USING: help.syntax help.markup math sequences strings ; IN: xml-rpc HELP: send-rpc { $values { "rpc" "an RPC data type" } { "xml" "an XML document" } } { $description "converts an RPC data type into an XML document which can be sent to another computer" } { $see-also receive-rpc } ; HELP: receive-rpc { $values { "xml" "an XML document" } { "rpc" "an RPC data type" } } { $description "parses an XML document into an RPC data type, for further local processing" } { $see-also send-rpc } ; HELP: { $values { "string" string } { "base64" "a base64 tuple" } } { $description "creates a base64 tuple using the data in the string. This marks the data for encoding in the base64 format" } { $see-also base64 } ; HELP: base64 { $class-description "a piece of data marked for encoding as base64 in an XML-RPC message" } { $see-also } ; HELP: { $values { "name" string } { "params" sequence } { "rpc-method" rpc-method } } { $description "creates a tuple representing a method call which can be translated using send-rpc into an XML-RPC document" } { $see-also rpc-method } ; HELP: rpc-method { $class-description "a tuple which is equivalent to an XML-RPC method send. Contains two fields, name and params" } { $see-also rpc-response rpc-fault } ; HELP: { $values { "params" sequence } { "rpc-response" rpc-response } } { $description "creates a tuple representing a data response in XML-RPC" } { $see-also rpc-response } ; HELP: rpc-response { $class-description "represents an XML-RPC method response, with a number of parameters holding data. Contains one field, params, a sequence" } { $see-also rpc-method rpc-fault } ; HELP: { $values { "code" integer } { "string" string } { "rpc-fault" rpc-fault } } { $description "creates a tuple representing an exception in RPC, to be returned to the caller. The code is a number representing what type of error it is, and the string is a description" } { $see-also rpc-fault } ; HELP: rpc-fault { $class-description "represents an XML-RPC fault" } { $see-also rpc-method rpc-response } ; HELP: post-rpc { $values { "rpc" "an XML-RPC input tuple" } { "url" "a URL" } { "rpc'" "an XML-RPC output tuple" } } { $description "posts an XML-RPC document to the specified URL, receives the response and parses it as XML-RPC, returning the tuple" } ; ARTICLE: { "xml-rpc" "intro" } "XML-RPC" "This is the XML-RPC library. XML-RPC is used instead of SOAP because it is far simpler and easier to use for most tasks. The library was implemented by Daniel Ehrenberg." $nl "The most important words that this library implements are:" { $subsections send-rpc receive-rpc } "data types in XML-RPC" { $subsections base64 rpc-method rpc-response rpc-fault } "the constructors for these are" { $subsections } "other words include" { $subsections post-rpc } ;