IN: logging.parser USING: help.markup help.syntax assocs logging math calendar ; HELP: parse-log { $values { "lines" "a sequence of strings" } { "entries" "a sequence of log entries" } } { $description "Parses a sequence of log entries. Malformed entries are printed out and ignore. The result is a sequence of arrays of the shape " { $snippet "{ timestamp level name>> message }" } ", where" { $list { { $snippet "timestamp" } " is a " { $link timestamp } } { { $snippet "level" } " is a log level; see " { $link "logging.levels" } } { { $snippet "word-name" } " is a string" } { { $snippet "message" } " is a string" } } } ; ARTICLE: "logging.parser" "Log file parser" "The " { $vocab-link "logging.parser" } " vocabulary parses log files output by the " { $vocab-link "logging" } " vocabulary. It is used by " { $link "logging.analysis" } " and " { $vocab-link "logging.insomniac" } " to analyze logs." $nl "There is only one primary entry point:" { $subsections parse-log } ; ABOUT: "logging.parser"