USING: alien alien.c-types help.syntax help.markup libc kernel.private byte-arrays math strings hashtables alien.syntax alien.strings sequences io.encodings.string debugger destructors vocabs.loader classes.struct ; IN: HELP: { $values { "len" "a non-negative integer" } { "c-type" "a C type" } { "array" byte-array } } { $description "Creates a byte array large enough to hold " { $snippet "n" } " values of a C type." } { $notes "The appropriate specialized array vocabulary must be loaded; otherwise, an error will be thrown. The vocabulary can be loaded with the " { $link require-c-array } " word. See the " { $vocab-link "specialized-arrays" } " vocabulary for details on the underlying sequence type constructed." } { $errors "Throws an error if the type does not exist, the necessary specialized array vocabulary is not loaded, or the requested size is negative." } ; HELP: { $values { "type" "a C type" } { "array" byte-array } } { $description "Creates a byte array suitable for holding a value with the given C type." } { $errors "Throws an " { $link no-c-type } " error if the type does not exist." } ; { malloc-object } related-words HELP: memory>byte-array { $values { "alien" c-ptr } { "len" "a non-negative integer" } { "byte-array" byte-array } } { $description "Reads " { $snippet "len" } " bytes starting from " { $snippet "base" } " and stores them in a new byte array." } ; HELP: byte-array>memory { $values { "byte-array" byte-array } { "base" c-ptr } } { $description "Writes a byte array to memory starting from the " { $snippet "base" } " address." } { $warning "This word is unsafe. Improper use can corrupt memory." } ; HELP: malloc-array { $values { "n" "a non-negative integer" } { "type" "a C type" } { "array" "a specialized array" } } { $description "Allocates an unmanaged memory block large enough to hold " { $snippet "n" } " values of a C type, then wraps the memory in a sequence object using " { $link } "." } { $notes "The appropriate specialized array vocabulary must be loaded; otherwise, an error will be thrown. The vocabulary can be loaded with the " { $link require-c-array } " word. See the " { $vocab-link "specialized-arrays" } " vocabulary for details on the underlying sequence type constructed." } { $warning "Don't forget to deallocate the memory with a call to " { $link free } "." } { $errors "Throws an error if the type does not exist, if the requested size is negative, if a direct specialized array class appropriate to the type is not loaded, or if memory allocation fails." } ; HELP: malloc-object { $values { "type" "a C type" } { "alien" alien } } { $description "Allocates an unmanaged memory block large enough to hold a value of a C type." } { $warning "Don't forget to deallocate the memory with a call to " { $link free } "." } { $errors "Throws an error if the type does not exist or if memory allocation fails." } ; HELP: malloc-byte-array { $values { "byte-array" byte-array } { "alien" alien } } { $description "Allocates an unmanaged memory block of the same size as the byte array, and copies the contents of the byte array there." } { $warning "Don't forget to deallocate the memory with a call to " { $link free } "." } { $errors "Throws an error if memory allocation fails." } ; { malloc-array } related-words { string>alien alien>string malloc-string } related-words ARTICLE: "malloc" "Manual memory management" "Sometimes data passed to C functions must be allocated at a fixed address. See " { $link "byte-arrays-gc" } " for an explanation of when this is the case." $nl "Allocating a C datum with a fixed address:" { $subsections malloc-object malloc-byte-array } "The " { $vocab-link "libc" } " vocabulary defines several words which directly call C standard library memory management functions:" { $subsections malloc calloc realloc } "You must always free pointers returned by any of the above words when the block of memory is no longer in use:" { $subsections free } "Utilities for automatically freeing memory in conjunction with " { $link with-destructors } ":" { $subsections &free |free } "The " { $link &free } " and " { $link |free } " words are generated using " { $link "alien.destructors" } "." $nl "You can unsafely copy a range of bytes from one memory location to another:" { $subsections memcpy } "You can copy a range of bytes from memory into a byte array:" { $subsections memory>byte-array } "You can copy a byte array to memory unsafely:" { $subsections byte-array>memory } ; ARTICLE: "c-pointers" "Passing pointers to C functions" "The following Factor objects may be passed to C function parameters with pointer types:" { $list { "Instances of " { $link alien } "." } { "Instances of " { $link f } "; this is interpreted as a null pointer." } { "Instances of " { $link byte-array } "; the C function receives a pointer to the first element of the array." } { "Any data type which defines a method on " { $link >c-ptr } " that returns an instance of one of the above. This includes " { $link "classes.struct" } " and " { $link "specialized-arrays" } "." } } "The class of primitive C pointer types:" { $subsections c-ptr } "A generic word for converting any object to a C pointer; user-defined types may add methods to this generic word:" { $subsections >c-ptr } "More about the " { $link alien } " type:" { $subsections "aliens" } { $warning "The Factor garbage collector can move byte