! Copyright (C) 2007 Chris Double. ! See http://factorcode.org/license.txt for BSD license. USING: help.markup help.syntax sequences strings ; IN: cpu.8080.emulator HELP: load-rom { $values { "filename" string } { "cpu" cpu } } { $description "Read the ROM file into the cpu's memory starting at address 0000. " "The filename is relative to the path stored in the " { $link rom-root } " variable. An exception is thrown if this variable is not set." } { $see-also load-rom* } ; HELP: load-rom* { $values { "seq" sequence } { "cpu" cpu } } { $description "Loads one or more ROM files into the cpu's memory. Each file is " "loaded at a particular starting address. 'seq' is a sequence of " "2 element arrays. The first element is the address and the second " "element is the file to load at that address." $nl "The filenames are relative to the path stored in the " { $link rom-root } " variable. An exception is thrown if this variable is not set." } { $examples { $code "{ { 0x0000 \"invaders.rom\" } } load-rom*" } } { $see-also load-rom } ; HELP: rom-root { $description "Holds the path where the ROM files are stored. Used for expanding " "the relative filenames passed to " { $link load-rom } " and " { $link load-rom* } "." } { $see-also load-rom load-rom* } ;