! Copyright (C) 2005, 2008 Slava Pestov. ! See http://factorcode.org/license.txt for BSD license. USING: accessors assocs alien alien.c-types arrays strings cpu.x86.assembler cpu.x86.assembler.private cpu.x86.assembler.operands cpu.architecture kernel kernel.private math memory namespaces make sequences words system layouts combinators math.order fry locals compiler.constants compiler.cfg.registers compiler.cfg.instructions compiler.cfg.intrinsics compiler.cfg.comparisons compiler.cfg.stack-frame compiler.codegen compiler.codegen.fixup ; IN: cpu.x86 << enable-fixnum-log2 >> ! Add some methods to the assembler to be more useful to the backend M: label JMP 0 JMP rc-relative label-fixup ; M: label JUMPcc [ 0 ] dip JUMPcc rc-relative label-fixup ; M: x86 two-operand? t ; HOOK: stack-reg cpu ( -- reg ) HOOK: reserved-area-size cpu ( -- n ) : stack@ ( n -- op ) stack-reg swap [+] ; : param@ ( n -- op ) reserved-area-size + stack@ ; : spill@ ( n -- op ) spill-offset param@ ; : gc-root@ ( n -- op ) gc-root-offset param@ ; : decr-stack-reg ( n -- ) dup 0 = [ drop ] [ stack-reg swap SUB ] if ; : incr-stack-reg ( n -- ) dup 0 = [ drop ] [ stack-reg swap ADD ] if ; : align-stack ( n -- n' ) os macosx? cpu x86.64? or [ 16 align ] when ; M: x86 stack-frame-size ( stack-frame -- i ) (stack-frame-size) 3 cells reserved-area-size + + align-stack ; ! Must be a volatile register not used for parameter passing, for safe ! use in calls in and out of C HOOK: temp-reg cpu ( -- reg ) ! Fastcall calling convention HOOK: param-reg-1 cpu ( -- reg ) HOOK: param-reg-2 cpu ( -- reg ) HOOK: pic-tail-reg cpu ( -- reg ) M: x86 %load-immediate dup 0 = [ drop dup XOR ] [ MOV ] if ; M: x86 %load-reference swap 0 MOV rc-absolute-cell rel-immediate ; HOOK: ds-reg cpu ( -- reg ) HOOK: rs-reg cpu ( -- reg ) : reg-stack ( n reg -- op ) swap cells neg [+] ; GENERIC: loc>operand ( loc -- operand ) M: ds-loc loc>operand n>> ds-reg reg-stack ; M: rs-loc loc>operand n>> rs-reg reg-stack ; M: x86 %peek loc>operand MOV ; M: x86 %replace loc>operand swap MOV ; : (%inc) ( n reg -- ) swap cells dup 0 > [ ADD ] [ neg SUB ] if ; inline M: x86 %inc-d ( n -- ) ds-reg (%inc) ; M: x86 %inc-r ( n -- ) rs-reg (%inc) ; M: x86 %call ( word -- ) 0 CALL rc-relative rel-word-pic ; : xt-tail-pic-offset ( -- n ) #! See the comment in vm/cpu-x86.hpp cell 4 + 1 + ; inline M: x86 %jump ( word -- ) pic-tail-reg 0 MOV xt-tail-pic-offset rc-absolute-cell rel-here 0 JMP rc-relative rel-word-pic-tail ; M: x86 %jump-label ( label -- ) 0 JMP rc-relative label-fixup ; M: x86 %return ( -- ) 0 RET ; : code-alignment ( align -- n ) [ building get length dup ] dip align swap - ; : align-code ( n -- ) 0 % ; :: (%slot) ( obj slot tag temp -- op ) temp slot obj [+] LEA temp tag neg [+] ; inline :: (%slot-imm) ( obj slot tag -- op ) obj slot cells tag - [+] ; inline M: x86 %slot ( dst obj slot tag temp -- ) (%slot) MOV ; M: x86 %slot-imm ( dst obj slot tag -- ) (%slot-imm) MOV ; M: x86 %set-slot ( src obj slot tag temp -- ) (%slot) swap MOV ; M: x86 %set-slot-imm ( src obj slot tag -- ) (%slot-imm) swap MOV ; M: x86 %add 2over eq? [ nip ADD ] [ [+] LEA ] if ; M: x86 %add-imm 2over eq? [ nip ADD ] [ [+] LEA ] if ; M: x86 %sub nip SUB ; M: x86 %sub-imm 2over eq? [ nip SUB ] [ neg [+] LEA ] if ; M: x86 %mul nip swap IMUL2 ; M: x86 %mul-imm IMUL3 ; M: x86 %and nip AND ; M: x86 %and-imm nip AND ; M: x86 %or nip OR ; M: x86 %or-imm nip OR ; M: x86 %xor nip XOR ; M: x86 %xor-imm nip XOR ; M: x86 %shl-imm nip SHL ; M: x86 %shr-imm nip SHR ; M: x86 %sar-imm nip SAR ; M: x86 %not drop NOT ; M: x86 %log2 BSR ; :: overflow-template ( label dst src1 src2 insn -- ) src1 src2 insn call label JO ; inline M: x86 %fixnum-add ( label dst src1 src2 -- ) [ ADD ] overflow-template ; M: x86 %fixnum-sub ( label dst src1 src2 -- ) [ SUB ] overflow-template ; M: x86 %fixnum-mul ( label dst src1 src2 -- ) [ swap IMUL2 ] overflow-template ; : bignum@ ( reg n -- op ) cells bignum tag-number - [+] ; inline M:: x86 %integer>bignum ( dst src temp -- ) #! on entry, inreg is a signed 32-bit quantity #! exits with tagged ptr to bignum in outreg #! 