arrays around, and code passing byte arrays, or objects backed by byte arrays, must obey important guidelines. See " { $link "byte-arrays-gc" } "." } ; ARTICLE: "c-data" "Passing data between Factor and C" "Two defining characteristics of Factor are dynamic typing and automatic memory management, which are somewhat incompatible with the machine-level data model exposed by C. Factor's C library interface defines its own set of C data types, distinct from Factor language types, together with automatic conversion between Factor values and C types. For example, C integer types must be declared and are fixed-width, whereas Factor supports arbitrary-precision integers." $nl "Furthermore, Factor's garbage collector can move objects in memory; for a discussion of the consequences, see " { $link "byte-arrays-gc" } "." { $subsections "c-types-specs" "c-pointers" "malloc" "c-strings" "c-out-params" } "Important guidelines for passing data in byte arrays:" { $subsections "byte-arrays-gc" } "C-style enumerated types are supported:" { $subsections POSTPONE: C-ENUM: } "C types can be aliased for convenience and consitency with native library documentation:" { $subsections POSTPONE: TYPEDEF: } "A utility for defining " { $link "destructors" } " for deallocating memory:" { $subsections "alien.destructors" } "C struct and union types can be defined with " { $link POSTPONE: STRUCT: } " and " { $link POSTPONE: UNION: } ". See " { $link "classes.struct" } " for details. For passing arrays to and from C, use the " { $link "specialized-arrays" } " vocabulary." ; HELP: malloc-string { $values { "string" string } { "encoding" "an encoding descriptor" } { "alien" c-ptr } } { $description "Encodes a string together with a trailing null code point using the given encoding, and stores the resulting bytes in a freshly-allocated unmanaged memory block." } { $warning "Don't forget to deallocate the memory with a call to " { $link free } "." } { $errors "Throws an error if one of the following conditions occurs:" { $list "the string contains null code points" "the string contains characters not representable using the encoding specified" "memory allocation fails" } } ; HELP: require-c-array { $values { "c-type" "a C type" } } { $description "Generates a specialized array of " { $snippet "c-type" } " using the " { $link } " or " { $link } " vocabularies." } { $notes "This word must be called inside a compilation unit. See the " { $vocab-link "specialized-arrays" } " vocabulary for details on the underlying sequence types loaded." } ; HELP: { $values { "alien" c-ptr } { "len" integer } { "c-type" "a C type" } { "array" "a specialized direct array" } } { $description "Constructs a new specialized array of length " { $snippet "len" } " and element type " { $snippet "c-type" } " over the range of memory referenced by " { $snippet "alien" } "." } { $notes "The appropriate specialized array vocabulary must be loaded; otherwise, an error will be thrown. The vocabulary can be loaded with the " { $link require-c-array } " word. See the " { $vocab-link "specialized-arrays" } " vocabulary for details on the underlying sequence type constructed." } ; ARTICLE: "c-strings" "C strings" "C string types are arrays with shape " { $snippet "{ char* encoding }" } ", where " { $snippet "encoding" } " is an encoding descriptor. The type " { $link char* } " is an alias for " { $snippet "{ char* utf8 }" } ". See " { $link "encodings-descriptors" } " for information about encoding descriptors." $nl "Passing a Factor string to a C function expecting a C string allocates a " { $link byte-array } " in the Factor heap; the string is then converted to the requested format and a raw pointer is passed to the function." $nl "If the conversion fails, for example if the string contains null bytes or characters with values higher than 255, a " { $link c-string-error. } " is thrown." $nl "Care must be taken if the C function expects a " { $link char* } " with a length in bytes, rather than a null-terminated " { $link char* } "; passing the result of calling " { $link length } " on the string object will not suffice. This is because a Factor string of " { $emphasis "n" } " characters will not necessarily encode to " { $emphasis "n" } " bytes. The correct idiom for C functions which take a string with a length is to first encode the string using " { $link encode } ", and then pass the resulting byte array together with the length of this byte array." $nl "Sometimes a C function has a parameter type of " { $link void* } ", and various data types, among them strings, can be passed in. In this case, strings are not automatically converted to aliens, and instead you must call one of these words:" { $subsections string>alien malloc-string } "The first allocates " { $link byte-array } "s, and the latter allocates manually-managed memory which is not moved by the garbage collector and has to be explicitly freed by calling " { $link free } ". See " { $link "byte-arrays-gc" } " for a discussion of the two approaches." $nl "A word to read strings from arbitrary addresses:" { $subsections alien>string } "For example, if a C function returns a " { $link char* } " but stipulates that the caller must deallocate the memory afterward, you must define the function as returning " { $link void* } ", and call one of the above words before passing the pointer to " { $link free } "." ;