! (c)Joe Groff bsd license USING: accessors alien alien.c-types alien.data alien.syntax ascii assocs byte-arrays classes.struct classes.tuple.parser classes.tuple.private classes.tuple combinators compiler.tree.debugger compiler.units destructors io.encodings.utf8 io.pathnames io.streams.string kernel libc literals math mirrors namespaces prettyprint prettyprint.config see sequences specialized-arrays system tools.test parser lexer eval layouts generic.single classes vocabs ; FROM: math => float ; FROM: specialized-arrays.private => specialized-array-vocab ; QUALIFIED-WITH: alien.c-types c SPECIALIZED-ARRAY: char SPECIALIZED-ARRAY: int SPECIALIZED-ARRAY: ushort IN: classes.struct.tests SYMBOL: struct-test-empty [ [ struct-test-empty { } define-struct-class ] with-compilation-unit ] [ struct-must-have-slots? ] must-fail-with STRUCT: struct-test-foo { x char } { y int initial: 123 } { z bool } ; STRUCT: struct-test-bar { w ushort initial: HEX: ffff } { foo struct-test-foo } ; [ 12 ] [ struct-test-foo heap-size ] unit-test [ 12 ] [ struct-test-foo byte-length ] unit-test [ 16 ] [ struct-test-bar heap-size ] unit-test [ 123 ] [ struct-test-foo y>> ] unit-test [ 123 ] [ struct-test-bar foo>> y>> ] unit-test [ 1 2 3 t ] [ 1 2 3 t struct-test-foo struct-test-bar { [ w>> ] [ foo>> x>> ] [ foo>> y>> ] [ foo>> z>> ] } cleave ] unit-test [ 7654 ] [ S{ struct-test-foo f 98 7654 f } y>> ] unit-test [ 7654 ] [ S{ struct-test-foo { y 7654 } } y>> ] unit-test [ { { "underlying" B{ 98 0 0 98 127 0 0 127 0 0 0 0 } } { { "x" char } 98 } { { "y" int } HEX: 7F00007F } { { "z" bool } f } } ] [ B{ 98 0 0 98 127 0 0 127 0 0 0 0 } struct-test-foo memory>struct make-mirror >alist ] unit-test [ { { "underlying" f } } ] [ f struct-test-foo memory>struct make-mirror >alist ] unit-test [ 55 t ] [ S{ struct-test-foo { x 55 } } make-mirror { "x" "char" } swap at* ] unit-test [ 55 t ] [ S{ struct-test-foo { y 55 } } make-mirror { "y" "int" } swap at* ] unit-test [ t t ] [ S{ struct-test-foo { z t } } make-mirror { "z" "bool" } swap at* ] unit-test [ f t ] [ S{ struct-test-foo { z f } } make-mirror { "z" "bool" } swap at* ] unit-test [ f f ] [ S{ struct-test-foo } make-mirror { "nonexist" "bool" } swap at* ] unit-test [ f f ] [ S{ struct-test-foo } make-mirror "nonexist" swap at* ] unit-test [ f t ] [ f struct-test-foo memory>struct make-mirror "underlying" swap at* ] unit-test [ S{ struct-test-foo { x 3 } { y 2 } { z f } } ] [ S{ struct-test-foo { x 1 } { y 2 } { z f } } [ make-mirror [ 3 { "x" "char" } ] dip set-at ] keep ] unit-test [ S{ struct-test-foo { x 1 } { y 5 } { z f } } ] [ S{ struct-test-foo { x 1 } { y 2 } { z f } } [ make-mirror [ 5 { "y" "int" } ] dip set-at ] keep ] unit-test [ S{ struct-test-foo { x 1 } { y 2 } { z t } } ] [ S{ struct-test-foo { x 1 } { y 2 } { z f } } [ make-mirror [ t { "z" "bool" } ] dip set-at ] keep ] unit-test [ S{ struct-test-foo { x 1 } { y 2 } { z f } } ] [ S{ struct-test-foo { x 1 } { y 2 } { z f } } [ make-mirror [ "nonsense" "underlying" ] dip set-at ] keep ] unit-test [ S{ struct-test-foo { x 1 } { y 2 } { z f } } ] [ S{ struct-test-foo { x 1 } { y 2 } { z f } } [ make-mirror [ "nonsense" "nonexist" ] dip set-at ] keep ] unit-test [ S{ struct-test-foo { x 1 } { y 2 } { z f } } ] [ S{ struct-test-foo { x 1 } { y 2 } { z f } } [ make-mirror [ "nonsense" { "nonexist" "int" } ] dip set-at ] keep ] unit-test [ S{ struct-test-foo { x 1 } { y 123 } { z f } } ] [ S{ struct-test-foo { x 1 } { y 2 } { z f } } [ make-mirror { "y" "int" } swap delete-at ] keep ] unit-test [ S{ struct-test-foo { x 0 } { y 2 } { z f } } ] [ S{ struct-test-foo { x 1 } { y 2 } { z f } } [ make-mirror { "x" "char" } swap delete-at ] keep ] unit-test [ S{ struct-test-foo { x 1 } { y 2 } { z f } } ] [ S{ struct-test-foo { x 1 } { y 2 } { z f } } [ make-mirror { "nonexist" "char" } swap