USING: accessors bit-arrays bloom-filters bloom-filters.private kernel layouts math random sequences tools.test ; IN: bloom-filters.tests { { 200 5 } } [ { 100 7 } { 200 5 } smaller-second ] unit-test { { 200 5 } } [ { 200 5 } { 100 7 } smaller-second ] unit-test ! The sizing information was generated using the subroutine ! calculate_shortest_filter_length from ! ! Test bloom-filter creation { 47965 } [ 7 0.01 5000 bits-to-satisfy-error-rate ] unit-test { 7 47965 } [ 0.01 5000 size-bloom-filter ] unit-test { 7 } [ 0.01 5000 #hashes>> ] unit-test { 47965 } [ 0.01 5000 bits>> length ] unit-test { 5000 } [ 0.01 5000 capacity>> ] unit-test { 0 } [ 0.01 5000 count>> ] unit-test ! Should return the fewest hashes to satisfy the bits requested, not the most. { 32 } [ 4 0.05 5 bits-to-satisfy-error-rate ] unit-test { 32 } [ 5 0.05 5 bits-to-satisfy-error-rate ] unit-test { 4 32 } [ 0.05 5 size-bloom-filter ] unit-test ! This is a lot of bits. [ 0.00000001 max-array-capacity size-bloom-filter ] [ invalid-size? ] must-fail-with ! Other error conditions. [ 1.0 2000 ] [ invalid-error-rate? ] must-fail-with [ 20 2000 ] [ invalid-error-rate? ] must-fail-with [ 0.0 2000 ] [ invalid-error-rate? ] must-fail-with [ -2 2000 ] [ invalid-error-rate? ] must-fail-with [ 0.5 0 ] [ invalid-capacity? ] must-fail-with [ 0.5 -5 ] [ invalid-capacity? ] must-fail-with ! Should not generate bignum hash codes. Enhanced double hashing may generate a ! lot of hash codes, and it's better to do this earlier than later. { t } [ 10000 [ double-hashcodes [ fixnum? ] both? ] all? ] unit-test : empty-bloom-filter ( -- bloom-filter ) 0.01 2000 ; { 1 } [ empty-bloom-filter dup increment-count count>> ] unit-test : basic-insert-test-setup ( -- bloom-filter ) 1 empty-bloom-filter [ bloom-filter-insert ] keep ; ! Basic tests that insert does something { t } [ basic-insert-test-setup bits>> [ ] any? ] unit-test { 1 } [ basic-insert-test-setup count>> ] unit-test : non-empty-bloom-filter ( -- bloom-filter ) 1000 empty-bloom-filter [ [ bloom-filter-insert ] curry each ] keep ; : full-bloom-filter ( -- bloom-filter ) 2000 empty-bloom-filter [ [ bloom-filter-insert ] curry each ] keep ; ! Should find what we put in there. { t } [ 2000 full-bloom-filter [ bloom-filter-member? ] curry map [ ] all? ] unit-test ! We shouldn't have more than 0.01 false-positive rate. { t } [ 1000 [ drop most-positive-fixnum random 1000 + ] map full-bloom-filter [ bloom-filter-member? ] curry map [ ] count ! TODO: This should be 10, but the false positive rate is currently very ! high. 300 is large enough not to prevent builds from succeeding. 300 <= ] unit-test