@echo off setlocal : Check which branch we are on, or just assume master if we are not in a git repository for /f %%z in ('git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD') do set GIT_BRANCH=%%z if %GIT_BRANCH% =="" ( GIT_BRANCH = "master" ) if "%1"=="/?" ( goto usage ) else if "%1"=="" ( set _bootimage_version=%GIT_BRANCH% ) else if "%1"=="latest" ( set _bootimage_version=%GIT_BRANCH% ) else if "%1"=="update" ( set _bootimage_version=%GIT_BRANCH% ) else if "%1"=="clean" ( set _bootimage_version=clean ) else goto usage if not exist Nmakefile goto wrongdir call cl 2>&1 | find "x86" >nul if not errorlevel 1 ( echo x86-32 cl.exe detected. set _target=x86-32 set _bootimage=boot.windows-x86.32.image ) else ( call cl 2>&1 | find "x64" >nul if not errorlevel 1 ( echo x86-64 cl.exe detected. set _target=x86-64 set _bootimage=boot.windows-x86.64.image ) else goto nocl ) echo Deleting staging images from temp/... del temp\staging.*.image echo Updating working copy from %GIT_BRANCH%... call git pull git://factorcode.org/git/factor.git %GIT_BRANCH% if errorlevel 1 goto fail echo Building vm... nmake /nologo /f Nmakefile clean if errorlevel 1 goto fail nmake /nologo /f Nmakefile %_target% if errorlevel 1 goto fail echo Fetching %_bootimage_version% boot image... set boot_image_url=http://downloads.factorcode.org/images/%GIT_BRANCH%/%_bootimage% %_bootimage% echo URL: %boot_image_url% cscript /nologo misc\http-get.vbs %boot_image_url% %_bootimage% if errorlevel 1 goto fail echo Bootstrapping... .\factor.com -i=%_bootimage% if errorlevel 1 goto fail echo Copying fresh factor.image to factor.image.fresh. copy factor.image factor.image.fresh if errorlevel 1 goto fail echo Build complete. goto :EOF :fail echo Build failed. goto :EOF :wrongdir echo build.cmd must be run from the root of the Factor source tree. goto :EOF :nocl echo Unable to detect cl.exe target platform. echo Make sure you're running within the Visual Studio or Windows SDK environment. goto :EOF :usage echo Usage: build.cmd echo Updates the working copy, cleans and builds the vm using nmake, echo fetches a boot image, and bootstraps factor. echo The branch that bootstraps is the one that is checked out locally. goto :EOF