USING: assocs calendar multiline present toml tools.test ; ! Example document { H{ { "title" "TOML Example" } { "owner" H{ { "name" "Tom Preston-Werner" } { "organization" "GitHub" } { "bio" "GitHub Cofounder & CEO\nLikes tater tots and beer." } { "dob" T{ timestamp { year 1979 } { month 5 } { day 27 } { hour 7 } { minute 32 } } } } } { "database" H{ { "server" "" } { "ports" { 8001 8001 8002 } } { "connection_max" 5000 } { "enabled" t } } } { "servers" H{ { "alpha" H{ { "ip" "" } { "dc" "eqdc10" } } } { "beta" H{ { "ip" "" } { "dc" "eqdc10" } { "country" "中国" } } } } } { "clients" H{ { "data" { { "gamma" "delta" } { 1 2 } } } { "hosts" { "alpha" "omega" } } } } { "products" V{ H{ { "name" "Hammer" } { "sku" 738594937 } } H{ { "name" "Nail" } { "sku" 284758393 } { "color" "gray" } } } } } } [ [=[ # This is a TOML document. Boom. title = "TOML Example" [owner] name = "Tom Preston-Werner" organization = "GitHub" bio = "GitHub Cofounder & CEO\nLikes tater tots and beer." dob = 1979-05-27T07:32:00Z # First class dates? Why not? [database] server = "" ports = [ 8001, 8001, 8002 ] connection_max = 5000 enabled = true [servers] # You can indent as you please. Tabs or spaces. TOML don't care. [servers.alpha] ip = "" dc = "eqdc10" [servers.beta] ip = "" dc = "eqdc10" country = "中国" # This should be parsed as UTF-8 [clients] data = [ ["gamma", "delta"], [1, 2] ] # just an update to make sure parsers support it # Line breaks are OK when inside arrays hosts = [ "alpha", "omega" ] # Products [[products]] name = "Hammer" sku = 738594937 [[products]] name = "Nail" sku = 284758393 color = "gray" ]=] toml> ] unit-test { H{ { "deps" H{ { "temp_targets" H{ { "case" 72.0 } } } } } } } [ "[deps] temp_targets = { case = 72.0 }" toml> ] unit-test { H{ { "foo" H{ { "qux" 456 } { "bar" H{ { "baz" 123 } } } } } } } [ [=[ [] baz = 123 [foo] qux = 456 ]=] toml> ] unit-test ! TESTS FROM 1.0.0 SPEC ! Comments { H{ { "key" "value" } { "another" "# This is not a comment" } } } [ [=[ # This is a full-line comment key = "value" # This is a comment at the end of a line another = "# This is not a comment"]=] toml> ] unit-test ! Key/Value Pairs [ [=[ key = # INVALID]=] toml> ] must-fail [ [=[ key = 1234abcd ]=] toml> ] must-fail [ [=[ first = "Tom" last = "Preston-Werner" # INVALID]=] toml> ] must-fail ! Keys { H{ { "character encoding" "value" } { "quoted \"value\"" "value" } { "ʎǝʞ" "value" } { "key2" "value" } { "" "value" } } } [ [=[ "" = "value" "character encoding" = "value" "ʎǝʞ" = "value" 'key2' = "value" 'quoted "value"' = "value" ]=] toml> ] unit-test [ [=[ = "no key name" # INVALID]=] toml> ] must-fail { H{ { "" "blank" } } } [ [=[ "" = "blank" # VALID but discouraged]=] toml> ] unit-test { H{ { "" "blank" } } } [ [=[ '' = "blank" # VALID but discouraged]=] toml> ] unit-test { H{ { "physical" H{ { "color" "orange" } { "shape" "round" } } } { "name" "Orange" } { "site" H{ { "" t } } } } } [ [=[ name = "Orange" physical.color = "orange" physical.shape = "round" site."" = true ]=] toml> ] unit-test { H{ { "fruit" H{ { "name" "banana" } { "color" "yellow" } { "flavor" "banana" } } } } } [ [=[ = "banana" # this is best practice fruit. color = "yellow" # same as fruit.color fruit . flavor = "banana" # same as fruit.flavor]=] toml> ] unit-test [ [=[ # DO NOT DO THIS name = "Tom" name = "Pradyun" ]=] toml> ] [ duplicate-key? ] must-fail-with [ [=[ # THE FOLLOWING IS INVALID # This defines