! Copyright (C) 2005, 2008 Chris Double, Doug Coleman. ! See https://factorcode.org/license.txt for BSD license. USING: accessors classes.tuple combinators db db.private db.queries db.sqlite.errors db.sqlite.ffi db.sqlite.lib db.tuples db.tuples.private db.types destructors interpolate kernel math math.parser namespaces nmake random sequences sequences.deep ; IN: db.sqlite TUPLE: sqlite-db path ; : ( path -- sqlite-db ) sqlite-db new swap >>path ; ( handle -- db-connection ) sqlite-db-connection new-db-connection swap >>handle ; PRIVATE> M: sqlite-db db-open path>> sqlite-open ; M: sqlite-db-connection db-close sqlite-close ; TUPLE: sqlite-statement < statement ; TUPLE: sqlite-result-set < result-set has-more? ; M: sqlite-db-connection ; M: sqlite-db-connection sqlite-statement new-statement ; : sqlite-maybe-prepare ( statement -- statement ) dup handle>> [ db-connection get handle>> over sql>> sqlite-prepare >>handle ] unless ; M: sqlite-statement dispose handle>> [ [ sqlite3_reset drop ] keep sqlite-finalize ] when* ; M: sqlite-result-set dispose f >>handle drop ; : reset-bindings ( statement -- ) sqlite-maybe-prepare handle>> [ sqlite3_reset drop ] [ sqlite3_clear_bindings drop ] bi ; M: sqlite-statement low-level-bind [ handle>> ] [ bind-params>> ] bi [ [ key>> ] [ value>> ] [ type>> ] tri sqlite-bind-type ] with each ; M: sqlite-statement bind-statement* sqlite-maybe-prepare dup bound?>> [ dup reset-bindings ] when low-level-bind ; GENERIC: sqlite-bind-conversion ( tuple obj -- array ) TUPLE: sqlite-low-level-binding < low-level-binding key type ; : ( key value type -- obj ) sqlite-low-level-binding new swap >>type swap >>value swap >>key ; M: sql-spec sqlite-bind-conversion [ column-name>> ":" prepend ] [ slot-name>> rot get-slot-named ] [ type>> ] tri ; M: literal-bind sqlite-bind-conversion nip [ key>> ] [ value>> ] [ type>> ] tri ; M:: generator-bind sqlite-bind-conversion ( tuple generate-bind -- array ) generate-bind generator-singleton>> eval-generator :> obj generate-bind slot-name>> :> name obj name tuple set-slot-named generate-bind key>> obj generate-bind type>> ; M: sqlite-statement bind-tuple [ in-params>> [ sqlite-bind-conversion ] with map ] keep bind-statement ; ERROR: sqlite-last-id-fail ; : last-insert-id ( -- id ) db-connection get handle>> sqlite3_last_insert_rowid dup zero? [ sqlite-last-id-fail ] when ; M: sqlite-db-connection insert-tuple-set-key execute-statement last-insert-id swap set-primary-key ; M: sqlite-result-set #columns handle>> sqlite-#columns ; M: sqlite-result-set row-column [ handle>> ] [ sqlite-column ] bi* ; M: sqlite-result-set row-column-typed dup pick out-params>> nth type>> [ handle>> ] 2dip sqlite-column-typed ; M: sqlite-result-set advance-row dup handle>> sqlite-next >>has-more? drop ; M: sqlite-result-set more-rows? has-more?