! Copyright (C) 2015 Doug Coleman. ! See http://factorcode.org/license.txt for BSD license. USING: help.markup help.syntax quotations strings ; IN: changer HELP: change: { $description "Syntax word for applying a quotation to a tuple slot." } { $examples "Change a tuple slot:" { $example "USING: prettyprint changer kernel math ;" "IN: changer" "TUPLE: nightclub count ;" "T{ nightclub f 0 } [ 3 + ] change: count ." "T{ nightclub { count 3 } }" } } ; HELP: inline-changer { $values { "name" string } { "quot'" quotation } } { $description "A macro that takes a slot name and applies the quotation to a slot of a tuple." } ; ARTICLE: "changer" "Changer syntax" "The " { $vocab-link "changer" } " vocabulary defines one word to change the values of a slot of tuple objects." $nl "Syntax word to change tuple slots:" { $subsections POSTPONE: change: } "Macro to implement " { $link POSTPONE: change: } ":" { $subsections inline-changer } ; ABOUT: "changer"