the value of to be an integer. = 1 # But then this treats like it's a table. # You can't turn an integer into a table. = true]=] toml> ] must-fail { H{ { "3" H{ { "14159" "pi" } } } } } [ [=[ 3.14159 = "pi" ]=] toml> ] unit-test ! Strings { H{ { "str" "I'm a string. \"You can quote me\". Name\tJosé\nLocation\tSF." } } } [ [=[ str = "I'm a string. \"You can quote me\". Name\tJos\u00E9\nLocation\tSF." ]=] toml> ] unit-test { H{ { "str1" "Roses are red\nViolets are blue" } } } [ [=[ str1 = """ Roses are red Violets are blue"""]=] toml> ] unit-test { H{ { "str1" "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog." } { "str2" "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog." } { "str3" "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog." } } } [ [=[ # The following strings are byte-for-byte equivalent: str1 = "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog." str2 = """ The quick brown \ fox jumps over \ the lazy dog.""" str3 = """\ The quick brown \ fox jumps over \ the lazy dog.\ """ ]=] toml> ] unit-test { H{ { "regex" "<\\i\\c*\\s*>" } { "quoted" "Tom \"Dubs\" Preston-Werner" } { "winpath2" "\\\\ServerX\\admin$\\system32\\" } { "winpath" "C:\\Users\\nodejs\\templates" } } } [ [=[ # What you see is what you get. winpath = 'C:\Users\nodejs\templates' winpath2 = '\\ServerX\admin$\system32\' quoted = 'Tom "Dubs" Preston-Werner' regex = '<\i\c*\s*>' ]=] toml> ] unit-test ! Integer { H{ { "int1" 99 } { "int2" 42 } { "int3" 0 } { "int4" -17 } { "int5" 1000 } { "int6" 5349221 } { "int7" 5349221 } { "int8" 12345 } { "hex1" 0xdeadbeef } { "hex2" 0xdeadbeef } { "hex3" 0xdeadbeef } { "oct1" 0o01234567 } { "oct2" 0o755 } { "bin1" 0b11010110 } } } [ [=[ int1 = +99 int2 = 42 int3 = 0 int4 = -17 int5 = 1_000 int6 = 5_349_221 int7 = 53_49_221 # Indian number system grouping int8 = 1_2_3_4_5 # VALID but discouraged # hexadecimal with prefix `0x` hex1 = 0xDEADBEEF hex2 = 0xdeadbeef hex3 = 0xdead_beef # octal with prefix `0o` oct1 = 0o01234567 oct2 = 0o755 # useful for Unix file permissions # binary with prefix `0b` bin1 = 0b11010110 ]=] toml> ] unit-test [ [=[ key = +0o99 ]=] toml> ] must-fail ! Floats { H{ { "flt1" "1.0" } { "flt2" "3.1415" } { "flt3" "-0.01" } { "flt4" "5e+22" } { "flt5" "1000000.0" } { "flt6" "-0.02" } { "flt7" "6.626e-34" } { "flt8" "224617.445991228" } { "sf1" "1/0." } { "sf3" "-1/0." } { "sf2" "1/0." } { "sf5" "0/0." } { "sf4" "0/0." } { "sf6" "0/0." } } } [ [=[ # fractional flt1 = +1.0 flt2 = 3.1415 flt3 = -0.01 # exponent flt4 = 5e+22 flt5 = 1e06 flt6 = -2E-2 # both flt7 = 6.626e-34 flt8 = 224_617.445_991_228 # infinity sf1 = inf # positive infinity sf2 = +inf # positive infinity sf3 = -inf # negative infinity # not a number sf4 = nan # actual sNaN/qNaN encoding is implementation-specific sf5 = +nan # same as `nan` sf6 = -nan # valid, actual encoding is implementation-specific ]=] toml> [ present ] assoc-map ] unit-test [ [=[ invalid_float_1 = .7]=] toml> ] must-fail [ [=[ invalid_float_2 = 7.]