USING: accessors arrays combinators definitions generalizations help help.markup help.topics kernel sequences sorting vocabs words ; IN: annotations "Code annotations" { "The " { $vocab-link "annotations" } " vocabulary provides syntax for comment-like annotations that can be looked up with Factor's " { $link usage } " mechanism." } annotation-tags natural-sort [ [ \ $subsection swap comment-word 2array ] map append "To look up annotations:" suffix ] [ [ \ $subsection swap comment-usage.-word 2array ] map append ] bi
"annotations" add-article "annotations" vocab "annotations" >>help drop annotation-tags [ { [ [ \ $syntax ] dip "!" " your comment here" surround 2array ] [ [ \ $description "Treats the rest of the line after the exclamation point as a code annotation that can be looked up with the " \ $link ] dip comment-usage.-word 2array " word." 4array ] [ [ \ $unchecked-example ] dip ": foo ( x y z -- w )\n !" " --w-ó()ò-w-- kilroy was here\n + * ;" surround 2array 3array ] [ comment-word set-word-help ] [ [ \ $description "Displays a list of words, help articles, and vocabularies that contain " \ $link ] dip comment-word 2array " annotations." 4array 1array ] [ comment-usage.-word set-word-help ] [ [ { $values { "usages" sequence } } \ $description "Returns a list of words, help articles, and vocabularies that contain " \ $link ] dip [ comment-word 2array " annotations. For a more user-friendly display, use the " \ $link ] [ comment-usage.-word 2array " word." 6 narray 2array ] bi ] [ comment-usage-word set-word-help ] [ [ comment-word ] [ comment-usage-word ] [ comment-usage.-word ] tri 3array related-words ] } cleave ] each