! Copyright (C) 2017-2018 Alexander Ilin. ! See http://factorcode.org/license.txt for BSD license. USING: accessors alien alien.data alien.libraries alien.strings continuations fry init io.encodings.utf16 kernel literals math namespaces sequences ui.backend.windows ui.gadgets.worlds ui.gestures windows.errors windows.messages windows.shell32 windows.types windows.user32 ; IN: windows.dropfiles : filecount-from-hdrop ( hdrop -- n ) 0xFFFFFFFF f 0 DragQueryFile ; : filenames-from-hdrop ( hdrop -- filenames ) dup filecount-from-hdrop [ 2dup f 0 DragQueryFile 1 + ! get size of filename buffer dup WCHAR [ swap DragQueryFile drop ] keep utf16n alien>string ] with map ; ! : point-from-hdrop ( hdrop -- loc ) ! POINT [ DragQueryPoint drop ] keep [ x>> ] [ y>> ] bi 2array ; : handle-wm-dropfiles ( hdrop -- ) [ filenames-from-hdrop dropped-files set-global ] [ DragFinish ] bi key-modifiers hand-gadget get-global propagate-gesture ; ! The ChangeWindowMessageFilter has a global per-process effect, and so is the ! list of wm-handlers. Therefore, there is no benefit in using the stricter ! ChangeWindowMessageFilterEx approach. Plus, the latter is not in Vista. : (init-message-filter) ( -- ) "ChangeWindowMessageFilter" "user32" dlsym? [ ${ WM_DROPFILES WM_COPYDATA WM_COPYGLOBALDATA } [ MSGFLT_ADD ChangeWindowMessageFilter win32-error=0/f ] each ] when ; : do-once ( guard-variable quot -- ) dupd '[ t _ set-global @ ] [ get-global ] dip unless ; inline : init-message-filter ( -- ) \ init-message-filter [ (init-message-filter) ] do-once ; : install-wm-handler ( -- ) [ drop 2nip handle-wm-dropfiles 0 ] WM_DROPFILES add-wm-handler ; : hwnd-accept-files ( hwnd -- ) TRUE DragAcceptFiles init-message-filter install-wm-handler ; : hwnd-reject-files ( hwnd -- ) FALSE DragAcceptFiles ; : world-accept-files ( world -- ) handle>> hWnd>> hwnd-accept-files ; : world-reject-files ( world -- ) handle>> hWnd>> hwnd-reject-files ; : accept-files ( -- ) world get world-accept-files ; : reject-files ( -- ) world get world-reject-files ; [ f \ init-message-filter set-global ] "init-dropfiles" add-startup-hook