USING: help.markup help.syntax assocs logging math ; IN: logging.analysis HELP: analyze-entries { $values { "entries" "a sequence of log entries" } { "word-names" "a sequence of strings" } { "errors" "a sequence of log entries" } { "word-histogram" assoc } { "message-histogram" assoc } } { $description "Analyzes log entries:" { $list { "Errors (entries with level " { $link ERROR } " or " { $link CRITICAL } ") are collected into the " { $snippet "errors" } " sequence." } { "All logging words are tallied into " { $snippet "word-histogram" } " - for example, this can tell you about HTTP server hit counts." } { "All words listed in " { $snippet "word-names" } " have their messages tallied into " { $snippet "message-histogram" } " - for example, this can tell you about popular URLs on an HTTP server." } } } ; HELP: analysis. { $values { "errors" "a sequence of log entries" } { "word-histogram" assoc } { "message-histogram" assoc } } { $description "Prints a logging report output by " { $link analyze-entries } ". Formatted output words are used, so the report looks nice in the UI or if sent to an HTML stream." } ; HELP: analyze-log { $values { "lines" "a parsed log file" } { "word-names" "a sequence of strings" } } { $description "Analyzes a log file and prints a formatted report. The " { $snippet "word-names" } " parameter is documented in " { $link analyze-entries } "." } ; ARTICLE: "logging.analysis" "Log analysis" "The " { $vocab-link "logging.analysis" } " vocabulary builds on the " { $vocab-link "logging.parser" } " vocabulary. It parses log files and produces formatted summary reports. It is used by the " { $vocab-link "logging.insomniac" } " vocabulary to e-mail daily reports." $nl "Print log file summary:" { $subsection analyze-log } "Factors:" { $subsection analyze-entries } { $subsection analysis. } ; ABOUT: "logging.analysis"