USING: accessors arrays assocs io.sockets kernel linked-assocs present prettyprint sequences tools.test urls ; IN: urls.tests { "localhost" f } [ "localhost" parse-host ] unit-test { "localhost" 8888 } [ "localhost:8888" parse-host ] unit-test CONSTANT: urls { { T{ url { protocol "http" } { host "" } { port 1234 } { path "/a/path" } { query LH{ { "a" "b" } } } { anchor "foo" } } "" } { T{ url { protocol "http" } { host "" } { path "/a/path" } { query LH{ { "a" "b" } } } { anchor "foo" } } "" } { T{ url { protocol "http" } { host "" } { port 1234 } { path "/another/fine/path" } { anchor "foo" } } "" } { T{ url { path "/a/relative/path" } { anchor "foo" } } "/a/relative/path#foo" } { T{ url { path "/a/relative/path" } } "/a/relative/path" } { T{ url { path "a/relative/path" } } "a/relative/path" } { T{ url { path "bar" } { query LH{ { "a" "b" } } } } "bar?a=b" } { T{ url { protocol "ftp" } { host "" } { username "slava" } { path "/" } } "" } { T{ url { protocol "ftp" } { host "" } { username "slava" } { password "secret" } { path "/" } } "" } { T{ url { protocol "http" } { host "" } { path "/" } { query LH{ { "a" f } } } } "" } ! Capital letters, digits, hyphen, plus and period are allowed ! characters in the scheme ! part. { T{ url { protocol "" } { host "" } { path "/" } } "" } { T{ url { protocol "foo.-bar" } { host "" } { path "/" } } "foo.-bar://" } { T{ url { protocol "t1000" } { host "" } { path "/" } } "t1000://" } { T{ url { protocol "no-auth" } { path "/some/random/path" } } "no-auth:/some/random/path" } { T{ url { protocol "http" } { host "" } { path "/" } { username "user" } { password "" } } "" } { T{ url { protocol "http" } { host "" } { path "/" } { username "" } { password "pass" } } "" } { T{ url { protocol "http" } { host "" } { path "/%2F/" } } "" } } urls [ [ 1array ] [ [ >url ] curry ] bi* unit-test ] assoc-each urls [ swap [ 1array ] [ [ present ] curry ] bi* unit-test ] assoc-each { T{ url { protocol "http" } { username "ш" } { password "ш" } { host "ш.com" } { port 1234 } { path "/ш" } { query LH{ { "ш" "ш" } } } { anchor "ш" } } } [ "http://ш:ш@ш.com:1234/ш?ш=ш#ш" >url ] unit-test { T{ url { protocol "http" } { username f } { password f } { host "Mä" } { port f } { path "/päth" } { query LH{ { "query" "Dürst" } } } { anchor "☃" } } } [ "http://Määth?query=Dürst#☃" >url ] unit-test { T{ url { protocol "https" } { host "" } { path "/" } } } [ "" >url ] unit-test { "" } [ T{ url { protocol "https" } { host "" } { path "/" } } present ] unit-test { "b" } [ "a" "b" url-append-path ] unit-test { "a/b" } [ "a/c" "b" url-append-path ] unit-test { "a/b" } [ "a/" "b" url-append-path ] unit-test { "/b" } [ "a" "/b" url-append-path ] unit-test { "/b" } [ "a/b/" "/b" url-append-path ] unit-test { "/xxx/bar" } [ "/xxx/baz" "bar" url-append-path ] unit-test { T{ url { protocol "http" } { host "" } { port 1234 } { path "/a/path" } } } [ T{ url { protocol "http" } { host "" } { port 1234 } { path "/foo" } } T{ url { path "/a/path" } } derive-url ] unit-test { T{ url { protocol "http" } { host "" } { port 1234 } { path "/a/path/relative/path" } { query LH{ { "a" "b" } } } { anchor "foo" } } } [ T{ url { protocol "http" } { host "" } { port 1234 } { path "/a/path/" } } T{ url { path "relative/path" } { query LH{ { "a" "b" } } } { anchor "foo" } } derive-url ] unit-test { T{ url { protocol "http" } { host "" } { port 1234 } { path "/a/path/relative/path" } { query LH{ { "a" "b" } } } { anchor "foo" } } } [ T{ url { protocol "http" } { host "" } { port 1234 } { path "/a/path/" } } T{ url { path "relative/path" } { query LH{ { "a" "b" } } } { anchor "foo" } } derive-url ] unit-test { T{ url { protocol "http" } { host "" } { path "/xxx/baz" } } } [ T{ url { protocol "http" } { host "" } { path "/xxx/bar" } } T{ url { path "baz" } } derive-url ] unit-test { T{ url { protocol "https" } { host "" } { path "/" } } } [ T{ url { protocol "http" } { host "" } { port 80 } { path "/" } } T{ url { protocol "https" } { host "" } { path "/" } } derive-url ] unit-test ! Support //, which has the same protocol as the url we derive from { URL"" } [ URL"" URL" //" derive-url ] unit-test { URL"" } [ URL"" URL" //" derive-url ] unit-test { "a" } [ "a" "b" set-query-param "b" query-param ] unit-test { t } [ URL"" "foo" "bar" set-query-param query>> linked-assoc? ] unit-test { "foo#3" } [ URL" foo" clone 3 >>anchor present ] unit-test { "" } [ "" >url present ] unit-test { f } [ URL" /gp/redirect.html/002-7009742-0004012?location=" protocol>> ] unit-test { T{ url { protocol "http" } { host "localhost" } { query LH{ { "foo" "bar" } } } { path "/" } } } [ "http://localhost?foo=bar" >url ] unit-test { T{ url { protocol "http" } { host "localhost" } { query LH{ { "foo" "bar" } } } { path "/" } } } [ "http://localhost/?foo=bar" >url ] unit-test { "/" } [ "" >url path>> ] unit-test { "USING: urls ;\nURL\" foo\"" } [ URL" foo" unparse-use ] unit-test { T{ inet { host "" } { port 80 } } } [ URL"" url-addr ] unit-test { T{ secure { addrspec T{ inet { host "" } { port 443 } } } { hostname "" } } } [ URL"" url-addr ] unit-test { "git+https" } [ URL" git+" >url protocol>> ] unit-test ! Params should be rendered in the order in which they are added. { "/?foo=foo&bar=bar&baz=baz" } [ URL" /" "foo" "foo" set-query-param "bar" "bar" set-query-param "baz" "baz" set-query-param present ] unit-test ! Scheme characters are ! case-insensitive. { URL"" } [ URL" HTTP://" ] unit-test { URL" https://host:1234/path" } [ URL" https://host:1234/path" redacted-url ] unit-test { URL" https://user@host:1234/path" } [ URL" https://user@host:1234/path" redacted-url ] unit-test { URL" https://user:xxxxx@host:1234/path" } [ URL" https://user:password@host:1234/path" redacted-url ] unit-test { { "/a/b/c" "./////d" "/a/b/d" } { "/a/b/c" "./././././d" "/a/b/d" } { "/a/b/c" "/d" "/d" } { "/a/b/c" "/./d" "/d" } { "/a/b/c" "/../d" "/d" } { "/a/b/c" "/d" "/d" } { "/a/b/c" "d" "/a/b/d" } { "/a/b/c" "./d" "/a/b/d" } { "/a/b/c" "d/" "/a/b/d/" } { "/a/b/c" "." "/a/b/" } { "/a/b/c" "./" "/a/b/" } { "/a/b/c" ".." "/a/" } { "/a/b/c" "../" "/a/" } { "/a/b/c" "../d" "/a/d" } { "/a/b/c" "../.." "/" } { "/a/b/c" "../../" "/" } { "/a/b/c" "../../d" "/d" } { "/a/b/c" "../../../d" "/d" } { "/a/b/c" "d." "/a/b/d." } { "/a/b/c" ".d" "/a/b/.d" } { "/a/b/c" "d.." "/a/b/d.." } { "/a/b/c" "..d" "/a/b/..d" } { "/a/b/c" "./../d" "/a/d" } { "/a/b/c" "./d/." "/a/b/d/" } { "/a/b/c" "d/./e" "/a/b/d/e" } { "/a/b/c" "d/../e" "/a/b/e" } { "/a/b/c/d/" "../../e/f" "/a/b/e/f" } { "/a/b/c/d" "../../e/f" "/a/e/f" } { "/a/b/c/d/" "../../e/f/" "/a/b/e/f/" } { "/a/b/c/d" "../../e/f/" "/a/e/f/" } { "/a/b/c/d/" "/../../e/f/" "/e/f/" } { "/a/b/c/d" "/../../e/f/" "/e/f/" } } [ 1 cut* swap first2 '[ _ _ url-append-path ] unit-test ] each ! RFC 3986 1.1.2. Examples { T{ url { protocol "ftp" } { host "" } { path "/rfc/rfc1808.txt" } } } [ "" >url ] unit-test { T{ url { protocol "http" } { host "" } { path "/rfc/rfc2396.txt" } } } [ "" >url ] unit-test { T{ url { protocol "ldap" } { host "[2001:db8::7]" } { path "/c=GB" } { query LH{ { "objectClass?one" f } } } } } [ "ldap://[2001:db8::7]/c=GB?objectClass?one" >url ] unit-test { T{ url { protocol "mailto" } { path "" } } } [ "" >url ] unit-test { T{ url { protocol "news" } { path "comp.infosystems.www.servers.unix" } } } [ "news:comp.infosystems.www.servers.unix" >url ] unit-test { T{ url { protocol "tel" } { path "+1-816-555-1212" } } } [ "tel:+1-816-555-1212" >url ] unit-test { T{ url { protocol "telnet" } { host "" } { port 80 } { path "/" } } } [ "telnet://" >url ] unit-test { T{ url { protocol "urn" } { path "oasis:names:specification:docbook:dtd:xml:4.1.2" } } } [ "urn:oasis:names:specification:docbook:dtd:xml:4.1.2" >url ] unit-test ! RFC 3986 6.2.2. Syntax Normalization { URL" example://a/b/c/%7Bfoo%7D" } [ URL" eXAMPLE://a/./b/../b/%63/%7bfoo%7d" ] unit-test ! RFC 3986 6.2.3. Scheme-Based Normalization { t } [ { "" "" "" "" } [ >url present "" = ] all? ] unit-test