USING: colors documents fonts help.markup help.syntax models sequences strings ui.commands ui.gadgets ui.gadgets.line-support ui.gadgets.scrollers ; IN: ui.gadgets.editors HELP: { $values { "editor" multiline-editor } } { $description "Creates a new multi-line editor gadget." } ; HELP: editor { $class-description "An editor is a control for editing a multi-line passage of text stored in a " { $link document } " model. Editors are created by calling " { $link } "." $nl "Editors have the following slots:" { $slots { "caret" { "a " { $link model } " storing a line/column pair." } } { "mark" { "a " { $link model } " storing a line/column pair. If there is no selection, the mark is equal to the caret, otherwise the mark is located at the opposite end of the selection from the caret." } } { "focused?" { "a boolean." } } { "preedit-start" { "a line/column pair or " { $link f } ". It represents the starting point of the string being edited by an input method." } } { "preedit-end" { "a line/column pair or " { $link f } ". It represents the end point of the string being edited by an input method." } } { "preedit-selected-start" { "a line/column pair or " { $link f } ". It represents the starting point of the string being selected by an input method." } } { "preedit-selected-end" { "a line/column pair or " { $link f } ". It represents the end point of the string being selected by an input method." } } { "preedit-selection-mode?" { "a boolean. It means the mode of selecting convertion canditate word. The caret in an editor is not drawn if it is true." } } { "preedit-underlines" { "an array or " { $link f } ". It stores underline attributes for its preedit area." } } } $nl " Slots that are prefixed with \"preedit-\" should not be modified directly. They are changed by the platform-dependent backend." } { $see-also line-gadget } ; HELP: { $values { "editor" "a new " { $link editor } } } { $description "Creates a new " { $link editor } " with an empty document." } ; { editor-caret editor-mark } related-words HELP: editor-caret { $values { "editor" editor } { "loc" "a pair of integers" } } { $description "Outputs the current caret location as a line/column number pair." } ; HELP: editor-mark { $values { "editor" editor } { "loc" "a pair of integers" } } { $description "Outputs the current mark location as a line/column number pair." } ; HELP: change-caret { $values { "editor" editor } { "quot" { $quotation ( loc document -- newloc ) } } } { $description "Applies a quotation to the current caret location and moves the caret to the location output by the quotation." } ; { change-caret change-caret&mark mark>caret } related-words HELP: mark>caret { $values { "editor" editor } } { $description "Moves the mark to the caret location, effectively deselecting any selected text." } ; HELP: change-caret&mark { $values { "editor" editor } { "quot" { $quotation ( loc document -- newloc ) } } } { $description "Applies a quotation to the current caret location and moves the caret and the mark to the location output by the quotation." } ; HELP: point>loc { $values { "point" "a pair of integers" } { "editor" editor } { "loc" "a pair of integers" } } { $description "Converts a point to a line/column number pair." } ; HELP: scroll>caret { $values { "editor" editor } } { $description "Ensures that the caret becomes visible in a " { $link scroller } " containing the editor. Does nothing if no parent of " { $snippet "gadget" } " is a " { $link scroller } "." } ; HELP: remove-selection { $values { "editor" editor } } { $description "Removes currently selected text from the editor's " { $link document } "." } ; HELP: { $values { "model" model } { "gadget" editor } } { $description "Creates an editor gadget which targets the specified model. The model must contain a string, or another item with a defined " { $link length } ", as this will be checked during layout." } ; HELP: { $values { "quot" { $quotation ( string -- ) } } { "gadget" editor } } { $description "Creates an editor gadget with a blank model. Whenever a value is entered into the editor and Return pressed, the value is pushed on the stack as a string and the specified quotation is called. Note that the quotation cannot update the value in the field." } ; HELP: editor-string { $values { "editor" editor } { "string" string } } { $description "Outputs the contents of the editor's " { $link document } " as a string. Lines are separated by " { $snippet "\\n" } "." } ; HELP: set-editor-string { $values { "string" string } { "editor" editor } } { $description "Sets the contents of the editor's " { $link document } " to a string, which may use either " { $snippet "\\n" } ", " { $snippet "\\r\\n" } " or " { $snippet "\\r" } " line separators." } ; ARTICLE: "gadgets-editors-selection" "The caret and mark" "If there is no selection, the caret and the mark are at the same location; otherwise the mark delimits the end-point of the selection opposite the caret." { $subsections editor-caret editor-mark change-caret change-caret&mark mark>caret } "Getting the selected text:" { $subsections gadget-selection? gadget-selection } "Removing selected text:" { $subsections remove-selection } "Scrolling to the caret location:" { $subsections scroll>caret } "Use " { $link user-input* } " to change selected text." ; ARTICLE: "gadgets-editors-contents" "Getting and setting editor contents" { $subsections editor-string set-editor-string clear-editor } ; ARTICLE: "gadgets-editors-commands" "Editor gadget commands" { $command-map editor "editing" } { $command-map editor "caret-motion" } { $command-map editor "selection" } { $command-map editor "clipboard" } { $command-map multiline-editor "multiline" } ; ARTICLE: "ui.gadgets.editors" "Editor gadgets" "The " { $vocab-link "ui.gadgets.editors" } " vocabulary implements editor gadgets. An editor edits a passage of text. Editors display a " { $link document } ". Editors are built from and inherit all features of " { $link "ui.gadgets.line-support" } "." { $subsections "gadgets-editors-commands" } "Editors:" { $subsections editor "gadgets-editors-contents" "gadgets-editors-selection" } "Multiline editors:" { $subsections } "Fields:" { $subsections } "Editors edit " { $emphasis "documents" } ":" { $subsections "documents" } ; TIP: "Editor gadgets support undo and redo; press " { $command editor "editing" com-undo } " and " { $command editor "editing" com-redo } "." ; TIP: "Learn the keyboard shortcuts used in " { $link "ui.gadgets.editors" } "." ; ABOUT: "ui.gadgets.editors"