! Copyright (C) 2008, 2011 Slava Pestov. ! See http://factorcode.org/license.txt for BSD license. USING: accessors arrays ascii assocs colors combinators.short-circuit debugger formatting help help.home help.topics help.vocabs html html.streams io.directories io.encodings.ascii io.encodings.binary io.encodings.utf8 io.files io.files.temp io.pathnames kernel make math math.parser namespaces regexp sequences sequences.deep serialize sets sorting splitting strings system tools.completion vocabs vocabs.hierarchy words xml.data xml.syntax xml.traversal xml.writer ; FROM: io.encodings.ascii => ascii ; FROM: ascii => ascii? ; IN: help.html : escape-char ( ch -- ) dup ascii? [ dup H{ { CHAR: \" "__quo__" } { CHAR: * "__star__" } { CHAR: : "__colon__" } { CHAR: < "__lt__" } { CHAR: > "__gt__" } { CHAR: ? "__que__" } { CHAR: \\ "__back__" } { CHAR: | "__pipe__" } { CHAR: / "__slash__" } { CHAR: , "__comma__" } { CHAR: @ "__at__" } { CHAR: # "__hash__" } { CHAR: % "__percent__" } } at [ % ] [ , ] ?if ] [ number>string "__" "__" surround % ] if ; : escape-filename ( string -- filename ) [ [ escape-char ] each ] "" make ; GENERIC: topic>filename* ( topic -- name prefix ) M: word topic>filename* dup vocabulary>> [ [ name>> ] [ vocabulary>> ] bi 2array "word" ] [ drop f f ] if ; M: link topic>filename* name>> dup [ "article" ] [ topic>filename* ] if ; M: word-link topic>filename* name>> topic>filename* ; M: vocab-spec topic>filename* vocab-name "vocab" ; M: vocab-tag topic>filename* name>> "tag" ; M: vocab-author topic>filename* name>> "author" ; M: f topic>filename* drop \ f topic>filename* ; : topic>filename ( topic -- filename ) topic>filename* [ [ % "-" % dup array? [ [ escape-filename ] map "," join ] [ escape-filename ] if % ".html" % ] "" make ] [ drop f ] if* ; M: topic url-of topic>filename ; M: pathname url-of string>> "resource:" ?head [ "https://github.com/factor/factor/blob/master/" prepend ] [ drop f ] if ; : help-stylesheet ( stylesheet -- xml ) "vocab:help/html/stylesheet.css" ascii file-contents swap "\n" glue [XML XML] ; : help-meta ( -- xml ) [XML XML] ; : help-nav ( -- xml ) "conventions" >link topic>filename [XML XML] ; : help-footer ( -- xml ) version-info "\n" split1 drop [XML XML] ; : bijective-base26 ( n -- name ) [ dup 0 > ] [ 1 - 26 /mod CHAR: a + ] "" produce-as nip reverse! ; : css-class ( style classes -- name ) dup '[ drop _ assoc-size 1 + bijective-base26 ] cache ; : fix-css-style ( style -- style' ) R/ font-size: \d+pt;/ [ "font-size: " ?head drop "pt;" ?tail drop string>number 2 - "font-size: %dpt;" sprintf ] re-replace-with R/ padding: \d+px;/ [ "padding: " ?head drop "px;" ?tail drop string>number dup even? [ 2 * 1 + ] [ 2 * ] if number>string "padding: " "px;" surround ] re-replace-with R/ width: \d+px;/ [ drop "" ] re-replace-with R/ font-family: monospace;/ [ " white-space: pre-wrap; line-height: 125%;" append ] re-replace-with dup { "font-family: monospace;" "background-color:" } [ subseq-of? ] with all? [ " margin: 10px 0px;" append ] when dup { "border:" "background-color:" } [ subseq-of? ] with all? [ " border-radius: 5px;" append ] when ; : fix-help-header ( classes -- classes ) dup [ [ ".a" head? ] [ "#f4efd9;" subseq-of? ] bi and ] find [ "padding: 10px;" "padding: 0px;" replace "background-color: #f4efd9;" "background-color: white;" replace "}" ?tail drop " border-bottom: 1px dashed #d5d5d5 width: 100%; padding-top: 15px; padding-bottom: 10px; }" append swap pick set-nth { ".a a { color: black; font-size: 24pt; line-height: 100%; }" ".a * a { color: #2a5db0; font-size: 12pt; }" ".a td { border: none; }" ".a tr:hover { background-color: white; }" } prepend ] [ drop ] if* ; : dark-mode-css ( classes -- classes' ) { "" "/* Dark mode */" "@media (prefers-color-scheme:dark) {" } swap [ R/ {[^}]+}/ [ "{" ?head drop "}" ?tail drop ";" split [ [ blank? ] trim ] map harvest [ ";" append ] map [ R/ (#[0-9a-fA-F]+|white|black);/ re-contains? ] filter [ R/ (#[0-9a-fA-F]+|white|black);/ [ >string H{ { "#000000;" "#bdc1c6;" } { "#2a5db0;" "#8ab4f8;" } { "#333333;" "#d5d5d5;" } { "#373e48;" "#ffffff;" } { "#8b4500;" "orange;" } { "#e3e2db;" "#444444;" } { "white;" "#202124;" } { "black;" "white;" } } ?at [ but-last parse-color inverse-color color>hex ";" append ] unless ] re-replace-with ] map " " join "{ " " }" surround ] re-replace-with " " prepend dup "{ }" subseq-of? [ drop f ] when ] map harvest append "}" suffix ; : css-classes ( classes -- stylesheet ) [ [ fix-css-style " { " "}" surround ] [ "." prepend ] bi* prepend ] { } assoc>map fix-help-header dup dark-mode-css append join-lines ; :: css-styles-to-classes ( body -- stylesheet body ) H{ } clone :> classes body [ dup xml-chunk? [ seq>> [ dup { [ tag? ] [ "style" attr ] [ "class" attr not ] } 1&& [ [ clone [ V{ } like ] change-alist ] change-attrs "style" over delete-at* drop classes css-class "class" rot set-at ] [ drop ] if ] deep-each ] [ drop ] if ] each classes sort-values css-classes body ; : retina-image ( path -- path' ) dup "@2x" subseq-of? [ "." split1-last "@2x." glue ] unless ; : ?copy-file ( from to -- ) dup file-exists? [ 2drop ] [ copy-file ] if ; : cache-images ( body -- body' ) dup [ dup xml-chunk? [ seq>> [ T{ name { main "img" } } over tag-named? [ dup "src" attr retina-image dup file-name [ ?copy-file ] keep "src" set-attr ] [ drop ] if ] deep-each ] [ drop ] if ] each ; : help>html ( topic -- xml ) [ article-title " - Factor Documentation" append ] [ [ print-topic ] with-html-writer css-styles-to-classes cache-images "resource:extra/websites/factorcode/favicon.ico" dup file-name ?copy-file [ help-stylesheet help-meta prepend help-nav ] dip help-footer [XML <->
XML] ] bi simple-page ; : generate-help-file ( topic -- ) dup topic>filename utf8 [ help>html write-xml ] with-file-writer ; : all-vocabs-really ( -- seq ) all-disk-vocabs-recursive filter-vocabs [ vocab-name "scratchpad" = ] reject ; : all-topics ( -- topics ) [ articles get keys [ >link ] map % all-words [ >link ] map % all-authors [ ] map % all-tags [ ] map % all-vocabs-really % ] { } make ; : serialize-index ( index file -- ) binary [ [ [ topic>filename ] dip ] { } assoc-map-as serialize ] with-file-writer ; : generate-article-index ( -- ) articles get [ [ >link ] [ article-title ] bi* ] assoc-map "articles.idx" serialize-index ; : generate-word-index ( -- ) all-words [ dup name>> ] { } map>assoc "words.idx" serialize-index ; : generate-vocab-index ( -- ) all-vocabs-really [ dup vocab-name ] { } map>assoc "vocabs.idx" serialize-index ; : generate-indices ( -- ) generate-article-index generate-word-index generate-vocab-index ; : generate-help-files ( -- ) H{ { recent-searches f } { recent-words f } { recent-articles f } { recent-vocabs f } } [ all-topics [ '[ _ generate-help-file ] try ] each ] with-variables ; : generate-help ( -- ) "docs" cache-file [ make-directories ] [ [ generate-indices generate-help-files ] with-directory ] bi ; MEMO: load-index ( name -- index ) binary file-contents bytes>object ; : offline-apropos ( string index -- results ) load-index completions ; : article-apropos ( string -- results ) "articles.idx" offline-apropos ; : vocab-apropos ( string -- results ) "vocabs.idx" offline-apropos ; : generate-qualified-index ( index -- ) H{ } clone [ '[ over "," split1 nip ".html" ?tail drop [ swap ":" glue 2array ] [ _ push-at ] bi ] assoc-each ] keep [ swap ] { } assoc-map-as "qualified.idx" binary [ serialize ] with-file-writer ; : qualified-index ( str index -- str index' ) over ":" split1 [ "qualified.idx" dup file-exists? [ pick generate-qualified-index ] unless load-index completions keys concat ] [ drop f ] if [ append ] unless-empty ; : word-apropos ( string -- results ) "words.idx" load-index qualified-index completions ;