USING: cocoa.messages help.markup help.syntax strings alien core-foundation ; IN: cocoa HELP: -> { $syntax "-> selector" } { $values { "selector" "an Objective C method name" } } { $description "A sugared form of the following:" } { $code "\"selector\" send" } ; HELP: SUPER-> { $syntax "-> selector" } { $values { "selector" "an Objective C method name" } } { $description "A sugared form of the following:" } { $code "\"selector\" send-super" } ; { send super-send POSTPONE: -> POSTPONE: SUPER-> } related-words HELP: IMPORT: { $syntax "IMPORT: name" } { $description "Makes an Objective C class available for use." } { $examples { $code "IMPORT: QTMovie" "QTMovie \"My\" f -> movieWithFile:error:" } } ; ARTICLE: "objc-calling" "Calling Objective C code" "Before an Objective C class can be used, it must be imported; by default, a small set of common classes are imported automatically, but additional classes can be imported as needed." { $subsections POSTPONE: IMPORT: } "Every imported Objective C class has as corresponding class word in the " { $vocab-link "cocoa.classes" } " vocabulary. Class words push the class object in the stack, allowing class methods to be invoked." $nl "Messages can be sent to classes and instances using a pair of parsing words:" { $subsections POSTPONE: -> POSTPONE: SUPER-> } "These parsing words are actually syntax sugar for a pair of ordinary words; they can be used instead of the parsing words if the selector name is dynamically computed:" { $subsections send super-send } ; ARTICLE: "cocoa" "Cocoa bridge" "The " { $vocab-link "cocoa" } " vocabulary implements a Factor-Cocoa bridge for Mac OS X (GNUstep is not supported)." $nl "The lowest layer uses the " { $link "alien" } " to define bindings for the various functions in Apple's Objective-C runtime. This is defined in the " { $vocab-link "cocoa.runtime" } " vocabulary." $nl "On top of this, a dynamic message send facility is built:" { $subsections "objc-calling" "objc-subclassing" } "A utility library is built to facilitate the development of Cocoa applications in Factor:" { $subsections "cocoa-application-utils" "cocoa-dialogs" "cocoa-pasteboard-utils" "cocoa-view-utils" "cocoa-window-utils" } ; ABOUT: "cocoa"