! Copyright (C) 2009 Slava Pestov. ! See http://factorcode.org/license.txt for BSD license. USING: accessors bit-arrays kernel math math.bitwise sequences sequences.private sets ; IN: bit-sets TUPLE: bit-set { table bit-array read-only } ; : ( capacity -- bit-set ) bit-set boa ; inline INSTANCE: bit-set set M: bit-set in? over integer? [ table>> ?nth ] [ 2drop f ] if ; inline M: bit-set adjoin ! This is allowed to throw an error when the elt couldn't ! go in the set [ t ] 2dip table>> set-nth ; M: bit-set delete ! This isn't allowed to throw an error if the elt wasn't ! in the set over integer? [ [ f ] 2dip table>> ?set-nth ] [ 2drop ] if ; ! If you do binary set operations with a bit-set, it's expected ! that the other thing can also be represented as a bit-set ! of the same length. > ] bi@ ] dip 2map ] 3bi bit-array boa ; inline : (bit-set-op) ( set1 set2 -- table1 table2 ) [ set-like ] keep [ table>> ] bi@ ; inline : bit-set-op ( set1 set2 quot: ( a b -- c ) -- bit-set ) [ (bit-set-op) ] dip bit-set-map bit-set boa ; inline PRIVATE> M: bit-set union [ bitor ] bit-set-op ; M: bit-set intersect [ bitand ] bit-set-op ; M: bit-set diff [ bitnot bitand ] bit-set-op ; M: bit-set subset? [ intersect ] keep = ; M: bit-set members table>> [ length ] keep '[ _ nth-unsafe ] filter ; > length ] same? ] [ f ] if [ drop ] [ [ members ] dip table>> length [ adjoin-all ] keep ] if ; PRIVATE> M: bit-set set-like bit-set-like check-bit-set ; inline M: bit-set clone table>> clone bit-set boa ; M: bit-set cardinality table>> bit-count ;