USING: accessors continuations debugger eval hashtables io kernel kernel.private math memory namespaces sequences tools.test vectors words ; IN: continuations.tests : (callcc1-test) ( n obj -- n' obj ) [ 1 - dup ] dip ?push over 0 = [ "test-cc" get continue-with ] when (callcc1-test) ; : callcc1-test ( x -- list ) [ "test-cc" set V{ } clone (callcc1-test) ] callcc1 nip ; : callcc-namespace-test ( -- ? ) [ "test-cc" set 5 "x" set H{ } clone [ 6 "x" set "test-cc" get continue ] with-variables ] callcc0 "x" get 5 = ; { t } [ 10 callcc1-test 10 iota reverse >vector = ] unit-test { t } [ callcc-namespace-test ] unit-test [ 5 throw ] [ 5 = ] must-fail-with { t } [ [ "Hello" throw ] ignore-errors error get-global "Hello" = ] unit-test "!!! The following error is part of the test" print { } [ [ 6 [ 12 [ "2 car" ] ] ] print-error ] unit-test "!!! The following error is part of the test" print { } [ [ [ "2 car" ] eval ] try ] unit-test [ f throw ] must-fail ! Weird PowerPC bug. { } [ [ "4" throw ] ignore-errors gc gc ] unit-test : don't-compile-me ( -- ) ; : foo ( -- ) get-callstack "c" set don't-compile-me ; : bar ( -- a b ) 1 foo 2 ; << { don't-compile-me foo bar } [ t "no-compile" set-word-prop ] each >> { 1 2 } [ bar ] unit-test { t } [ \ bar def>> "c" get innermost-frame-executing = ] unit-test { 1 } [ "c" get innermost-frame-scan ] unit-test SYMBOL: always-counter SYMBOL: error-counter H{ { always-counter 0 } { error-counter 0 } } [ [ ] [ always-counter inc ] [ error-counter inc ] cleanup [ 1 ] [ always-counter get ] unit-test [ 0 ] [ error-counter get ] unit-test [ [ "a" throw ] [ always-counter inc ] [ error-counter inc ] cleanup ] [ "a" = ] must-fail-with [ 2 ] [ always-counter get ] unit-test [ 1 ] [ error-counter get ] unit-test [ [ ] [ always-counter inc "a" throw ] [ error-counter inc ] cleanup ] [ "a" = ] must-fail-with [ 3 ] [ always-counter get ] unit-test [ 1 ] [ error-counter get ] unit-test ] with-variables { } [ [ return ] with-return ] unit-test [ { } [ ] attempt-all ] [ attempt-all-error? ] must-fail-with { { 4 } } [ { 2 2 } [ + ] with-datastack ] unit-test [ with-datastack ] must-infer