! Copyright (C) 2009 Doug Coleman. ! See https://factorcode.org/license.txt for BSD license. USING: accessors assocs furnace.actions furnace.conversations html.forms html.templates.chloe.compiler html.templates.chloe.syntax http.client http.server http.server.filters io.sockets json kernel namespaces urls validators xml.syntax ; IN: furnace.recaptcha TUPLE: recaptcha < filter-responder domain secret-key site-key ; SYMBOL: recaptcha-error : ( responder -- recaptcha ) recaptcha new swap >>responder ; M: recaptcha call-responder* dup recaptcha set responder>> call-responder ; > [XML
XML] ; : parse-recaptcha-response ( string -- valid? error ) json> [ "success" of ] [ "error-codes" of ] bi ; :: (validate-recaptcha) ( response recaptcha -- valid? error ) recaptcha secret-key>> :> secret-key remote-address get host>> :> remote-ip H{ { "response" response } { "secret" secret-key } { "remoteip" remote-ip } } URL" https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api/siteverify" http-post nip parse-recaptcha-response ; : validate-recaptcha-params ( -- ) { { "g-recaptcha-response" [ v-required ] } } validate-params ; PRIVATE> CHLOE: recaptcha drop [ recaptcha get render-recaptcha ] [xml-code] ; : validate-recaptcha ( -- ) begin-conversation validate-recaptcha-params "g-recaptcha-response" value recaptcha get (validate-recaptcha) recaptcha-error cset [ validation-failed ] unless ;