! Copyright (C) 2009, 2010 Joe Groff, Slava Pestov. ! See http://factorcode.org/license.txt for BSD license. USING: alien.c-types arrays assocs combinators fry kernel locals macros math math.vectors namespaces quotations sequences system compiler.cfg.comparisons compiler.cfg.intrinsics compiler.codegen.fixup cpu.architecture cpu.x86 cpu.x86.assembler cpu.x86.assembler.operands cpu.x86.features ; QUALIFIED-WITH: alien.c-types c IN: cpu.x86.sse ! Scalar floating point with SSE2 M: x86 %load-float c:float float-rep %load-vector ; M: x86 %load-double c:double double-rep %load-vector ; M: float-rep copy-register* drop MOVAPS ; M: double-rep copy-register* drop MOVAPS ; M: float-rep copy-memory* drop MOVSS ; M: double-rep copy-memory* drop MOVSD ; M: x86 %add-float double-rep two-operand ADDSD ; M: x86 %sub-float double-rep two-operand SUBSD ; M: x86 %mul-float double-rep two-operand MULSD ; M: x86 %div-float double-rep two-operand DIVSD ; M: x86 %min-float double-rep two-operand MINSD ; M: x86 %max-float double-rep two-operand MAXSD ; M: x86 %sqrt SQRTSD ; : %clear-unless-in-place ( dst src -- ) over = [ drop ] [ dup XORPS ] if ; M: x86 %single>double-float [ %clear-unless-in-place ] [ CVTSS2SD ] 2bi ; M: x86 %double>single-float [ %clear-unless-in-place ] [ CVTSD2SS ] 2bi ; M: x86 integer-float-needs-stack-frame? f ; M: x86 %integer>float [ drop dup XORPS ] [ CVTSI2SD ] 2bi ; M: x86 %float>integer CVTTSD2SI ; M: x86 %compare-float-ordered ( dst src1 src2 cc temp -- ) [ COMISD ] (%compare-float) ; M: x86 %compare-float-unordered ( dst src1 src2 cc temp -- ) [ UCOMISD ] (%compare-float) ; M: x86 %compare-float-ordered-branch ( label src1 src2 cc -- ) [ COMISD ] (%compare-float-branch) ; M: x86 %compare-float-unordered-branch ( label src1 src2 cc -- ) [ UCOMISD ] (%compare-float-branch) ; ! SIMD M: float-4-rep copy-register* drop MOVAPS ; M: double-2-rep copy-register* drop MOVAPS ; M: vector-rep copy-register* drop MOVDQA ; MACRO: available-reps ( alist -- ) ! Each SSE version adds new representations and supports ! all old ones unzip { } [ append ] accumulate rest swap suffix [ [ 1quotation ] map ] bi@ zip reverse [ { } ] suffix '[ _ cond ] ; M: x86 %alien-vector-reps { { sse? { float-4-rep } } { sse2? { double-2-rep char-16-rep uchar-16-rep short-8-rep ushort-8-rep int-4-rep uint-4-rep longlong-2-rep ulonglong-2-rep } } } available-reps ; M: x86 %zero-vector { { double-2-rep [ dup XORPS ] } { float-4-rep [ dup XORPS ] } [ drop dup PXOR ] } case ; M: x86 %zero-vector-reps { { sse? { float-4-rep } } { sse2? { double-2-rep char-16-rep uchar-16-rep short-8-rep ushort-8-rep int-4-rep uint-4-rep longlong-2-rep ulonglong-2-rep } } } available-reps ; M: x86 %fill-vector { { double-2-rep [ dup [ XORPS ] [ CMPEQPS ] 2bi ] } { float-4-rep [ dup [ XORPS ] [ CMPEQPS ] 2bi ] } [ drop dup PCMPEQB ] } case ; M: x86 %fill-vector-reps { { sse? { float-4-rep } } { sse2? { double-2-rep char-16-rep uchar-16-rep short-8-rep ushort-8-rep int-4-rep uint-4-rep longlong-2-rep ulonglong-2-rep } } } available-reps ; M:: x86 %gather-vector-4 ( dst src1 src2 src3 src4 rep -- ) rep signed-rep { { float-4-rep [ dst src1 float-4-rep %copy dst src2 UNPCKLPS src3 src4 UNPCKLPS dst src3 MOVLHPS ] } { int-4-rep [ dst src1 int-4-rep %copy dst src2 PUNPCKLDQ src3 src4 PUNPCKLDQ dst src3 PUNPCKLQDQ ] } } case ; M: x86 %gather-vector-4-reps { ! Can't do this with sse1 since it will want to unbox ! double-precision floats and convert to single precision { sse2? { float-4-rep int-4-rep uint-4-rep } } } available-reps ; M:: x86 %gather-int-vector-4 ( dst src1 src2 src3 src4 rep -- ) dst rep %zero-vector dst src1 32-bit-version-of 0 PINSRD dst src2 32-bit-version-of 1 PINSRD dst src3 32-bit-version-of 2 PINSRD dst src4 32-bit-version-of 3 PINSRD ; M: x86 %gather-int-vector-4-reps { { sse4.1? { int-4-rep uint-4-rep } } } available-reps ; M:: x86 %gather-vector-2 ( dst src1 src2 rep -- ) rep signed-rep { { double-2-rep [ dst src1 double-2-rep %copy dst src2 MOVLHPS ] } { longlong-2-rep [ dst src1 longlong-2-rep %copy dst src2 PUNPCKLQDQ ] } } case ; M: x86 %gather-vector-2-reps { { sse2? { double-2-rep longlong-2-rep ulonglong-2-rep } } } available-reps ; M:: x86.64 %gather-int-vector-2 ( dst src1 src2 rep -- ) dst rep %zero-vector dst src1 0 PINSRQ dst src2 1 PINSRQ ; M: x86.64 %gather-int-vector-2-reps { { sse4.1? { longlong-2-rep ulonglong-2-rep } } } available-reps ; :: %select-vector-32 ( dst src n rep -- ) rep { { char-16-rep [ dst 32-bit-version-of src n PEXTRB dst dst 8-bit-version-of MOVSX ] } { uchar-16-rep [ dst 32-bit-version-of src n PEXTRB ] } { short-8-rep [ dst 32-bit-version-of src n PEXTRW dst dst 16-bit-version-of MOVSX ] } { ushort-8-rep [ dst 32-bit-version-of src n PEXTRW ] } { int-4-rep [ dst 32-bit-version-of src n PEXTRD dst dst 32-bit-version-of 2dup = [ 2drop ] [ MOVSX ] if ] } { uint-4-rep [ dst 32-bit-version-of src n PEXTRD ] } } case ; M: x86.32 %select-vector %select-vector-32 ; M: x86.32 %select-vector-reps { { sse4.1? { uchar-16-rep char-16-rep ushort-8-rep short-8-rep uint-4-rep int-4-rep } } } available-reps ; M: x86.64 %select-vector { { longlong-2-rep [ PEXTRQ ] } { ulonglong-2-rep [ PEXTRQ ] } [ %select-vector-32 ] } case ; M: x86.64 %select-vector-reps { { sse4.1? { uchar-16-rep char-16-rep ushort-8-rep short-8-rep uint-4-rep int-4-rep ulonglong-2-rep longlong-2-rep } } } available-reps ; : sse1-float-4-shuffle ( dst shuffle -- ) { { { 0 1 2 3 } [ drop ] } { { 0 1 0 1 } [ dup MOVLHPS ] } { { 2 3 2 3 } [ dup MOVHLPS ] } { { 0 0 1 1 } [ dup UNPCKLPS ] } { { 2 2 3 3 } [ dup UNPCKHPS ] } [ dupd SHUFPS ] } case ; : float-4-shuffle ( dst shuffle -- ) sse3? [ { { { 0 0 2 2 } [ dup