=] toml> ] must-fail [ [=[ invalid_float_2 = 3.e+20]=] toml> ] must-fail ! Booleans { H{ { "bool1" t } { "bool2" f } } } [ [=[ bool1 = true bool2 = false]=] toml> ] unit-test ! Offset Date-Time { H{ { "odt4" T{ timestamp { year 1979 } { month 5 } { day 27 } { hour 7 } { minute 32 } } } { "odt1" T{ timestamp { year 1979 } { month 5 } { day 27 } { hour 7 } { minute 32 } } } { "odt2" T{ timestamp { year 1979 } { month 5 } { day 27 } { minute 32 } { gmt-offset T{ duration { hour -7 } } } } } { "odt3" T{ timestamp { year 1979 } { month 5 } { day 27 } { minute 32 } { second 999999/1000000 } { gmt-offset T{ duration { hour -7 } } } } } } } [ [=[ odt1 = 1979-05-27T07:32:00Z odt2 = 1979-05-27T00:32:00-07:00 odt3 = 1979-05-27T00:32:00.999999-07:00 odt4 = 1979-05-27 07:32:00Z ]=] toml> ] unit-test ! Local Date-Time { H{ { "ldt1" T{ timestamp { year 1979 } { month 5 } { day 27 } { hour 7 } { minute 32 } } } { "ldt2" T{ timestamp { year 1979 } { month 5 } { day 27 } { minute 32 } { second 999999/1000000 } } } } } [ [=[ ldt1 = 1979-05-27T07:32:00 ldt2 = 1979-05-27T00:32:00.999999 ]=] toml> ] unit-test ! Local Date { H{ { "ld1" "1979-05-27" } } } [ [=[ ld1 = 1979-05-27 ]=] toml> ] unit-test ! Local Time { H{ { "lt2" "00:32:00.999999" } { "lt1" "07:32:00" } } } [ [=[ lt1 = 07:32:00 lt2 = 00:32:00.999999 ]=] toml> ] unit-test ! Array { H{ { "integers" { 1 2 3 } } { "colors" { "red" "yellow" "green" } } { "nested_arrays_of_ints" { { 1 2 } { 3 4 5 } } } { "nested_mixed_array" { { 1 2 } { "a" "b" "c" } } } { "string_array" { "all" "strings" "are the same" "type" } } { "numbers" { 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 } } { "contributors" { "Foo Bar " H{ { "name" "Baz Qux" } { "email" "" } { "url" "" } } } } } } [ [=[ integers = [ 1, 2, 3 ] colors = [ "red", "yellow", "green" ] nested_arrays_of_ints = [ [ 1, 2 ], [3, 4, 5] ] nested_mixed_array = [ [ 1, 2 ], ["a", "b", "c"] ] string_array = [ "all", 'strings', """are the same""", '''type''' ] # Mixed-type arrays are allowed numbers = [ 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1, 2, 5 ] contributors = [ "Foo Bar ", { name = "Baz Qux", email = "", url = "" } ] ]=] toml> ] unit-test { H{ { "integers2" { 1 2 3 } } { "integers3" { 1 2 } } } } [ [=[ integers2 = [ 1, 2, 3 ] integers3 = [ 1, 2, # this is ok ]]=] toml> ] unit-test ! Table { H{ { "j" H{ { "ʞ" H{ { "l" H{ { "key1" t } } } } } } } } } [ [=[ [ j . "ʞ" . 'l' ] key1 = true ]=] toml> ] unit-test ! Inline Table { H{ { "name" H{ { "first" "Tom" } { "last" "Preston-Werner" } } } { "point" H{ { "x" 1 } { "y" 2 } } } { "animal" H{ { "type" H{ { "name" "pug" } } } } } } } [ [=[ name = { first = "Tom", last = "Preston-Werner" } point = { x = 1, y = 2 } animal = { = "pug" }]=] toml> ] unit-test ! Array of Tables { H{ { "points" { H{ { "x" 1 } { "y" 2 } { "z" 3 } } H{ { "x" 7 } { "y" 8 } { "z" 9 } } H{ { "x" 2 } { "y" 4 } { "z" 8 } } } } } } [ [=[ points = [ { x = 1, y = 2, z = 3 }, { x = 7, y = 8, z = 9 }, { x = 2, y = 4, z = 8 } ] ]=] toml> ] unit-test { H{ { "a" { } } } } [ "a=[]" toml> ] unit-test { H{ { "a" { 1 } } } } [ "a=[1]" toml> ] unit-test { H{ { "a" { 1 2 3 } } } } [ "a=[1,2,3]" toml> ] unit-test { H{ { "a" { 1 2 3 } } } } [ "a=[,1,,,,2,,3,,]" toml> ] unit-test { H{ { "a" { 1 2 3 } } } } [ "a=[ # this\n,1,, # is\n,,2, #a\n,3,, # comment \n]" toml> ] unit-test ! unreleased ! Clarify Unicode and UTF-8 references. ! Relax comment parsing; most control characters are again permitted. ! Allow newline after key/values in inline tables. ! Allow trailing comma in inline tables. ! Clarify where and how dotted keys define tables. ! Add new \e shorthand for the escape character. ! Add \x00 notation to basic strings. ! Seconds in Date-Time and Time values are now optional. ! Allow non-English scripts in unquoted (bare) keys ! Clarify newline normalization in multi-line literal strings.