>> ; M: sqlite-statement query-results sqlite-maybe-prepare dup handle>> sqlite-result-set new-result-set dup advance-row ; M: sqlite-db-connection [ "insert into " 0% 0% "(" 0% remove-db-assigned-id dup [ ", " 0% ] [ column-name>> 0% ] interleave ") values(" 0% [ ", " 0% ] [ dup type>> +random-id+ = [ [ slot-name>> ] [ column-name>> ":" prepend dup 0% random-id-generator ] [ type>> ] tri 1, ] [ bind% ] if ] interleave ");" 0% ] query-make ; M: sqlite-db-connection ; M: sqlite-db-connection bind# [ [ column-name>> ":" next-sql-counter surround dup 0% ] [ type>> ] bi ] dip 1, ; M: sqlite-db-connection bind% dup 1, column-name>> ":" prepend 0% ; M: sqlite-db-connection persistent-table H{ { +db-assigned-id+ { "integer" "integer" f } } { +user-assigned-id+ { f f f } } { +random-id+ { "integer" "integer" f } } { +foreign-id+ { "integer" "integer" "references" } } { +primary-key+ { f f "primary key" } } { +on-update+ { f f "on update" } } { +on-delete+ { f f "on delete" } } { +restrict+ { f f "restrict" } } { +cascade+ { f f "cascade" } } { +set-null+ { f f "set null" } } { +set-default+ { f f "set default" } } { BOOLEAN { "boolean" "boolean" f } } { INTEGER { "integer" "integer" f } } { BIG-INTEGER { "bigint" "bigint" f } } { SIGNED-BIG-INTEGER { "bigint" "bigint" f } } { UNSIGNED-BIG-INTEGER { "bigint" "bigint" f } } { TEXT { "text" "text" f } } { VARCHAR { "text" "text" f } } { DATE { "date" "date" f } } { TIME { "time" "time" f } } { DATETIME { "datetime" "datetime" f } } { TIMESTAMP { "timestamp" "timestamp" f } } { DOUBLE { "real" "real" f } } { BLOB { "blob" "blob" f } } { FACTOR-BLOB { "blob" "blob" f } } { URL { "text" "text" f } } { +autoincrement+ { f f "autoincrement" } } { +unique+ { f f "unique" } } { +default+ { f f "default" } } { +null+ { f f "null" } } { +not-null+ { f f "not null" } } { system-random-generator { f f f } } { secure-random-generator { f f f } } { random-generator { f f f } } } ; : insert-trigger ( -- string ) " CREATE TRIGGER fki_${table-name}_${table-id}_${foreign-table-name}_${foreign-table-id}_id BEFORE INSERT ON ${table-name} FOR EACH ROW BEGIN SELECT RAISE(ROLLBACK, 'insert on table \"${table-name}\" violates foreign key constraint \"fki_${table-name}_${table-id}_${foreign-table-name}_${foreign-table-id}_id\"') WHERE (SELECT ${foreign-table-id} FROM ${foreign-table-name} WHERE ${foreign-table-id} = NEW.${table-id}) IS NULL; END; " interpolate>string ; : insert-trigger-not-null ( -- string ) " CREATE TRIGGER fki_${table-name}_${table-id}_${foreign-table-name}_${foreign-table-id}_id BEFORE INSERT ON ${table-name} FOR EACH ROW BEGIN SELECT RAISE(ROLLBACK, 'insert on table \"${table-name}\" violates foreign key constraint \"fki_${table-name}_${table-id}_${foreign-table-name}_${foreign-table-id}_id\"') WHERE NEW.${table-id} IS NOT NULL AND (SELECT ${foreign-table-id} FROM ${foreign-table-name} WHERE ${foreign-table-id} = NEW.${table-id}) IS NULL; END; " interpolate>string ; : update-trigger ( -- string ) " CREATE TRIGGER fku_${table-name}_${table-id}_${foreign-table-name}_${foreign-table-id}_id BEFORE UPDATE ON ${table-name} FOR EACH ROW BEGIN SELECT RAISE(ROLLBACK, 'update on table \"${table-name}\" violates foreign key constraint \"fku_${table-name}_${table-id}_${foreign-table-name}_${foreign-table-id}_id\"') WHERE (SELECT ${foreign-table-id} FROM ${foreign-table-name} WHERE ${foreign-table-id} = NEW.