USING: help.markup help.syntax io kernel math quotations ; IN: HELP: GUID: { $syntax "GUID: {01234567-89ab-cdef-0123-456789abcdef}" } { $description "\nCreate a COM globally-unique identifier (GUID) literal at parse time, and push it onto the data stack." } ; HELP: COM-INTERFACE: { $syntax "COM-INTERFACE: ( ) ( ) ... ; " } { $description "\nFor the interface " { $snippet "" } ", a word " { $snippet "-iid ( -- iid )" } " is defined to push the interface GUID (IID) onto the stack. Words of the form " { $snippet "::" } " are also defined to invoke each method, as well as the methods inherited from " { $snippet "" } ". A " { $snippet "" } " of " { $snippet "f" } " indicates that the interface is a root interface. (Note that COM conventions demand that all interfaces at least inherit from " { $snippet "IUnknown" } ".)\n\nExample:" } { $code " COM-INTERFACE: IUnknown f {00000000-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} HRESULT QueryInterface ( REFGUID iid, void** ppvObject ) ULONG AddRef ( ) ULONG Release ( ) ; COM-INTERFACE: ISimple IUnknown {216fb341-0eb2-44b1-8edb-60b76e353abc} HRESULT returnOK ( ) HRESULT returnError ( ) ; COM-INTERFACE: IInherited ISimple {9620ecec-8438-423b-bb14-86f835aa40dd} int getX ( ) void setX ( int newX ) ; " } ;