USING: alien help.markup help.syntax io kernel math quotations assocs vocabs.loader sequences accessors colors words ; IN: opengl HELP: gl-color { $values { "color" color } } { $description "Wrapper for " { $link glColor4d } " taking an instance of " { $link color } "." } { $notes "See " { $link "colors" } "." } ; HELP: gl-error { $description "If the most recent OpenGL call resulted in an error, throw a " { $snippet "gl-error" } " instance reporting the error." } ; HELP: do-enabled { $values { "what" integer } { "quot" quotation } } { $description "Wraps a quotation in " { $link glEnable } "/" { $link glDisable } " calls." } ; HELP: do-matrix { $values { "quot" quotation } } { $description "Saves and restores the current matrix before and after calling the quotation." } ; HELP: gl-line { $values { "a" "a pair of integers" } { "b" "a pair of integers" } } { $description "Draws a line between two points." } ; HELP: gl-fill-rect { $values { "loc" "a pair of integers" } { "dim" "a pair of integers" } } { $description "Draws a filled rectangle with the top-left corner at the origin and the given dimensions." } ; HELP: gl-rect { $values { "loc" "a pair of integers" } { "dim" "a pair of integers" } } { $description "Draws the outline of a rectangle with the top-left corner at the origin and the given dimensions." } ; HELP: gen-gl-buffer { $values { "id" integer } } { $description "Wrapper for " { $link glGenBuffers } " to handle the common case of generating a single buffer ID." } ; HELP: delete-gl-buffer { $values { "id" integer } } { $description "Wrapper for " { $link glDeleteBuffers } " to handle the common case of deleting a single buffer ID." } ; { gen-gl-buffer delete-gl-buffer } related-words HELP: bind-texture-unit { $values { "id" "The id of a texture object." } { "target" "The texture target (e.g., " { $snippet "GL_TEXTURE_2D" } ")" } { "unit" "The texture unit to bind (e.g., " { $snippet "GL_TEXTURE0" } ")" } } { $description "Binds texture " { $snippet "id" } " to texture target " { $snippet "target" } " of texture unit " { $snippet "unit" } ". Equivalent to " { $snippet "unit glActiveTexture target id glBindTexture" } "." } ; HELP: set-draw-buffers { $values { "buffers" "A sequence of buffer words (e.g. " { $snippet "GL_BACK" } ", " { $snippet "GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0" } ")" } } { $description "Wrapper for " { $link glDrawBuffers } ". Sets up the buffers named in the sequence for simultaneous drawing." } ; HELP: do-attribs { $values { "bits" integer } { "quot" quotation } } { $description "Wraps a quotation in " { $link glPushAttrib } "/" { $link glPopAttrib } " calls." } ; HELP: gen-dlist { $values { "id" integer } } { $description "Wrapper for " { $link glGenLists } " to handle the common case of generating a single display list ID." } ; HELP: make-dlist { $values { "type" "one of " { $link GL_COMPILE } " or " { $link GL_COMPILE_AND_EXECUTE } } { "quot" quotation } { "id" "an OpenGL texture ID" } } { $description "Compiles the results of calling the quotation into a new OpenGL display list." } ; HELP: gl-translate { $values { "point" "a pair of integers" } } { $description "Wrapper for " { $link glTranslated } " taking a point object." } ; HELP: with-translation { $values { "loc" "a pair of integers" } { "quot" quotation } } { $description "Calls the quotation with a translation by " { $snippet "loc" } " pixels applied to the current " { $link GL_MODELVIEW } " matrix, restoring the matrix when the quotation is done." } ; ARTICLE: "gl-utilities" "OpenGL utility words" "The " { $vocab-link "opengl" } " vocabulary implements some utility words to give OpenGL a more Factor-like feel." $nl "The " { $vocab-link "" } " and " { $vocab-link "opengl.glu" } " vocabularies have the actual OpenGL bindings." { $subsections "opengl-low-level" } "Error reporting:" { $subsections gl-error } "Wrappers:" { $subsections gl-color gl-translate bind-texture-unit } "Combinators:" { $subsections do-enabled do-attribs do-matrix with-translation make-dlist } "Rendering geometric shapes:" { $subsections gl-line gl-fill-rect gl-rect } ; ABOUT: "gl-utilities"