! Copyright (C) 2009 Daniel Ehrenberg ! See http://factorcode.org/license.txt for BSD license. USING: kernel sequences math arrays locals fry accessors lists splitting call make combinators.short-circuit namespaces grouping splitting.monotonic ; IN: wrap ! black is the text length, white is the whitespace length TUPLE: element contents black white ; C: element : element-length ( element -- n ) [ black>> ] [ white>> ] bi + ; TUPLE: paragraph lines head-width tail-cost ; C: paragraph SYMBOL: line-max SYMBOL: line-ideal : deviation ( length -- n ) line-ideal get - sq ; : top-fits? ( paragraph -- ? ) [ head-width>> ] [ lines>> 1list? line-ideal line-max ? get ] bi <= ; : fits? ( paragraph -- ? ) ! Make this not count spaces at end { [ lines>> car 1list? ] [ top-fits? ] } 1|| ; :: min-by ( seq quot -- elt ) f 1.0/0.0 seq [| key value new | new quot call :> newvalue newvalue value < [ new newvalue ] [ key value ] if ] each drop ; inline : paragraph-cost ( paragraph -- cost ) dup lines>> 1list? [ drop 0 ] [ [ head-width>> deviation ] [ tail-cost>> ] bi + ] if ; : min-cost ( paragraphs -- paragraph ) [ paragraph-cost ] min-by ; : new-line ( paragraph element -- paragraph ) [ [ lines>> ] [ 1list ] bi* swons ] [ nip black>> ] [ drop paragraph-cost ] 2tri ; : glue ( paragraph element -- paragraph ) [ [ lines>> unswons ] dip swons swons ] [ [ head-width>> ] [ element-length ] bi* + ] [ drop tail-cost>> ] 2tri ; : wrap-step ( paragraphs element -- paragraphs ) [ '[ _ glue ] map ] [ [ min-cost ] dip new-line ] 2bi prefix [ fits? ] filter ; : 1paragraph ( element -- paragraph ) [ 1list 1list ] [ black>> ] bi 0 ; : post-process ( paragraph -- array ) lines>> deep-list>array [ [ contents>> ] map ] map ; : initialize ( elements -- elements paragraph ) unclip-slice 1paragraph 1array ; : wrap ( elements line-max line-ideal -- paragraph ) [ line-ideal set line-max set initialize [ wrap-step ] reduce min-cost post-process ] with-scope ;