USING: calendar help.markup help.syntax kernel math present strings urls ; IN: http HELP: { $values { "request" request } } { $description "Creates an empty request containing default headers." } ; HELP: request { $description "An HTTP request." $nl "Instances contain the following slots:" { $slots { "method" { "The HTTP method as a " { $link string } ". The most frequently-used HTTP methods are " { $snippet "GET" } ", " { $snippet "HEAD" } " and " { $snippet "POST" } "." } } { "url" { "The " { $link url } " being requested" } } { "proxy-url" { "The proxy " { $link url } " to use, or " { $link f } " for no proxy. If not " { $link f } ", the url will additionally be " { $link derive-url } "'d from the " { $link "http.proxy-variables" } ". The proxy is used if the result has at least the " { $slot "host" } " slot set." } } { "version" { "The HTTP version. Default is " { $snippet "1.1" } " and should not be changed without good reason." } } { "header" { "An assoc of HTTP header values. See " { $link "http.headers" } } } { "post-data" { "See " { $link "" } } } { "cookies" { "A sequence of HTTP cookies. See " { $link "http.cookies" } } } { "redirects" { "Number of redirects to attempt before throwing an error. Default is " { $snippet "max-redirects" } "." } } } } ; HELP: { $values { "response" response } } { $description "Creates an empty response containing default headers." } ; HELP: response { $class-description "An HTTP response." $nl "Instances contain the following slots:" { $slots { "version" { "The HTTP version. Default is " { $snippet "1.1" } " and should not be changed without good reason." } } { "code" { "HTTP status code, an " { $link integer } ". Examples are 200 for success, 404 for file not found, and so on." } } { "message" { "HTTP status message, only displayed to the user. If the status code is 200, the status message might be “Success”, for example." } } { "header" { "An assoc of HTTP header values. See " { $link "http.headers" } } } { "cookies" { "A sequence of HTTP cookies. See " { $link "http.cookies" } } } { "content-type" { "an HTTP content type" } } { "content-charset" { "an encoding name" } } { "content-encoding" { "an encoding descriptor. See " { $link "io.encodings" } } } { "body" { "an HTTP response body" } } } } ; HELP: { $values { "response" raw-response } } { $description "Creates an empty raw response." } ; HELP: raw-response { $class-description "A minimal HTTP response used by webapps which need full control over all output sent to the client. Most webapps can use " { $link response } " instead." $nl "Instances contain the following slots:" { $slots { "version" { "The HTTP version. Default is " { $snippet "1.1" } " and should not be changed without good reason." } } { "code" { "HTTP status code, an " { $link integer } ". Examples are 200 for success, 404 for file not found, and so on." } } { "message" { "HTTP status message, only displayed to the user. If the status code is 200, the status message might be “Success”, for example." } } { "body" { "an HTTP response body" } } } } ; HELP: { $values { "value" object } { "name" string } { "cookie" cookie } } { $description "Creates a cookie with the specified name and value. The value can be any object supported by the " { $link present } " word." } ; HELP: cookie { $class-description "An HTTP cookie." $nl "Instances contain a number of slots which correspond exactly to the fields of a cookie in the cookie specification:" { $slots { "name" { "The cookie name, a " { $link string } } } { "value" { "The cookie value, an object supported by " { $link present } } } { "comment" { "A " { $link string } } } { "path" { "The pathname prefix where the cookie is valid, a " { $link string } } } { "domain" { "The domain name where the cookie is valid, a " { $link string } } } { "expires" { "The expiry time, a " { $link timestamp } " or " { $link f } " for a session cookie" } } { "max-age" { "The expiry duration, a " { $link duration } " or " { $link f } " for a session cookie" } } { "http-only" { "If set to a true value, JavaScript code cannot see the cookie" } } { "secure" { "If set to a true value, the cookie is only sent for " { $snippet "https" } " protocol connections" } } } "Only one of " { $snippet "expires" } " and " { $snippet "max-age" } " can be set; the latter is preferred and is supported by all modern browsers." } ; HELP: delete-cookie { $values { "request/response" "a " { $link request } " or a " { $link response } } { "name" string } } { $description "Deletes a cookie from a request or response." } { $side-effects "request/response" } ; HELP: get-cookie { $values { "request/response" "a " { $link request } " or a " { $link response } } { "name" string } { "cookie/f" { $maybe cookie } } } { $description "Gets a named cookie from a request or response." } ; HELP: put-cookie { $values { "request/response" "a " { $link request } " or a " { $link response } } { "cookie" cookie } } { $description "Stores a cookie in a request or response." } { $side-effects "request/response" } ; HELP: { $values { "content-type" "a MIME type string" } { "post-data" post-data } } { $description "Creates a new " { $link post-data } "." } ; HELP: header { $values { "request/response" "a " { $link request } " or a " { $link response } } { "key" string } { "value" string } } { $description "Obtains an HTTP header value from a request or response." } ; HELP: post-data { $class-description "HTTP POST data passed in a POST request." $nl "Instances contain the following slots:" { $slots { "data" { "The POST data. This can be in a higher-level form, such as an assoc of POST parameters, a string, or an XML document" } } { "params" { "Parameters passed in the POST request." } } { "content-type" { "A MIME type" } } { "content-encoding" { "Encoding used for the POST data" } } } } ; HELP: set-header { $values { "request/response" "a " { $link request } " or a " { $link response } } { "value" object } { "key" string } } { $description "Stores a value into the HTTP header of a request or response. The value can be any object supported by " { $link present } "." } { $notes "This word always returns the same object that was input. This allows for a “pipeline” coding style, where several header parameters are set in a row." } { $side-effects "request/response" } ; HELP: set-basic-auth { $values { "request" request } { "username" string } { "password" string } } { $description "Sets the " { $snippet "Authorization" } " header of " { $snippet "request" } " to perform HTTP Basic authentication with the given " { $snippet "username" } " and " { $snippet "password" } "." } { $notes "This word always returns the same object that was input. This allows for a “pipeline” coding style, where several header parameters are set in a row." } { $side-effects "request" } ; HELP: set-proxy-basic-auth { $values { "request" request } { "username" string } { "password" string } } { $description "Sets the " { $snippet "Proxy-Authorization" } " header of " { $snippet "request" } " to perform HTTP Basic authentication with the given " { $snippet "username" } " and " { $snippet "password" } "." } { $notes "This word always returns the same object that was input. This allows for a “pipeline” coding style, where several header parameters are set in a row." } { $side-effects "request" } ; ARTICLE: "http.cookies" "HTTP cookies" "Every " { $link request } " and " { $link response } " instance can contain cookies." $nl "The " { $vocab-link "furnace.sessions" } " vocabulary implements session management using cookies, thus the most common use case can be taken care of without working with cookies directly." $nl "The class of cookies:" { $subsections cookie } "Creating cookies:" { $subsections } "Getting, adding, and deleting cookies in " { $link request } " and " { $link response } " objects:" { $subsections get-cookie put-cookie delete-cookie } ; ARTICLE: "http.headers" "HTTP headers" "Every " { $link request } " and " { $link response } " has a set of HTTP headers stored in the " { $slot "header" } " slot. Header names are normalized to lower-case when a request or response is being parsed." { $subsections header set-header } ; ARTICLE: "" "HTTP post data" "Every " { $link request } " where the " { $slot "method" } " slot is " { $snippet "POST" } " can contain post data." { $subsections post-data } ; ARTICLE: "http.requests" "HTTP requests" "HTTP requests:" { $subsections request } "Requests can contain form submissions:" { $subsections "" } ; ARTICLE: "http.responses" "HTTP responses" "HTTP responses:" { $subsections response } "Raw responses only contain a status line, with no header. They are used by webapps which need full control over the HTTP response, for example " { $vocab-link "http.server.cgi" } ":" { $subsections raw-response } ; ARTICLE: "http" "HTTP protocol objects" "The " { $vocab-link "http" } " vocabulary contains data types shared by " { $vocab-link "http.client" } " and " { $vocab-link "http.server" } "." $nl "The HTTP client sends an HTTP request to the server and receives an HTTP response back. The HTTP server receives HTTP requests from clients and sends HTTP responses back." { $subsections "http.requests" "http.responses" } "Both requests and responses support some common functionality:" { $subsections "http.headers" "http.cookies" } { $see-also "urls" } ; ARTICLE: "http.proxy-variables" "HTTP(S) proxy variables" { $heading "Proxy Variables" } "The http and https proxies can be configured per request, or with Factor's dynamic variables, or with the system's environment variables (searched from left to right) :" { $table { "variable" "Factor dynamic" "environment #1" "environment #2" } { "HTTP" { $snippet "\"http.proxy\"" } "http_proxy" "HTTP_PROXY" } { "HTTPS" { $snippet "\"https.proxy\"" } "https_proxy" "HTTPS_PROXY" } { "no proxy" { $snippet "\"no_proxy\"" } "no_proxy" "NO_PROXY" } } "When making an http request, if the target host is not matched by the no_proxy list, the " { $vocab-link "http.client" } " will fill the missing components of the " { $slot "proxy-url" } " slot of the " { $link request } " from the value of these variables. If the filled result is not valid, an error is thrown." { $notes "The dynamic variables are keyed by strings. This allows to use Factor's command line support to define them (see in the examples below)." } { $heading "no_proxy" } "The no_proxy list must be a string containing of comma-separated list of IP addresses (eg " { $snippet "" } "), hostnames (eg " { $snippet "bar.private" } ") or domain suffixes (eg " { $snippet ".private" } "). A match happens when a value of the list is the same or a suffix of the target for each full subdomain." { $example "USING: http.client http.client.private namespaces prettyprint ;" "\"bar.private\" \"no_proxy\" [" "\"bar.private\" no-proxy? ." "] with-variable" "\"bar.private\" \"no_proxy\" [" "\"\" no-proxy? ." "] with-variable" "\"bar.private\" \"no_proxy\" [" "\"foobar.private\" no-proxy? ." "] with-variable" "\".private\" \"no_proxy\" [" "\"foobar.private\" no-proxy? ." "] with-variable" "t t f t" } { $examples { { $subheading "At factor startup:" } { $list "$ ./factor -http.proxy=http://localhost:3128" "$ http_proxy=\"http://localhost:3128\" ./factor" "$ HTTP_PROXY=\"http://localhost:3128\" ./factor" } { $subheading "Using variables:" } { $example "USE: namespaces \"http://localhost:3128\" \"http.proxy\" set ! or set-global" "" } { $example "USE: namespaces \"http://localhost:3128\" \"http.proxy\" [ ] with-variable" "" } { $subheading "Manually making the request:" } { $example "USING: http http.client urls ; URL\" http://localhost:3128\" proxy-url<<" "" } { $subheading "Full example:" } "$ no_proxy=\"localhost,,.private\" http_proxy=\"http://proxy.private:3128\" https_proxy=\"http://proxysec.private:3128\" ./factor" } } ; ABOUT: "http"