MOVSLDUP ] } { { 1 1 3 3 } [ dup MOVSHDUP ] } [ sse1-float-4-shuffle ] } case ] [ sse1-float-4-shuffle ] if ; : int-4-shuffle ( dst shuffle -- ) { { { 0 1 2 3 } [ drop ] } { { 0 0 1 1 } [ dup PUNPCKLDQ ] } { { 2 2 3 3 } [ dup PUNPCKHDQ ] } { { 0 1 0 1 } [ dup PUNPCKLQDQ ] } { { 2 3 2 3 } [ dup PUNPCKHQDQ ] } [ dupd PSHUFD ] } case ; : longlong-2-shuffle ( dst shuffle -- ) first2 [ 2 * dup 1 + ] bi@ 4array int-4-shuffle ; : >float-4-shuffle ( double-2-shuffle -- float-4-shuffle ) [ 2 * { 0 1 } n+v ] map concat ; M:: x86 %shuffle-vector-imm ( dst src shuffle rep -- ) dst src rep %copy dst shuffle rep signed-rep { { double-2-rep [ >float-4-shuffle float-4-shuffle ] } { float-4-rep [ float-4-shuffle ] } { int-4-rep [ int-4-shuffle ] } { longlong-2-rep [ longlong-2-shuffle ] } } case ; M: x86 %shuffle-vector-imm-reps { { sse? { float-4-rep } } { sse2? { double-2-rep int-4-rep uint-4-rep longlong-2-rep ulonglong-2-rep } } } available-reps ; M:: x86 %shuffle-vector-halves-imm ( dst src1 src2 shuffle rep -- ) dst src1 src2 rep two-operand shuffle rep { { double-2-rep [ >float-4-shuffle SHUFPS ] } { float-4-rep [ SHUFPS ] } } case ; M: x86 %shuffle-vector-halves-imm-reps { { sse? { float-4-rep } } { sse2? { double-2-rep } } } available-reps ; M: x86 %shuffle-vector ( dst src shuffle rep -- ) two-operand PSHUFB ; M: x86 %shuffle-vector-reps { { ssse3? { float-4-rep double-2-rep longlong-2-rep ulonglong-2-rep int-4-rep uint-4-rep short-8-rep ushort-8-rep char-16-rep uchar-16-rep } } } available-reps ; M: x86 %merge-vector-head [ two-operand ] keep signed-rep { { double-2-rep [ MOVLHPS ] } { float-4-rep [ UNPCKLPS ] } { longlong-2-rep [ PUNPCKLQDQ ] } { int-4-rep [ PUNPCKLDQ ] } { short-8-rep [ PUNPCKLWD ] } { char-16-rep [ PUNPCKLBW ] } } case ; M: x86 %merge-vector-tail [ two-operand ] keep signed-rep { { double-2-rep [ UNPCKHPD ] } { float-4-rep [ UNPCKHPS ] } { longlong-2-rep [ PUNPCKHQDQ ] } { int-4-rep [ PUNPCKHDQ ] } { short-8-rep [ PUNPCKHWD ] } { char-16-rep [ PUNPCKHBW ] } } case ; M: x86 %merge-vector-reps { { sse? { float-4-rep } } { sse2? { double-2-rep char-16-rep uchar-16-rep short-8-rep ushort-8-rep int-4-rep uint-4-rep longlong-2-rep ulonglong-2-rep } } } available-reps ; M: x86 %float-pack-vector drop CVTPD2PS ; M: x86 %float-pack-vector-reps { { sse2? { double-2-rep } } } available-reps ; M: x86 %signed-pack-vector [ two-operand ] keep { { int-4-rep [ PACKSSDW ] } { short-8-rep [ PACKSSWB ] } } case ; M: x86 %signed-pack-vector-reps { { sse2? { short-8-rep int-4-rep } } } available-reps ; M: x86 %unsigned-pack-vector [ two-operand ] keep signed-rep { { int-4-rep [ PACKUSDW ] } { short-8-rep [ PACKUSWB ] } } case ; M: x86 %unsigned-pack-vector-reps { { sse2? { short-8-rep } } { sse4.1? { int-4-rep } } } available-reps ; M: x86 %tail>head-vector ( dst src rep -- ) dup { { float-4-rep [ drop UNPCKHPD ] } { double-2-rep [ drop UNPCKHPD ] } [ drop [ %copy ] [ drop PUNPCKHQDQ ] 3bi ] } case ; M: x86 %unpack-vector-head ( dst src rep -- ) { { char-16-rep [ PMOVSXBW ] } { uchar-16-rep [ PMOVZXBW ] } { short-8-rep [ PMOVSXWD ] } { ushort-8-rep [ PMOVZXWD ] } { int-4-rep [ PMOVSXDQ ] } { uint-4-rep [ PMOVZXDQ ] } { float-4-rep [ CVTPS2PD ] } } case ; M: x86 %unpack-vector-head-reps ( -- reps ) { { sse2? { float-4-rep } } { sse4.1? { char-16-rep uchar-16-rep short-8-rep ushort-8-rep int-4-rep uint-4-rep } } } available-reps ; M: x86 %integer>float-vector ( dst src rep -- ) { { int-4-rep [ CVTDQ2PS ] } } case ; M: x86 %integer>float-vector-reps { { sse2? { int-4-rep } } } available-reps ; M: x86 %float>integer-vector ( dst src rep -- ) { { float-4-rep [ CVTTPS2DQ ] } } case ; M: x86 %float>integer-vector-reps { { sse2? { float-4-rep } } } available-reps ; : (%compare-float-vector) ( dst src rep double single -- ) [ double-2-rep eq? ] 2dip if ; inline : %compare-float-vector ( dst src rep cc -- ) { { cc< [ [ CMPLTPD ] [ CMPLTPS ] (%compare-float-vector) ] } { cc<= [ [ CMPLEPD ] [ CMPLEPS ] (%compare-float-vector) ] } { cc= [ [ CMPEQPD ] [ CMPEQPS ] (%compare-float-vector) ] } { cc<>= [ [ CMPORDPD ] [ CMPORDPS ] (%compare-float-vector) ] } { cc/< [ [ CMPNLTPD ] [ CMPNLTPS ] (%compare-float-vector) ] } { cc/<= [ [ CMPNLEPD ] [ CMPNLEPS ] (%compare-float-vector) ] } { cc/= [ [ CMPNEQPD ] [ CMPNEQPS ] (%compare-float-vector) ] } { cc/<>= [ [ CMPUNORDPD ] [ CMPUNORDPS ] (%compare-float-vector) ] } } case ; :: (%compare-int-vector) ( dst src rep int64 int32 int16 int8 -- ) rep signed-rep :> rep' dst src rep' { { longlong-2-rep [ int64 call ] } { int-4-rep [ int32 call ] } { short-8-rep [ int16 call ] } { char-16-rep [ int8 call ] } } case ; inline : %compare-int-vector ( dst src rep cc -- ) { { cc= [ [ PCMPEQQ ] [ PCMPEQD ] [ PCMPEQW ] [ PCMPEQB ] (%compare-int-vector) ] } { cc> [ [ PCMPGTQ ] [ PCMPGTD ] [ PCMPGTW ] [ PCMPGTB ] (%compare-int-vector) ] } } case ; M: x86 %compare-vector ( dst src1 src2 rep cc -- ) [ [ two-operand ] keep ] dip over float-vector-rep? [ %compare-float-vector ] [ %compare-int-vector ] if ; : %compare-vector-eq-reps ( -- reps ) { { sse? { float-4-rep } } { sse2? { double-2-rep char-16-rep uchar-16-rep short-8-rep ushort-8-rep int-4-rep uint-4-rep } } { sse4.1? { longlong-2-rep ulonglong-2-rep } } } available-reps ; : %compare-vector-ord-reps ( -- reps ) { { sse? { float-4-rep } } { sse2? { double-2-rep char-16-rep short-8-rep int-4-rep } } { sse4.2? { longlong-2-rep } } } available-reps ; M: x86 %compare-vector-reps { { [ dup { cc= cc/= cc/<>= cc<>= } member-eq? ] [ drop %compare-vector-eq-reps ] } [ drop %compare-vector-ord-reps ] } cond ; : %compare-float-vector-ccs ( cc -- ccs not? ) { { cc< [ { { cc< f } } f ] } { cc<= [ { { cc<= f } } f ] } { cc> [ { { cc< t } } f ] } { cc>= [ { { cc<= t } } f ] } { cc= [ { { cc= f } } f ] } { cc<> [ { { cc< f } { cc< t } } f ] } { cc<>= [ { { cc<>= f } } f ] } { cc/< [ { { cc/< f } } f ] } { cc/<= [ { { cc/<= f } } f ] } { cc/> [ { { cc/< t } } f ] } { cc/>= [ { { cc/<= t } } f ] } { cc/= [ { { cc/= f } } f ] } { cc/<> [ { { cc/= f } { cc/<>= f } } f ] } { cc/<>= [ { { cc/<>= f } } f ] } } case ; : %compare-int-vector-ccs ( cc -- ccs not? ) order-cc { { cc< [ { { cc> t } } f ] } { cc<= [ { { cc> f } } t ] } { cc> [ { { cc> f } } f ] } { cc>= [ { { cc> t } } t ] } { cc= [ { { cc= f } } f ] } { cc/= [ { { cc= f } } t ] } { t [ { } t ] } { f [ { } f ] } } case ; M: x86 %compare-vector-ccs swap float-vector-rep? [ %compare-float-vector-ccs ] [ %compare-int-vector-ccs ] if ; :: %test-vector-mask ( dst temp mask vcc -- ) vcc { { vcc-any [ dst dst TEST dst temp \ CMOVNE (%boolean) ] } { vcc-none [ dst dst TEST dst temp \ CMOVE (%boolean) ] } { vcc-all [ dst mask CMP dst temp \ CMOVE (%boolean) ] } { vcc-notall [ dst mask CMP dst temp \ CMOVNE (%boolean) ] } } case ; : %move-vector-mask ( dst src rep -- mask ) { { double-2-rep [ MOVMSKPS HEX: f ] } { float-4-rep [ MOVMSKPS HEX: f ] } [ drop PMOVMSKB HEX: ffff ] } case ; M:: x86 %test-vector ( dst src temp rep vcc -- ) dst src rep %move-vector-mask :> mask dst temp mask vcc %test-vector-mask ; :: %test-vector-mask-branch ( label temp mask vcc -- ) vcc { { vcc-any [ temp temp TEST label JNE ] } { vcc-none [ temp temp TEST label JE ] } { vcc-all [ temp mask CMP label JE ] } { vcc-notall [ temp mask CMP label JNE ] } } case ; M:: x86 %test-vector-branch ( label src temp rep vcc -- ) temp src rep %move-vector-mask :> mask label temp mask vcc %test-vector-mask-branch ; M: x86 %test-vector-reps { { sse? { float-4-rep } } { sse2? { double-2-rep char-16-rep uchar-16-rep short-8-rep ushort-8-rep int-4-rep uint-4-rep longlong-2-rep ulonglong-2-rep } } } available-reps ; M: x86 %add-vector ( dst src1 src2 rep -- ) [ two-operand ] keep { { float-4-rep [ ADDPS ] } { double-2-rep [ ADDPD ] } { char-16-rep [ PADDB ] } { uchar-16-rep [ PADDB ] } { short-8-rep [ PADDW ] } { ushort-8-rep [ PADDW ] } { int-4-rep [ PADDD ] } { uint-4-rep [ PADDD ] } { longlong-2-rep [ PADDQ ] } { ulonglong-2-rep [ PADDQ ] } } case ; M: x86 %add-vector-reps { { sse? { float-4-rep } } { sse2? { double-2-rep char-16-rep uchar-16-rep short-8-rep ushort-8-rep int-4-rep uint-4-rep longlong-2-rep ulonglong-2-rep } } } available-reps ; M: x86 %saturated-add-vector ( dst src1 src2 rep -- ) [ two-operand ] keep { { char-16-rep [ PADDSB ] } { uchar-16-rep [ PADDUSB ] } { short-8-rep [ PADDSW ] } { ushort-8-rep [ PADDUSW ] } } case ; M: x86 %saturated-add-vector-reps { { sse2? { char-16-rep uchar-16-rep short-8-rep ushort-8-rep } } } available-reps ; M: x86 %add-sub-vector ( dst src1 src2 rep -- ) [ two-operand ] keep { { float-4-rep [ ADDSUBPS ] } { double-2-rep [ ADDSUBPD ] } } case ; M: x86 %add-sub-vector-reps { { sse3? { float-4-rep double-2-rep } } } available-reps ; M: x86 %sub-vector ( dst src1 src2 rep -- ) [ two-operand ] keep { { float-4-rep [ SUBPS ] } { double-2-rep [ SUBPD ] } { char-16-rep [ PSUBB ] } { uchar-16-rep [ PSUBB ] } { short-8-rep [ PSUBW ] } { ushort-8-rep [ PSUBW ] } { int-4-rep [ PSUBD ] } { uint-4-rep [ PSUBD ] } { longlong-2-rep [ PSUBQ ] } { ulonglong-2-rep [ PSUBQ ] } } case ; M: x86 %sub-vector-reps { { sse? { float-4-rep } } { sse2? { double-2-rep char-16-rep uchar-16-rep short-8-rep ushort-8-rep int-4-rep uint-4-rep longlong-2-rep ulonglong-2-rep } } } available-reps ; M: x86 %saturated-sub-vector ( dst src1 src2 rep -- ) [ two-operand ] keep { { char-16-rep [ PSUBSB ] } { uchar-16-rep [ PSUBUSB ] } { short-8-rep [ PSUBSW ] } { ushort-8-rep [ PSUBUSW ] } } case ; M: x86 %saturated-sub-vector-reps { { sse2? { char-16-rep uchar-16-rep short-8-rep ushort-8-rep } } } available-reps ; M: x86 %mul-vector ( dst src1 src2 rep -- ) [ two-operand ] keep { { float-4-rep [ MULPS ] } { double-2-rep [ MULPD ] } { short-8-rep [ PMULLW ] } { ushort-8-rep [ PMULLW ] } { int-4-rep [ PMULLD ] } { uint-4-rep [ PMULLD ] } } case ; M: x86 %mul-vector-reps { { sse? { float-4-rep } } { sse2? { double-2-rep short-8-rep ushort-8-rep } } { sse4.1? { int-4-rep uint-4-rep } } } available-reps ; M: x86 %mul-high-vector ( dst src1 src2 rep -- ) [ two-operand ] keep { { short-8-rep [ PMULHW ] } { ushort-8-rep [ PMULHUW ] } } case ; M: x86 %mul-high-vector-reps { { sse2? { short-8-rep ushort-8-rep } } } available-reps ; M: x86 %mul-horizontal-add-vector ( dst src1 src2 rep -- ) [ two-operand ] keep { { char-16-rep [ PMADDUBSW ] } { uchar-16-rep [ PMADDUBSW ] } { short-8-rep [ PMADDWD ] } } case ; M: x86 %mul-horizontal-add-vector-reps { { sse2? { short-8-rep } } { ssse3? { char-16-rep uchar-16-rep } } } available-reps ; M: x86 %div-vector ( dst src1 src2 rep -- ) [ two-operand ] keep { { float-4-rep [ DIVPS ] } { double-2-rep [ DIVPD ] } } case ; M: x86 %div-vector-reps { { sse? { float-4-rep } } { sse2? { double-2-rep } } } available-reps ; M: x86 %min-vector ( dst src1 src2 rep -- ) [ two-operand ] keep { { char-16-rep [ PMINSB ] } { uchar-16-rep [ PMINUB ] } { short-8-rep [ PMINSW ] } { ushort-8-rep [ PMINUW ] } { int-4-rep [ PMINSD ] } { uint-4-rep [ PMINUD ] } { float-4-rep [ MINPS ] } { double-2-rep [ MINPD ] } } case ; M: x86 %min-vector-reps { { sse? { float-4-rep } } { sse2? { uchar-16-rep short-8-rep double-2-rep } } { sse4.1? { char-16-rep ushort-8-rep int-4-rep uint-4-rep } } } available-reps ; M: x86 %max-vector ( dst src1 src2 rep -- ) [ two-operand ] keep { { char-16-rep [ PMAXSB ] } { uchar-16-rep [ PMAXUB ] } { short-8-rep [ PMAXSW ] } { ushort-8-rep [ PMAXUW ] } { int-4-rep [ PMAXSD ] } { uint-4-rep [ PMAXUD ] } { float-4-rep [ MAXPS ] } { double-2-rep [ MAXPD ] } } case ; M: x86 %max-vector-reps { { sse? { float-4-rep } } { sse2? { uchar-16-rep short-8-rep double-2-rep } } { sse4.1? { char-16-rep ushort-8-rep int-4-rep uint-4-rep } } } available-reps ; M: x86 %avg-vector ( dst src1 src2 rep -- ) [ two-operand ] keep { { uchar-16-rep [ PAVGB ] } { ushort-8-rep [ PAVGW ] } } case ; M: x86 %avg-vector-reps { { sse2? { uchar-16-rep ushort-8-rep } } } available-reps ; M: x86 %dot-vector [ two-operand ] keep { { float-4-rep [ HEX: ff DPPS ] } { double-2-rep [ HEX: ff DPPD ] } } case ; M: x86 %dot-vector-reps { { sse4.1? { float-4-rep double-2-rep } } } available-reps ; M: x86 %sad-vector [ two-operand ] keep { { uchar-16-rep [ PSADBW ] } } case ; M: x86 %sad-vector-reps { { sse2? { uchar-16-rep } } } available-reps ; M: x86 %horizontal-add-vector ( dst src1 src2 rep -- ) [ two-operand ] keep signed-rep { { float-4-rep [ HADDPS ] } { double-2-rep [ HADDPD ] } { int-4-rep [ PHADDD ] } { short-8-rep [ PHADDW ] } } case ; M: x86 %horizontal-add-vector-reps { { sse3? { float-4-rep double-2-rep } } { ssse3? { int-4-rep uint-4-rep short-8-rep ushort-8-rep } } } available-reps ; M: x86 %horizontal-shl-vector-imm ( dst src1 src2 rep -- ) two-operand PSLLDQ ; M: x86 %horizontal-shl-vector-imm-reps { { sse2? { char-16-rep uchar-16-rep short-8-rep ushort-8-rep int-4-rep uint-4-rep longlong-2-rep ulonglong-2-rep float-4-rep double-2-rep } } } available-reps ; M: x86 %horizontal-shr-vector-imm ( dst src1 src2 rep -- ) two-operand PSRLDQ ; M: x86 %horizontal-shr-vector-imm-reps { { sse2? { char-16-rep uchar-16-rep short-8-rep ushort-8-rep int-4-rep uint-4-rep longlong-2-rep ulonglong-2-rep float-4-rep double-2-rep } } } available-reps ; M: x86 %abs-vector ( dst src rep -- ) { { char-16-rep [ PABSB ] } { short-8-rep [ PABSW ] } { int-4-rep [ PABSD ] } } case ; M: x86 %abs-vector-reps { { ssse3? { char-16-rep short-8-rep int-4-rep } } } available-reps ; M: x86 %sqrt-vector ( dst src rep -- ) { { float-4-rep [ SQRTPS ] } { double-2-rep [ SQRTPD ] } } case ; M: x86 %sqrt-vector-reps { { sse? { float-4-rep } } { sse2? { double-2-rep } } } available-reps ; M: x86 %and-vector ( dst src1 src2 rep -- ) [ two-operand ] keep { { float-4-rep [ ANDPS ] } { double-2-rep [ ANDPS ] } [ drop PAND ] } case ; M: x86 %and-vector-reps { { sse? { float-4-rep } } { sse2? { double-2-rep char-16-rep uchar-16-rep short-8-rep ushort-8-rep int-4-rep uint-4-rep longlong-2-rep ulonglong-2-rep } } } available-reps ; M: x86 %andn-vector ( dst src1 src2 rep -- ) [ two-operand ] keep { { float-4-rep [ ANDNPS ] } { double-2-rep [ ANDNPS ] } [ drop PANDN ] } case ; M: x86 %andn-vector-reps { { sse? { float-4-rep } } { sse2? { double-2-rep char-16-rep uchar-16-rep short-8-rep ushort-8-rep int-4-rep