl-imm f 1 7 $[ tag-bits get ] } T{ ##replace f 1 D: 0 } } ] [ V{ T{ ##load-integer f 0 100 } T{ ##mul-imm f 1 0 $[ 30 2^ ] } T{ ##replace f 1 D: 0 } } test-peephole ] unit-test ] when ! Tag/untag elimination for ##mul-imm { V{ T{ ##peek f 0 D: 0 } T{ ##mul-imm f 1 0 100 } T{ ##replace f 1 D: 0 } } } [ V{ T{ ##peek f 0 D: 0 } T{ ##mul-imm f 1 0 100 } T{ ##replace f 1 D: 0 } } test-peephole ] unit-test 4 vreg-counter set-global { V{ T{ ##peek f 0 D: 0 } T{ ##peek f 1 D: 1 } T{ ##sar-imm f 5 1 $[ tag-bits get ] } T{ ##add-imm f 2 5 30 } T{ ##mul-imm f 3 2 $[ 100 tag-fixnum ] } T{ ##replace f 3 D: 0 } } } [ V{ T{ ##peek f 0 D: 0 } T{ ##peek f 1 D: 1 } T{ ##add-imm f 2 1 30 } T{ ##mul-imm f 3 2 100 } T{ ##replace f 3 D: 0 } } test-peephole ] unit-test ! Tag/untag elimination for ##compare-integer and ##test { V{ T{ ##peek f 0 D: 0 } T{ ##peek f 1 D: 1 } T{ ##test f 2 0 1 cc= } T{ ##replace f 2 D: 0 } } } [ V{ T{ ##peek f 0 D: 0 } T{ ##peek f 1 D: 1 } T{ ##test f 2 0 1 cc= } T{ ##replace f 2 D: 0 } } test-peephole ] unit-test { V{ T{ ##peek f 0 D: 0 } T{ ##peek f 1 D: 1 } T{ ##compare-integer f 2 0 1 cc= } T{ ##replace f 2 D: 0 } } } [ V{ T{ ##peek f 0 D: 0 } T{ ##peek f 1 D: 1 } T{ ##compare-integer f 2 0 1 cc= } T{ ##replace f 2 D: 0 } } test-peephole ] unit-test { V{ T{ ##peek f 0 D: 0 } T{ ##peek f 1 D: 1 } T{ ##compare-integer-branch f 0 1 cc= } } } [ V{ T{ ##peek f 0 D: 0 } T{ ##peek f 1 D: 1 } T{ ##compare-integer-branch f 0 1 cc= } } test-peephole ] unit-test { V{ T{ ##peek f 0 D: 0 } T{ ##peek f 1 D: 1 } T{ ##test-branch f 0 1 cc= } } } [ V{ T{ ##peek f 0 D: 0 } T{ ##peek f 1 D: 1 } T{ ##test-branch f 0 1 cc= } } test-peephole ] unit-test { V{ T{ ##peek f 0 D: 0 } T{ ##peek f 1 D: 1 } T{ ##compare-integer-imm-branch f 0 $[ 10 tag-fixnum ] cc= } } } [ V{ T{ ##peek f 0 D: 0 } T{ ##peek f 1 D: 1 } T{ ##compare-integer-imm-branch f 0 10 cc= } } test-peephole ] unit-test { V{ T{ ##peek f 0 D: 0 } T{ ##peek f 1 D: 1 } T{ ##test-imm-branch f 0 $[ 10 tag-fixnum ] cc= } } } [ V{ T{ ##peek f 0 D: 0 } T{ ##peek f 1 D: 1 } T{ ##test-imm-branch f 0 10 cc= } } test-peephole ] unit-test ! Tag/untag elimination for ##neg { V{ T{ ##peek f 0 D: 0 } T{ ##neg f 1 0 } T{ ##replace f 1 D: 0 } } } [ V{ T{ ##peek f 0 D: 0 } T{ ##neg f 1 0 } T{ ##replace f 1 D: 0 } } test-peephole ] unit-test 4 vreg-counter set-global { V{ T{ ##peek { dst 0 } { loc D: 0 } } T{ ##peek { dst 1 } { loc D: 1 } } T{ ##sar-imm { dst 5 } { src1 0 } { src2 4 } } T{ ##sar-imm { dst 6 } { src1 1 } { src2 4 } } T{ ##mul { dst 2 } { src1 5 } { src2 6 } } T{ ##mul-imm { dst 3 } { src1 2 } { src2 -16 } } T{ ##replace { src 3 } { loc D: 0 } } } } [ V{ T{ ##peek f 0 D: 0 } T{ ##peek f 1 D: 1 } T{ ##mul f 2 0 1 } T{ ##neg f 3 2 } T{ ##replace f 3 D: 0 } } test-peephole ] unit-test ! Tag/untag elimination for ##not 2 vreg-counter set-global { V{ T{ ##peek f 0 D: 0 } T{ ##not f 3 0 } T{ ##xor-imm f 1 3 $[ tag-mask get ] } T{ ##replace f 1 D: 0 } } } [ V{ T{ ##peek f 0 D: 0 } T{ ##not f 1 0 } T{ ##replace f 1 D: 0 } } test-peephole ] unit-test ! untag elimination for ##bit-count 2 vreg-counter set-global { V{ T{ ##peek f 0 D: 0 } T{ ##bit-count f 3 0 } T{ ##shl-imm f 1 3 $[ tag-bits get ] } T{ ##replace f 1 D: 0 } } } [ V{ T{ ##peek f 0 D: 0 } T{ ##bit-count f 1 0 } T{ ##replace f 1 D: 0 } } test-peephole ] unit-test