! Copyright (C) 2010 John Benediktsson ! See http://factorcode.org/license.txt for BSD license USING: help.syntax help.markup io.sockets math memcached quotations sequences strings ; IN: memcached HELP: memcached-server { $var-description "Holds an " { $link inet } " object with the address of " "an Memcached server." } ; HELP: with-memcached { $values { "quot" quotation } } { $description "Opens a network connection to the " { $link memcached-server } " and runs the specified quotation." } ; HELP: m/get { $values { "key" string } { "val" string } } { $description "Gets a single key." } ; HELP: m/set { $values { "val" string } { "key" string } } { $description "Sets a single key to a particular value, whether the item " "exists or not." } ; HELP: m/add { $values { "val" string } { "key" string } } { $description "Adds an item only if the item does not already exist. " "If the item already exists, throws an error." } ; HELP: m/replace { $values { "val" string } { "key" string } } { $description "Replaces an item only if it already eixsts. " "If the item does not exist, throws an error." } ; HELP: m/delete { $values { "key" string } } { $description "Deletes an item." } ; HELP: m/append { $values { "val" string } { "key" string } } { $description "Appends the value to the specified item." } ; HELP: m/prepend { $values { "val" string } { "key" string } } { $description "Prepends the value to the specified item." } ; HELP: m/incr { $values { "key" string } { "val" string } } { $description "Increments the value of the specified item by 1." } ; HELP: m/incr-val { $values { "amt" string } { "key" string } { "val" string } } { $description "Increments the value of the specified item by the specified amount." } ; HELP: m/decr { $values { "key" string } { "val" string } } { $description "Decrements the value of the specified item by 1." } ; HELP: m/decr-val { $values { "amt" string } { "key" string } { "val" string } } { $description "Decrements the value of the specified item by the specified amount." } ; HELP: m/version { $values { "version" string } } { $description "Retrieves the version of the " { $link memcached-server } "." } ; HELP: m/noop { $description "Used as a keep-alive. Also flushes any outstanding quiet gets." } ; HELP: m/stats { $values { "stats" sequence } } { $description "Get various statistics about the " { $link memcached-server } "." } ; HELP: m/flush { $description "Deletes all the items in the cache now." } ; HELP: m/flush-later { $values { "seconds" integer } } { $description "Deletes all the items in the cache sometime in the future." } ; HELP: m/quit { $description "Close the connection to the " { $link memcached-server } "." } ;