USING: help.syntax help.markup ; IN: ARTICLE: "opengl-low-level" "OpenGL binding" { $subsections "opengl-specifying-vertices" "opengl-geometric-primitives" "opengl-modeling-transformations" } ; ARTICLE: "opengl-specifying-vertices" "Specifying vertices" { $subsections glVertex2d glVertex2f glVertex2i glVertex2s glVertex3d glVertex3f glVertex3i glVertex3s glVertex4d glVertex4f glVertex4i glVertex4s glVertex2dv glVertex2fv glVertex2iv glVertex2sv glVertex3dv glVertex3fv glVertex3iv glVertex3sv glVertex4dv glVertex4fv glVertex4iv glVertex4sv } ; ARTICLE: "opengl-geometric-primitives" "OpenGL geometric primitives" { $table { { $link GL_POINTS } "individual points" } { { $link GL_LINES } { "pairs of vertices interpreted as " "individual line segments" } } { { $link GL_LINE_STRIP } "series of connected line segments" } { { $link GL_LINE_LOOP } { "same as above, with a segment added " "between last and first vertices" } } { { $link GL_TRIANGLES } "triples of vertices interpreted as triangles" } { { $link GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP } "linked strip of triangles" } { { $link GL_TRIANGLE_FAN } "linked fan of triangles" } { { $link GL_QUADS } "quadruples of vertices interpreted as four-sided polygons" } { { $link GL_QUAD_STRIP } "linked strip of quadrilaterals" } { { $link GL_POLYGON } "boundary of a simple, convex polygon" } } ; HELP: glBegin { $values { "mode" { "One of the " { $link "opengl-geometric-primitives" } } } } ; HELP: glPolygonMode { $values { "face" { "One of the following:" { $list { $link GL_FRONT } { $link GL_BACK } { $link GL_FRONT_AND_BACK } } } } { "mode" { "One of the following:" { $list { $link GL_POINT } { $link GL_LINE } { $link GL_FILL } } } } } ; ARTICLE: "opengl-modeling-transformations" "Modeling transformations" { $subsections glTranslatef glTranslated glRotatef glRotated glScalef glScaled } ; { glTranslatef glTranslated glRotatef glRotated glScalef glScaled } related-words