! Copyright (C) 2009 Doug Coleman. ! See http://factorcode.org/license.txt for BSD license. USING: accessors assocs calendar calendar.format combinators.smart io io.crlf io.encodings.utf8 kernel locals managed-server namespaces sequences sorting splitting unicode ; IN: managed-server.chat TUPLE: chat-server < managed-server ; SYMBOL: commands commands [ H{ } clone ] initialize SYMBOL: chat-docs chat-docs [ H{ } clone ] initialize CONSTANT: line-beginning "-!- " : send-line ( string -- ) write crlf flush ; : handle-me ( string -- ) [ [ "* " username " " ] dip ] "" append-outputs-as send-everyone ; : handle-quit ( string -- ) client [ object<< ] [ t >>quit? drop ] bi ; : handle-help ( string -- ) [ "Commands: " commands get keys natural-sort ", " join append send-line ] [ chat-docs get ?at [ send-line ] [ "Unknown command: " prepend send-line ] if ] if-empty ; : usage ( string -- ) chat-docs get at send-line ; : username-taken-string ( username -- string ) "The username ``" "'' is already in use; try again." surround ; : warn-name-changed ( old new -- ) [ [ line-beginning "``" ] 2dip [ "'' is now known as ``" ] dip "''" ] "" append-outputs-as send-everyone ; : handle-nick ( string -- ) [ "nick" usage ] [ dup clients key? [ username-taken-string send-line ] [ [ username swap warn-name-changed ] [ username clients rename-at ] [ client username<< ] tri ] if ] if-empty ; :: add-command ( quot docs key -- ) quot key commands get set-at docs key chat-docs get set-at ; [ handle-help ] "Syntax: /help [command] Displays the documentation for a command." "help" add-command [ drop clients keys [ "``" "''" surround ] map ", " join send-line ] "Syntax: /who Shows the list of connected users." "who" add-command [ drop now-gmt timestamp>rfc822 send-line ] "Syntax: /time Returns the current GMT time." "time" add-command [ handle-nick ] "Syntax: /nick nickname Changes your nickname." "nick" add-command [ handle-me ] "Syntax: /me action" "me" add-command [ handle-quit ] "Syntax: /quit [message] Disconnects a user from the chat server." "quit" add-command : handle-command ( string -- ) dup " " split1 swap >lower commands get at* [ call( string -- ) drop ] [ 2drop "Unknown command: " prepend send-line ] if ; : ( port -- managed-server ) "chat-server" utf8 chat-server new-managed-server ; : handle-chat ( string -- ) [ [ username ": " ] dip ] "" append-outputs-as send-everyone ; M: chat-server handle-login "Username: " write flush readln ; M: chat-server handle-client-join [ line-beginning username " has joined" ] "" append-outputs-as send-everyone ; M: chat-server handle-client-disconnect [ line-beginning username " has quit " client object>> dup [ "\"" dup surround ] when ] "" append-outputs-as send-everyone ; M: chat-server handle-already-logged-in username username-taken-string send-line t client quit?<< ; M: chat-server handle-managed-client* readln dup f = [ t client quit?<< ] when [ "/" ?head [ handle-command ] [ handle-chat ] if ] unless-empty ;