USING: arrays byte-arrays kernel kernel.private literals math memory namespaces sequences tools.test math.private quotations continuations prettyprint io.streams.string debugger assocs sequences.private accessors locals.backend grouping words system alien alien.accessors kernel.private ; IN: kernel.tests { 0 } [ f size ] unit-test { t } [ [ \ = \ = ] all-equal? ] unit-test { { { 1 2 0 } { 1 2 1 } { 1 2 2 } { 1 2 3 } { 1 2 4 } { 1 2 5 } { 1 2 6 } { 1 2 7 } { 1 2 8 } { 1 2 9 } } } [ 1 2 10 iota [ 3array ] 2with map ] unit-test ! Don't leak extra roots if error is thrown { } [ 1000 [ [ 3 throw ] ignore-errors ] times ] unit-test { } [ 1000 [ [ -1 f ] ignore-errors ] times ] unit-test ! Make sure we report the correct error on stack underflow [ clear drop ] [ 2 head ${ "kernel-error" ERROR-DATASTACK-UNDERFLOW } = ] must-fail-with { } [ :c ] unit-test [ 3 [ { } set-retainstack ] dip ] [ 2 head ${ "kernel-error" ERROR-RETAINSTACK-UNDERFLOW } = ] must-fail-with { } [ :c ] unit-test : overflow-d ( -- ) 3 overflow-d ; : (overflow-d-alt) ( -- n ) 3 ; : overflow-d-alt ( -- ) (overflow-d-alt) overflow-d-alt ; : overflow-r ( -- ) 3 load-local overflow-r ; << { overflow-d (overflow-d-alt) overflow-d-alt overflow-r } [ t "no-compile" set-word-prop ] each >> [ overflow-d ] [ 2 head ${ "kernel-error" ERROR-DATASTACK-OVERFLOW } = ] must-fail-with { } [ :c ] unit-test [ overflow-d-alt ] [ 2 head ${ "kernel-error" ERROR-DATASTACK-OVERFLOW } = ] must-fail-with { } [ [ :c ] with-string-writer drop ] unit-test [ overflow-r ] [ 2 head ${ "kernel-error" ERROR-RETAINSTACK-OVERFLOW } = ] must-fail-with { } [ :c ] unit-test : overflow-c ( -- ) overflow-c overflow-c ; ! The VM cannot recover from callstack overflow on Windows, ! because no facility exists to run memory protection ! fault handlers on an alternate callstack. os windows? [ [ overflow-c ] [ 2 head ${ "kernel-error" ERROR-CALLSTACK-OVERFLOW } = ] must-fail-with ] unless [ -7 ] must-fail { 3 } [ t 3 and ] unit-test { f } [ f 3 and ] unit-test { f } [ 3 f and ] unit-test { 4 } [ 4 6 or ] unit-test { 6 } [ f 6 or ] unit-test { f } [ 1 2 xor ] unit-test { 1 } [ 1 f xor ] unit-test { 2 } [ f 2 xor ] unit-test { f } [ f f xor ] unit-test [ dip ] must-fail { } [ :c ] unit-test [ 1 [ call ] dip ] must-fail { } [ :c ] unit-test [ 1 2 [ call ] dip ] must-fail { } [ :c ] unit-test { 5 } [ 1 [ 2 2 + ] dip + ] unit-test [ [ ] keep ] must-fail { 6 } [ 2 [ sq ] keep + ] unit-test [ [ ] 2keep ] must-fail [ 1 [ ] 2keep ] must-fail { 3 1 2 } [ 1 2 [ 2drop 3 ] 2keep ] unit-test { 0 } [ f [ sq ] [ 0 ] if* ] unit-test { 4 } [ 2 [ sq ] [ 0 ] if* ] unit-test { 0 } [ f [ 0 ] unless* ] unit-test { t } [ t [ "Hello" ] unless* ] unit-test { "2\n" } [ [ 1 2 [ . ] [ sq . ] ?if ] with-string-writer ] unit-test { "9\n" } [ [ 3 f [ . ] [ sq . ] ?if ] with-string-writer ] unit-test { f } [ f (clone) ] unit-test { -123 } [ -123 (clone) ] unit-test { 6 2 } [ 1 2 [ 5 + ] dip ] unit-test { } [ callstack set-callstack ] unit-test [ 3drop datastack ] must-fail { } [ :c ] unit-test ! Doesn't compile; important : foo ( a -- b ) ; << \ foo t "no-compile" set-word-prop >> [ drop foo ] must-fail { } [ :c ] unit-test ! Regression : (loop) ( a b c d -- ) [ pick ] dip swap [ pick ] dip swap < [ [ 1 + ] 3dip (loop) ] [ 4drop ] if ; inline recursive : loop ( obj -- ) H{ } values swap [ dup length swap ] dip [ 0 ] 3dip (loop) ; [ loop ] must-fail ! Discovered on Windows : total-failure-1 ( -- a ) "" [ ] map unimplemented ; [ total-failure-1 ] must-fail { 1 1 2 2 3 3 } [ 1 2 3 [ dup ] tri@ ] unit-test { 1 4 9 } [ 1 2 3 [ sq ] tri@ ] unit-test [ [ sq ] tri@ ] must-infer { 4 } [ 1 { [ 1 ] [ 2 ] } dispatch sq ] unit-test ! Test traceback accuracy : last-frame ( -- pair ) error-continuation get call>> callstack>array 6 head* 3 tail* ; { { [ 1 2 [ 3 throw ] call 4 ] [ 1 2 [ 3 throw ] call 4 ] 3 } } [ [ [ 1 2 [ 3 throw ] call 4 ] call ] ignore-errors last-frame ] unit-test { { [ 1 2 [ 3 throw ] dip 4 ] [ 1 2 [ 3 throw ] dip 4 ] 3 } } [ [ [ 1 2 [ 3 throw ] dip 4 ] call ] ignore-errors last-frame ] unit-test { { [ 1 2 3 throw [ ] call 4 ] [ 1 2 3 throw [ ] call 4 ] 3 } } [ [ [ 1 2 3 throw [ ] call 4 ] call ] ignore-errors last-frame ] unit-test { { [ 1 2 3 throw [ ] dip 4 ] [ 1 2 3 throw [ ] dip 4 ] 3 } } [ [ [ 1 2 3 throw [ ] dip 4 ] call ] ignore-errors last-frame ] unit-test { { [ 1 2 3 throw [ ] [ ] if 4 ] [ 1 2 3 throw [ ] [ ] if 4 ] 3 } } [ [ [ 1 2 3 throw [ ] [ ] if 4 ] call ] ignore-errors last-frame ] unit-test { 10 2 3 4 5 } [ 1 2 3 4 5 [ 10 * ] 4dip ] unit-test { 3 -1 5/6 } [ 1 2 3 4 5 6 [ + ] [ - ] [ / ] 2tri* ] unit-test { { 1 2 } { 3 4 } { 5 6 } } [ 1 2 3 4 5 6 [ 2array ] 2tri@ ] unit-test { t } [ { } identity-hashcode fixnum? ] unit-test { 123 } [ 123 identity-hashcode ] unit-test { t } [ f identity-hashcode fixnum? ] unit-test ! Make sure memory protection faults work [ f 0 alien-unsigned-1 ] [ vm-error? ] must-fail-with [ 1 0 alien-unsigned-1 ] [ vm-error? ] must-fail-with { 1 2 3 1 2 3 } [ 1 2 3 3dup ] unit-test { 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 } [ 1 2 3 4 4dup ] unit-test