delete-at ] keep ] unit-test [ S{ struct-test-foo { x 1 } { y 2 } { z f } } ] [ S{ struct-test-foo { x 1 } { y 2 } { z f } } [ make-mirror "underlying" swap delete-at ] keep ] unit-test [ S{ struct-test-foo { x 1 } { y 2 } { z f } } ] [ S{ struct-test-foo { x 1 } { y 2 } { z f } } [ make-mirror "nonsense" swap delete-at ] keep ] unit-test [ S{ struct-test-foo { x 0 } { y 123 } { z f } } ] [ S{ struct-test-foo { x 1 } { y 2 } { z t } } [ make-mirror clear-assoc ] keep ] unit-test UNION-STRUCT: struct-test-float-and-bits { f c:float } { bits uint } ; [ 1.0 ] [ struct-test-float-and-bits 1.0 float>bits >>bits f>> ] unit-test [ 4 ] [ struct-test-float-and-bits heap-size ] unit-test [ 123 ] [ [ struct-test-foo malloc-struct &free y>> ] with-destructors ] unit-test STRUCT: struct-test-string-ptr { x c-string } ; [ "hello world" ] [ [ struct-test-string-ptr "hello world" utf8 malloc-string &free >>x x>> ] with-destructors ] unit-test [ "S{ struct-test-foo { x 0 } { y 7654 } { z f } }" ] [ [ boa-tuples? off c-object-pointers? off struct-test-foo 7654 >>y [ pprint ] with-string-writer ] with-scope ] unit-test [ "S@ struct-test-foo B{ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 }" ] [ [ c-object-pointers? on 12 struct-test-foo memory>struct [ pprint ] with-string-writer ] with-scope ] unit-test [ "S{ struct-test-foo f 0 7654 f }" ] [ [ boa-tuples? on c-object-pointers? off struct-test-foo 7654 >>y [ pprint ] with-string-writer ] with-scope ] unit-test [ "S@ struct-test-foo f" ] [ [ c-object-pointers? off f struct-test-foo memory>struct [ pprint ] with-string-writer ] with-scope ] unit-test [ "USING: alien.c-types classes.struct ; IN: classes.struct.tests STRUCT: struct-test-foo { x char initial: 0 } { y int initial: 123 } { z bool } ; " ] [ [ struct-test-foo see ] with-string-writer ] unit-test [ "USING: alien.c-types classes.struct ; IN: classes.struct.tests UNION-STRUCT: struct-test-float-and-bits { f float initial: 0.0 } { bits uint initial: 0 } ; " ] [ [ struct-test-float-and-bits see ] with-string-writer ] unit-test [ { T{ struct-slot-spec { name "x" } { offset 0 } { initial 0 } { class fixnum } { type char } } T{ struct-slot-spec { name "y" } { offset 4 } { initial 123 } { class $[ cell 4 = integer fixnum ? ] } { type int } } T{ struct-slot-spec { name "z" } { offset 8 } { initial f } { type bool } { class object } } } ] [ struct-test-foo c-type fields>> ] unit-test [ { T{ struct-slot-spec { name "f" } { offset 0 } { type c:float } { class float } { initial 0.0 } } T{ struct-slot-spec { name "bits" } { offset 0 } { type uint } { class $[ cell 4 = integer fixnum ? ] } { initial 0 } } } ] [ struct-test-float-and-bits c-type fields>> ] unit-test STRUCT: struct-test-equality-1 { x int } ; STRUCT: struct-test-equality-2 { y int } ; [ t ] [ [ struct-test-equality-1 5 >>x struct-test-equality-1 malloc-struct &free 5 >>x = ] with-destructors ] unit-test [ f ] [ [ struct-test-equality-1 5 >>x struct-test-equality-2 malloc-struct &free 5 >>y = ] with-destructors ] unit-test [ t ] [ [ struct-test-equality-1 5 >>x struct-test-equality-1 malloc-struct &free 5 >>x [ hashcode ] bi@ = ] with-destructors ] unit-test STRUCT: struct-test-array-slots { x int } { y ushort[6] initial: ushort-array{ 2 3 5 7 11 13 } } { z int } ; [ 11 ] [ struct-test-array-slots y>> 4 swap nth ] unit-test [ t ] [ struct-test-array-slots [ y>> [ 8 3 ] dip set-nth ] [ y>> ushort-array{ 2 3 5 8 11 13 } sequence= ] bi ] unit-test STRUCT: struct-test-optimization { x { int 3 } } { y int } ; SPECIALIZED-ARRAY: struct-test-optimization [ t ] [ [ struct-test-optimization memory>struct y>> ] { memory>struct y>> } inlined? ] unit-test [ t ] [ [ 3 third y>> ] { memory>struct y>> } inlined? ] unit-test [ t ] [ [ struct-test-optimization memory>struct y>> ] { memory>struct y>> } inlined? ] unit-test [ t ] [ [ struct-test-optimization memory>struct x>> second ] { memory>struct x>> } inlined? ] unit-test [ f ] [ [ memory>struct y>> ] { memory>struct y>> } inlined? ] unit-test [ t ] [ [ struct-test-optimization struct-test-optimization [ x>> ] bi@ ] { x>> } inlined? ] unit-test [ ] [ [ struct-test-optimization specialized-array-vocab forget-vocab ] with-compilation-unit ] unit-test ! Test cloning structs STRUCT: clone-test-struct { x int } { y char[3] } ; [ 1 char-array{ 9 1 1 } ] [ clone-test-struct 1 >>x char-array{ 9 1 1 } >>y clone [ x>> ] [ y>> >char-array ] bi ] unit-test [ t 1 char-array{ 9 1 1 } ] [ [ clone-test-struct malloc-struct &free 1 >>x char-array{ 9 1 1 } >>y clone [ >c-ptr byte-array? ] [ x>> ] [ y>> >char-array ] tri ] with-destructors ] unit-test STRUCT: struct-that's-a-word { x int } ; : struct-that's-a-word ( -- ) "OOPS" throw ; [ -77 ] [ S{ struct-that's-a-word { x -77 } } clone x>> ] unit-test ! Interactive parsing of struct slot definitions [ "USE: classes.struct IN: classes.struct.tests STRUCT: unexpected-eof-test" "struct-class-test-1" parse-stream ] [ error>> error>> unexpected-eof? ] must-fail-with [ "USING: alien.c-types classes.struct ; IN: classes.struct.tests STRUCT: struct-test-duplicate-slots { x uint } { x uint } ;" eval( -- ) ] [ error>> duplicate-slot-names? ] must-fail-with [ "USING: alien.c-types classes.struct ; IN: classes.struct.tests STRUCT: struct-test-duplicate-slots { x uint } { x float } ;" eval( -- ) ] [ error>> duplicate-slot-names? ] must-fail-with ! S{ with non-struct type [ "USE: classes.struct IN: classes.struct.tests TUPLE: not-a-struct ; S{ not-a-struct }" eval( -- value ) ] [ error>> no-method? ] must-fail-with ! Subclassing a struct class should not be allowed [ "USING: alien.c-types classes.struct ; IN: classes.struct.tests STRUCT: a-struct { x int } ; TUPLE: not-a-struct < a-struct ;" eval( -- ) ] [ error>> bad-superclass? ] must-fail-with ! Changing a superclass into a struct should reset the subclass TUPLE: will-become-struct ; TUPLE: a-subclass < will-become-struct ; [ f ] [ will-become-struct struct-class? ] unit-test [ will-become-struct ] [ a-subclass superclass ] unit-test [ ] [ "IN: classes.struct.tests USING: classes.struct alien.c-types ; STRUCT: will-become-struct { x int } ;" eval( -- ) ] unit-test [ t ] [ will-become-struct struct-class? ] unit-test [ tuple ] [ a-subclass superclass ] unit-test STRUCT: bit-field-test { a uint bits: 12 } { b int bits: 2 } { c char } ; [ S{ bit-field-test f 0 0 0 } ] [ bit-field-test ] unit-test [ S{ bit-field-test f 1 -2 3 } ] [ bit-field-test 1 >>a 2 >>b 3 >>c ] unit-test [ 4095 ] [ bit-field-test 8191 >>a a>> ] unit-test [ 1 ] [ bit-field-test 1 >>b b>> ] unit-test [ -2 ] [ bit-field-test 2 >>b b>> ] unit-test [ 1 ] [ bit-field-test 257 >>c c>> ] unit-test [ 3 ] [ bit-field-test heap-size ] unit-test STRUCT: referent { y int } ; STRUCT: referrer { x referent* } ; [ 57 ] [ [ referrer referent malloc-struct &free 57 >>y >>x x>> y>> ] with-destructors ] unit-test STRUCT: self-referent { x self-referent* } { y int } ; [ 75 ] [ [ self-referent self-referent malloc-struct &free 75 >>y >>x x>> y>> ] with-destructors ] unit-test C-TYPE: forward-referent STRUCT: backward-referent { x forward-referent* } { y int } ; STRUCT: forward-referent { x backward-referent* } { y int } ; [ 41 ] [ [ forward-referent backward-referent malloc-struct &free 41 >>y >>x x>> y>> ] with-destructors ] unit-test [ 14 ] [ [ backward-referent forward-referent malloc-struct &free 14 >>y >>x x>> y>> ] with-destructors ] unit-test cpu ppc? [ STRUCT: ppc-align-test-1 { x longlong } { y int } ; [ 16 ] [ ppc-align-test-1 heap-size ] unit-test STRUCT: ppc-align-test-2 { y int } { x longlong } ; [ 12 ] [ ppc-align-test-2 heap-size ] unit-test [ 4 ] [ "x" ppc-align-test-2 offset-of ] unit-test ] when