1 cell header, 1 cell length, 1 cell sign, + digits #! length is the # of digits + sign [ "end" define-label ! Load cached zero value dst 0 >bignum %load-reference src 0 CMP ! Is it zero? Then just go to the end and return this zero "end" get JE ! Allocate a bignum dst 4 cells bignum temp %allot ! Write length dst 1 bignum@ 2 tag-fixnum MOV ! Store value dst 3 bignum@ src MOV ! Compute sign temp src MOV temp cell-bits 1 - SAR temp 1 AND ! Store sign dst 2 bignum@ temp MOV ! Make negative value positive temp temp ADD temp NEG temp 1 ADD src temp IMUL2 ! Store the bignum dst 3 bignum@ temp MOV "end" resolve-label ] with-scope ; M:: x86 %bignum>integer ( dst src temp -- ) [ "end" define-label ! load length temp src 1 bignum@ MOV ! if the length is 1, its just the sign and nothing else, ! so output 0 dst 0 MOV temp 1 tag-fixnum CMP "end" get JE ! load the value dst src 3 bignum@ MOV ! load the sign temp src 2 bignum@ MOV ! convert it into -1 or 1 temp temp ADD temp NEG temp 1 ADD ! make dst signed temp dst IMUL2 "end" resolve-label ] with-scope ; M: x86 %add-float nip ADDSD ; M: x86 %sub-float nip SUBSD ; M: x86 %mul-float nip MULSD ; M: x86 %div-float nip DIVSD ; M: x86 %integer>float CVTSI2SD ; M: x86 %float>integer CVTTSD2SI ; GENERIC: copy-register* ( dst src rep -- ) M: int-rep copy-register* drop MOV ; M: tagged-rep copy-register* drop MOV ; M: single-float-rep copy-register* drop MOVSS ; M: double-float-rep copy-register* drop MOVSD ; : copy-register ( dst src rep -- ) 2over eq? [ 3drop ] [ copy-register* ] if ; M: x86 %copy ( dst src rep -- ) copy-register ; M: x86 %unbox-float ( dst src -- ) float-offset [+] MOVSD ; M:: x86 %unbox-any-c-ptr ( dst src temp -- ) [ { "is-byte-array" "end" "start" } [ define-label ] each dst 0 MOV temp src MOV ! We come back here with displaced aliens "start" resolve-label ! Is the object f? temp \ f tag-number CMP "end" get JE ! Is the object an alien? temp header-offset [+] alien type-number tag-fixnum CMP "is-byte-array" get JNE ! If so, load the offset and add it to the address dst temp alien-offset [+] ADD ! Now recurse on the underlying alien temp temp underlying-alien-offset [+] MOV "start" get JMP "is-byte-array" resolve-label ! Add byte array address to address being computed dst temp ADD ! Add an offset to start of byte array's data dst byte-array-offset ADD "end" resolve-label ] with-scope ; M:: x86 %box-float ( dst src temp -- ) dst 16 float temp %allot dst float-offset [+] src MOVSD ; : alien@ ( reg n -- op ) cells alien tag-number - [+] ; M:: x86 %box-alien ( dst src temp -- ) [ "end" define-label dst \ f tag-number MOV src 0 CMP "end" get JE dst 4 cells alien temp %allot dst 1 alien@ \ f tag-number MOV dst 2 alien@ \ f tag-number MOV ! Store src in alien-offset slot dst 3 alien@ src MOV "end" resolve-label ] with-scope ; ! The 'small-reg' mess is pretty crappy, but its only used on x86-32. ! On x86-64, all registers have 8-bit versions. However, a similar ! problem arises for shifts, where the shift count must be in CL, and ! so one day I will fix this properly by adding precoloring to the ! register