VERSION = 0.99 # Crazy hack to do shell commands # We do it in Nmakefile because that way we don't have to invoke build through build.cmd # and we can just do ``nmake /f Nmakefile x86-64-vista`` or similar # and we still get the git branch, id, etc !IF [git describe --all > git-describe.tmp] == 0 GIT_DESCRIBE = \ !INCLUDE !IF [del git-describe.tmp] == 0 !ENDIF !ENDIF !IF [git rev-parse HEAD > git-id.tmp] == 0 GIT_ID = \ !INCLUDE !IF [del git-id.tmp] == 0 !ENDIF !ENDIF !IF [git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD > git-branch.tmp] == 0 GIT_BRANCH = \ !INCLUDE !IF [del git-branch.tmp] == 0 !ENDIF !ENDIF GIT_LABEL = $(GIT_DESCRIBE)-$(GIT_ID) !IF DEFINED(PLATFORM) LINK_FLAGS = /nologo shell32.lib user32.lib CL_FLAGS = /nologo /O2 /WX /W3 /D_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS /DFACTOR_VERSION=$(VERSION) /DFACTOR_GIT_LABEL=$(GIT_LABEL) CL_FLAGS_VISTA = /D_WIN32_WINNT=0x0600 !IF "$(PLATFORM)" == "x86-32" LINK_FLAGS = $(LINK_FLAGS) /safeseh /largeaddressaware PLAF_DLL_OBJS = vm\os-windows-x86.32.obj vm\safeseh.obj vm\cpu-x86.obj SUBSYSTEM_COM_FLAGS = console,"5.01" SUBSYSTEM_EXE_FLAGS = windows,"5.01" !ELSEIF "$(PLATFORM)" == "x86-32-vista" LINK_FLAGS = $(LINK_FLAGS) /safeseh /largeaddressaware CL_FLAGS = $(CL_FLAGS) $(CL_FLAGS_VISTA) PLAF_DLL_OBJS = vm\os-windows-x86.32.obj vm\safeseh.obj vm\cpu-x86.obj SUBSYSTEM_COM_FLAGS = console SUBSYSTEM_EXE_FLAGS = windows !ELSEIF "$(PLATFORM)" == "x86-64" PLAF_DLL_OBJS = vm\os-windows-x86.64.obj vm\cpu-x86.obj SUBSYSTEM_COM_FLAGS = console,"5.02" SUBSYSTEM_EXE_FLAGS = windows,"5.02" !ELSEIF "$(PLATFORM)" == "x86-64-vista" CL_FLAGS = $(CL_FLAGS) $(CL_FLAGS_VISTA) PLAF_DLL_OBJS = vm\os-windows-x86.64.obj vm\cpu-x86.obj SUBSYSTEM_COM_FLAGS = console SUBSYSTEM_EXE_FLAGS = windows !ELSE CL_FLAGS = $(CL_FLAGS) $(CL_FLAGS_VISTA) PLAF_DLL_OBJS = vm\os-windows-x86.64.obj vm\cpu-x86.obj SUBSYSTEM_COM_FLAGS = console SUBSYSTEM_EXE_FLAGS = windows !ENDIF !IF DEFINED(DEBUG) LINK_FLAGS = $(LINK_FLAGS) /DEBUG CL_FLAGS = $(CL_FLAGS) /Zi /DFACTOR_DEBUG !ENDIF !IF DEFINED(REPRODUCIBLE) CL_FLAGS = $(CL_FLAGS) /DFACTOR_REPRODUCIBLE !ENDIF ML_FLAGS = /nologo /safeseh EXE_OBJS = vm\main-windows.obj vm\factor.res DLL_OBJS = $(PLAF_DLL_OBJS) \ vm\os-windows.obj \ vm\aging_collector.obj \ vm\alien.obj \ vm\arrays.obj \ vm\bignum.obj \ vm\byte_arrays.obj \ vm\callbacks.obj \ vm\callstack.obj \ vm\code_blocks.obj \ vm\code_heap.obj \ vm\compaction.obj \ vm\contexts.obj \ vm\data_heap.obj \ vm\data_heap_checker.obj \ vm\debug.obj \ vm\dispatch.obj \ vm\entry_points.obj \ vm\errors.obj \ vm\factor.obj \ vm\full_collector.obj \ vm\gc.obj \ vm\image.obj \ vm\inline_cache.obj \ vm\instruction_operands.obj \ vm\io.obj \ vm\jit.obj \ vm\math.obj \ vm\mvm.obj \ vm\mvm-windows.obj \ vm\nursery_collector.obj \ vm\object_start_map.obj \ vm\objects.obj \ vm\primitives.obj \ vm\quotations.obj \ vm\run.obj \ vm\safepoints.obj \ vm\sampling_profiler.obj \ vm\strings.obj \ vm\to_tenured_collector.obj \ vm\tuples.obj \ vm\utilities.obj \ vm\vm.obj \ vm\words.obj # batch mode has :: .cpp.obj:: cl /EHsc $(CL_FLAGS) /W4 /MP /Fovm/ /c $< .c.obj:: cl /EHsc $(CL_FLAGS) /MP /Fovm/ /c $< .asm.obj: ml $(ML_FLAGS) /Fo$@ /c $< .rs.res: rc $< libfactor-ffi-test.dll: vm/ffi_test.obj link $(LINK_FLAGS) /out:libfactor-ffi-test.dll /dll /def:vm\ffi_test.def vm/ffi_test.obj factor.dll.lib: $(DLL_OBJS) link $(LINK_FLAGS) /implib:factor.dll.lib /out:factor.dll /dll $(DLL_OBJS) $(EXE_OBJS) $(DLL_OBJS) link $(LINK_FLAGS) / /SUBSYSTEM:$(SUBSYSTEM_COM_FLAGS) $(EXE_OBJS) $(DLL_OBJS) factor.exe: $(EXE_OBJS) $(DLL_OBJS) link $(LINK_FLAGS) /out:factor.exe /SUBSYSTEM:$(SUBSYSTEM_EXE_FLAGS) $(EXE_OBJS) $(DLL_OBJS) # If we compile factor.exe, run mt.exe, and run factor.exe, # then Windows caches the manifest. Even on a recompile without applying # the mt.exe tool, if the factor.exe.manifest file is present, the manifest # is applied. To avoid this, we delete the .manifest file on clean # and copy it from a reference file on compilation and mt.exe. # factor.exe.manifest: factor.exe copy factor.exe.manifest mt -manifest factor.exe.manifest -outputresource:"factor.exe;#1" all: factor.exe factor.dll.lib libfactor-ffi-test.dll !ENDIF default: @echo Usage: nmake /f Nmakefile platform @echo Where platform is one of: @echo x86-32 @echo x86-64 @echo x86-32-vista @echo x86-64-vista @exit 1 x86-32: nmake /nologo PLATFORM=x86-32 /f Nmakefile all x86-64: nmake /nologo PLATFORM=x86-64 /f Nmakefile all x86-32-vista: nmake /nologo PLATFORM=x86-32-vista /f Nmakefile all x86-64-vista: nmake /nologo PLATFORM=x86-64-vista /f Nmakefile all clean: del vm\*.obj if exist vm\factor.res del vm\factor.res if exist factor.lib del factor.lib if exist del if exist factor.exe del factor.exe if exist factor.exe.manifest del factor.exe.manifest if exist factor.exp del factor.exp if exist factor.dll del factor.dll if exist factor.dll.lib del factor.dll.lib if exist factor.dll.exp del factor.dll.exp if exist libfactor-ffi-test.dll del libfactor-ffi-test.dll if exist libfactor-ffi-test.exp del libfactor-ffi-test.exp if exist libfactor-ffi-test.lib del libfactor-ffi-test.lib .PHONY: all default x86-32 x86-64 x86-32-vista x86-64-vista clean factor.exe.manifest .SUFFIXES: .rs