${table-id}) IS NULL; END; " interpolate>string ; : update-trigger-not-null ( -- string ) " CREATE TRIGGER fku_${table-name}_${table-id}_${foreign-table-name}_${foreign-table-id}_id BEFORE UPDATE ON ${table-name} FOR EACH ROW BEGIN SELECT RAISE(ROLLBACK, 'update on table \"${table-name}\" violates foreign key constraint \"fku_${table-name}_${table-id}_${foreign-table-name}_${foreign-table-id}_id\"') WHERE NEW.${table-id} IS NOT NULL AND (SELECT ${foreign-table-id} FROM ${foreign-table-name} WHERE ${foreign-table-id} = NEW.${table-id}) IS NULL; END; " interpolate>string ; : delete-trigger-restrict ( -- string ) " CREATE TRIGGER fkd_${table-name}_${table-id}_${foreign-table-name}_${foreign-table-id}_id BEFORE DELETE ON ${foreign-table-name} FOR EACH ROW BEGIN SELECT RAISE(ROLLBACK, 'delete on table \"${foreign-table-name}\" violates foreign key constraint \"fkd_${table-name}_${table-id}_${foreign-table-name}_${foreign-table-id}_id\"') WHERE (SELECT ${table-id} FROM ${table-name} WHERE ${table-id} = OLD.${foreign-table-id}) IS NOT NULL; END; " interpolate>string ; : delete-trigger-cascade ( -- string ) " CREATE TRIGGER fkd_${table-name}_${table-id}_${foreign-table-name}_${foreign-table-id}_id BEFORE DELETE ON ${foreign-table-name} FOR EACH ROW BEGIN DELETE from ${table-name} WHERE ${table-id} = OLD.${foreign-table-id}; END; " interpolate>string ; : can-be-null? ( -- ? ) "sql-spec" get modifiers>> [ +not-null+ = ] none? ; : delete-cascade? ( -- ? ) "sql-spec" get modifiers>> { +on-delete+ +cascade+ } subseq-of? ; : sqlite-trigger, ( string -- ) { } { } 3, ; : create-sqlite-triggers ( -- ) can-be-null? [ insert-trigger sqlite-trigger, update-trigger sqlite-trigger, ] [ insert-trigger-not-null sqlite-trigger, update-trigger-not-null sqlite-trigger, ] if delete-cascade? [ delete-trigger-cascade sqlite-trigger, ] [ delete-trigger-restrict sqlite-trigger, ] if ; : create-db-triggers ( sql-specs -- ) [ modifiers>> [ +foreign-id+ = ] deep-any? ] filter [ [ "sql-spec" set ] [ column-name>> "table-id" set ] [ ] tri modifiers>> [ [ +foreign-id+ = ] deep-any? ] filter [ [ second db-table-name "foreign-table-name" set ] [ third "foreign-table-id" set ] bi create-sqlite-triggers ] each ] each ; : sqlite-create-table ( sql-specs class-name -- ) [ "create table " 0% 0% "(" 0% [ ", " 0% ] [ dup "sql-spec" set dup column-name>> [ "table-id" set ] [ 0% ] bi " " 0% dup type>> lookup-create-type 0% modifiers 0% ] interleave ] [ drop find-primary-key [ ", " 0% "primary key(" 0% [ "," 0% ] [ column-name>> 0% ] interleave ")" 0% ] unless-empty ");" 0% ] 2bi ; M: sqlite-db-connection create-sql-statement [ [ sqlite-create-table ] [ drop create-db-triggers ] 2bi ] query-make ; M: sqlite-db-connection drop-sql-statement [ nip "drop table " 0% 0% ";" 0% ] query-make ; M: sqlite-db-connection compound over { { "default" [ first number>string " " glue ] } { "references" [ >reference-string ] } [ 2drop ] } case ; M: sqlite-db-connection parse-db-error dup sqlite-error? [ dup n>> { { 1 [ string>> parse-sqlite-sql-error ] } [ drop ] } case ] when ;