uint-4-rep longlong-2-rep ulonglong-2-rep } } } available-reps ; M: x86 %or-vector ( dst src1 src2 rep -- ) [ two-operand ] keep { { float-4-rep [ ORPS ] } { double-2-rep [ ORPS ] } [ drop POR ] } case ; M: x86 %or-vector-reps { { sse? { float-4-rep } } { sse2? { double-2-rep char-16-rep uchar-16-rep short-8-rep ushort-8-rep int-4-rep uint-4-rep longlong-2-rep ulonglong-2-rep } } } available-reps ; M: x86 %xor-vector ( dst src1 src2 rep -- ) [ two-operand ] keep { { float-4-rep [ XORPS ] } { double-2-rep [ XORPS ] } [ drop PXOR ] } case ; M: x86 %xor-vector-reps { { sse? { float-4-rep } } { sse2? { double-2-rep char-16-rep uchar-16-rep short-8-rep ushort-8-rep int-4-rep uint-4-rep longlong-2-rep ulonglong-2-rep } } } available-reps ; M: x86 %shl-vector ( dst src1 src2 rep -- ) [ two-operand ] keep { { short-8-rep [ PSLLW ] } { ushort-8-rep [ PSLLW ] } { int-4-rep [ PSLLD ] } { uint-4-rep [ PSLLD ] } { longlong-2-rep [ PSLLQ ] } { ulonglong-2-rep [ PSLLQ ] } } case ; M: x86 %shl-vector-reps { { sse2? { short-8-rep ushort-8-rep int-4-rep uint-4-rep longlong-2-rep ulonglong-2-rep } } } available-reps ; M: x86 %shr-vector ( dst src1 src2 rep -- ) [ two-operand ] keep { { short-8-rep [ PSRAW ] } { ushort-8-rep [ PSRLW ] } { int-4-rep [ PSRAD ] } { uint-4-rep [ PSRLD ] } { ulonglong-2-rep [ PSRLQ ] } } case ; M: x86 %shr-vector-reps { { sse2? { short-8-rep ushort-8-rep int-4-rep uint-4-rep ulonglong-2-rep } } } available-reps ; M: x86 %shl-vector-imm %shl-vector ; M: x86 %shl-vector-imm-reps %shl-vector-reps ; M: x86 %shr-vector-imm %shr-vector ; M: x86 %shr-vector-imm-reps %shr-vector-reps ; : scalar-sized-reg ( reg rep -- reg' ) rep-size 8 * n-bit-version-of ; M: x86 %integer>scalar drop MOVD ; :: %scalar>integer-32 ( dst src rep -- ) rep { { int-scalar-rep [ dst 32-bit-version-of src MOVD dst dst 32-bit-version-of 2dup eq? [ 2drop ] [ MOVSX ] if ] } { uint-scalar-rep [ dst 32-bit-version-of src MOVD ] } { short-scalar-rep [ dst 32-bit-version-of src MOVD dst dst 16-bit-version-of MOVSX ] } { ushort-scalar-rep [ dst 32-bit-version-of src MOVD dst dst 16-bit-version-of MOVZX ] } { char-scalar-rep [ dst 32-bit-version-of src MOVD dst { } 8 [| tmp-dst | tmp-dst dst int-rep %copy tmp-dst tmp-dst 8-bit-version-of MOVSX dst tmp-dst int-rep %copy ] with-small-register ] } { uchar-scalar-rep [ dst 32-bit-version-of src MOVD dst { } 8 [| tmp-dst | tmp-dst dst int-rep %copy tmp-dst tmp-dst 8-bit-version-of MOVZX dst tmp-dst int-rep %copy ] with-small-register ] } } case ; M: x86.32 %scalar>integer ( dst src rep -- ) %scalar>integer-32 ; M: x86.64 %scalar>integer ( dst src rep -- ) { { longlong-scalar-rep [ MOVD ] } { ulonglong-scalar-rep [ MOVD ] } [ %scalar>integer-32 ] } case ; M: x86 %vector>scalar %copy ; M: x86 %scalar>vector %copy ; enable-float-intrinsics enable-float-min/max enable-fsqrt