IN: binary-search USING: help.markup help.syntax sequences kernel math.order ; HELP: search { $values { "seq" "a sorted sequence" } { "quot" { $quotation ( ... elt -- ... <=> ) } } { "i" "an index, or " { $link f } } { "elt" "an element, or " { $link f } } } { $description "Performs a binary search on a sequence, calling the quotation to decide whether to end the search (" { $link +eq+ } "), search lower (" { $link +lt+ } ") or search higher (" { $link +gt+ } ")." $nl "If the sequence is non-empty, outputs the index and value of the closest match, which is either an element for which the quotation output " { $link +eq+ } ", or failing that, the least element for which the quotation output " { $link +lt+ } ", or if there were none of the above, the greatest element for which the quotation output " { $link +gt+ } "." $nl "If the sequence is empty, outputs " { $link f } " " { $link f } "." } { $notes "If the sequence has at least one element, this word always outputs a valid index, because it finds the closest match, not necessarily an exact one. In this respect its behavior differs from " { $link find } "." } { $examples "Searching for an integer in a sorted array:" { $example "USING: binary-search kernel math.order prettyprint ;" "{ -130 -40 10 90 160 170 280 } [ 50 >=< ] search [ . ] bi@" "2\n10" } "Frequently, the quotation passed to " { $link search } " is constructed by " { $link curry } " or " { $link with } " in order to make the search key a parameter:" { $example "USING: binary-search kernel math.order prettyprint ;" "50 { -130 -40 10 90 160 170 280 } [ <=> ] with search [ . ] bi@" "2\n10" } } ; { find find-from find-last find-last-from search } related-words HELP: sorted-index { $values { "obj" object } { "seq" "a sorted sequence" } { "i" "an index, or " { $link f } } } { $description "Outputs the index of the element closest to " { $snippet "elt" } " in the sequence. See " { $link search } " for details." } { $notes "If the sequence has at least one element, this word always outputs a valid index, because it finds the closest match, not necessarily an exact one. In this respect its behavior differs from " { $link index } "." } ; { index index-from last-index last-index-from sorted-index } related-words HELP: sorted-member? { $values { "obj" object } { "seq" "a sorted sequence" } { "?" boolean } } { $description "Tests if the sorted sequence contains " { $snippet "elt" } ". Equality is tested with " { $link = } "." } ; { member? sorted-member? } related-words HELP: sorted-member-eq? { $values { "obj" object } { "seq" "a sorted sequence" } { "?" boolean } } { $description "Tests if the sorted sequence contains " { $snippet "elt" } ". Equality is tested with " { $link eq? } "." } ; { member-eq? sorted-member-eq? } related-words ARTICLE: "binary-search" "Binary search" "The " { $emphasis "binary search" } " algorithm allows elements to be located in sorted sequence in " { $snippet "O(log n)" } " time." { $subsections search } "Variants of sequence words optimized for sorted sequences:" { $subsections sorted-index sorted-member? sorted-member-eq? } { $see-also "order-specifiers" "sequences-sorting" } ; ABOUT: "binary-search"