allocator. HOOK: has-small-reg? cpu ( reg size -- ? ) CONSTANT: have-byte-regs { EAX ECX EDX EBX } M: x86.32 has-small-reg? { { 8 [ have-byte-regs memq? ] } { 16 [ drop t ] } { 32 [ drop t ] } } case ; M: x86.64 has-small-reg? 2drop t ; : small-reg-that-isn't ( exclude -- reg' ) [ have-byte-regs ] dip [ native-version-of ] map '[ _ memq? not ] find nip ; : with-save/restore ( reg quot -- ) [ drop PUSH ] [ call ] [ drop POP ] 2tri ; inline :: with-small-register ( dst exclude size quot: ( new-dst -- ) -- ) ! If the destination register overlaps a small register with ! 'size' bits, we call the quot with that. Otherwise, we find a ! small register that is not in exclude, and call quot, saving and ! restoring the small register. dst size has-small-reg? [ dst quot call ] [ exclude small-reg-that-isn't [ quot call ] with-save/restore ] if ; inline : ?MOV ( dst src -- ) 2dup = [ 2drop ] [ MOV ] if ; inline M:: x86 %string-nth ( dst src index temp -- ) ! We request a small-reg of size 8 since those of size 16 are ! a superset. "end" define-label dst { src index temp } 8 [| new-dst | ! Load the least significant 7 bits into new-dst. ! 8th bit indicates whether we have to load from ! the aux vector or not. temp src index [+] LEA new-dst 8-bit-version-of temp string-offset [+] MOV new-dst new-dst 8-bit-version-of MOVZX ! Do we have to look at the aux vector? new-dst HEX: 80 CMP "end" get JL ! Yes, this is a non-ASCII character. Load aux vector temp src string-aux-offset [+] MOV new-dst temp XCHG ! Compute index new-dst index ADD new-dst index ADD ! Load high 16 bits new-dst 16-bit-version-of new-dst byte-array-offset [+] MOV new-dst new-dst 16-bit-version-of MOVZX new-dst 7 SHL ! Compute code point new-dst temp XOR "end" resolve-label dst new-dst ?MOV ] with-small-register ; M:: x86 %set-string-nth-fast ( ch str index temp -- ) ch { index str temp } 8 [| new-ch | new-ch ch ?MOV temp str index [+] LEA temp string-offset [+] new-ch 8-bit-version-of MOV ] with-small-register ; :: %alien-integer-getter ( dst src size quot -- ) dst { src } size [| new-dst | new-dst dup size n-bit-version-of dup src [] MOV quot call dst new-dst ?MOV ] with-small-register ; inline : %alien-unsigned-getter ( dst src size -- ) [ MOVZX ] %alien-integer-getter ; inline M: x86 %alien-unsigned-1 8 %alien-unsigned-getter ; M: x86 %alien-unsigned-2 16 %alien-unsigned-getter ; M: x86 %alien-unsigned-4 32 [ 2drop ] %alien-integer-getter ; : %alien-signed-getter ( dst src size -- ) [ MOVSX ] %alien-integer-getter ; inline M: x86 %alien-signed-1 8 %alien-signed-getter ; M: x86 %alien-signed-2 16 %alien-signed-getter ; M: x86 %alien-signed-4 32 %alien-signed-getter ; M: x86 %alien-cell [] MOV ; M: x86 %alien-float dupd [] MOVSS dup CVTSS2SD ; M: x86 %alien-double [] MOVSD ; :: %alien-integer-setter ( ptr value size -- ) value { ptr } size [| new-value | new-value value ?MOV ptr [] new-value size n-bit-version-of MOV ] with-small-register ; inline M: x86 %set-alien-integer-1 8 %alien-integer-setter ; M: x86 %set-alien-integer-2 16 %alien-integer-setter ; M: x86 %set-alien-integer-4 32 %alien-integer-setter ; M: x86 %set-alien-cell [ [] ] dip MOV ; M: x86 %set-alien-float dup dup CVTSD2SS [ [] ] dip MOVSS ; M: x86 %set-alien-double [ [] ] dip MOVSD ; : shift-count? ( reg -- ? ) { ECX RCX } memq? ; :: emit-shift ( dst src1 src2 quot -- ) src2 shift-count? [ dst CL quot call ] [ dst shift-count? [ dst src2 XCHG src2 CL quot call dst src2 XCHG ] [ ECX native-version-of [ CL src2 MOV drop dst CL quot call ] with-save/restore ] if ] if ; inline M: x86 %shl [ SHL ] emit-shift ; M: x86 %shr [ SHR ] emit-shift ; M: x86 %sar [ SAR ] emit-shift ; : load-zone-ptr ( reg -- ) #! Load pointer to start of zone array 0 MOV "nursery" f rc-absolute-cell rel-dlsym ; : load-allot-ptr ( nursery-ptr allot-ptr -- ) [ drop load-zone-ptr ] [ swap cell [+] MOV ] 2bi ; : inc-allot-ptr ( nursery-ptr n -- ) [ cell [+] ] dip 8 align ADD ; : store-header ( temp class -- ) [ [] ] [ type-number tag-fixnum ] bi* MOV ; : store-tagged ( dst tag -- ) tag-number OR ; M:: x86 %allot ( dst size class nursery-ptr -- ) nursery-ptr dst load-allot-ptr dst class store-header dst class store-tagged nursery-ptr size inc-allot-ptr ; M:: x86 %write-barrier ( src card# table -- ) #! Mark the card pointed to by vreg. ! Mark the card card# src MOV card# card-bits SHR table "cards_offset" f %alien-global table table [] MOV table card# [+] card-mark MOV ! Mark the card deck card# deck-bits card-bits - SHR table "decks_offset" f %alien-global table table [] MOV table card# [+] card-mark MOV ; M:: x86 %check-nursery ( label temp1 temp2 -- ) temp1 load-zone-ptr temp2 temp1 cell [+] MOV temp2 1024 ADD temp1 temp1 3 cells [+] MOV temp2 temp1 CMP label JLE ; M: x86 %save-gc-root ( gc-root register -- ) [ gc-root@ ] dip MOV ; M: x86 %load-gc-root ( gc-root register -- ) swap gc-root@ MOV ; M:: x86 %call-gc ( gc-root-count -- ) ! Pass pointer to start of GC roots as first parameter param-reg-1 gc-root-base param@ LEA ! Pass number of roots as second parameter param-reg-2 gc-root-count MOV ! Call GC %prepare-alien-invoke "inline_gc" f %alien-invoke ; M: x86 %alien-global [ 0 MOV ] 2dip rc-absolute-cell rel-dlsym ; M: x86 %epilogue ( n -- ) cell - incr-stack-reg ; :: %boolean ( dst temp word -- ) dst \ f tag-number MOV temp 0 MOV \ t rc-absolute-cell rel-immediate dst temp word execute ; inline M: x86 %compare ( dst temp cc src1 src2 -- ) CMP { { cc< [ \ CMOVL %boolean ] } { cc<= [ \ CMOVLE %boolean ] } { cc> [ \ CMOVG %boolean ] } { cc>= [ \ CMOVGE %boolean ] } { cc= [ \ CMOVE %boolean ] } { cc/= [ \ CMOVNE %boolean ] } } case ; M: x86 %compare-imm ( dst temp cc src1 src2 -- ) %compare ; M: x86 %compare-float ( dst temp cc src1 src2 -- ) UCOMISD { { cc< [ \ CMOVB %boolean ] } { cc<= [ \ CMOVBE %boolean ] } { cc> [ \ CMOVA %boolean ] } { cc>= [ \ CMOVAE %boolean ] } { cc= [ \ CMOVE %boolean ] } { cc/= [ \ CMOVNE %boolean ] } } case ; M: x86 %compare-branch ( label cc src1 src2 -- ) CMP { { cc< [ JL ] } { cc<= [ JLE ] } { cc> [ JG ] } { cc>= [ JGE ] } { cc= [ JE ] } { cc/= [ JNE ] } } case ; M: x86 %compare-imm-branch ( label src1 src2 cc -- ) %compare-branch ; M: x86 %compare-float-branch ( label cc src1 src2 -- ) UCOMISD { { cc< [ JB ] } { cc<= [ JBE ] } { cc> [ JA ] } { cc>= [ JAE ] } { cc= [ JE ] } { cc/= [ JNE ] } } case ; M: x86 %spill ( src n rep -- ) [ spill@ swap ] dip copy-register ; M: x86 %reload ( dst n rep -- ) [ spill@ ] dip copy-register ; M: x86 %loop-entry 16 code-alignment [ NOP ] times ; M: x86 %prepare-alien-invoke #! Save Factor stack pointers in case the C code calls a #! callback which does a GC, which must reliably trace #! all roots. temp-reg "stack_chain" f %alien-global temp-reg temp-reg [] MOV temp-reg [] stack-reg MOV temp-reg [] cell SUB temp-reg 2 cells [+] ds-reg MOV temp-reg 3 cells [+] rs-reg MOV ; M: x86 value-struct? drop t ; M: x86 small-enough? ( n -- ? ) HEX: -80000000 HEX: 7fffffff between? ; : next-stack@ ( n -- operand ) #! nth parameter from the next stack frame. Used to box #! input values to callbacks; the callback has its own #! stack frame set up, and we want to read the frame #! set up by the caller. stack-frame get total-size>> + stack@ ;