! Copyright (C) 2015 John Benediktsson ! See http://factorcode.org/license.txt for BSD license USING: accessors assocs byte-arrays combinators endian io io.encodings.binary io.encodings.string io.encodings.utf8 io.files io.streams.byte-array io.streams.peek kernel literals make math sequences sequences.generalizations ; IN: midi ! TODO: sometimes track length not specified ! TODO: parse division ! TODO: key-signature-decode TUPLE: midi header chunks ; C: midi TUPLE: midi-chunk type bytes ; C: midi-chunk TUPLE: midi-header format #chunks division ; TUPLE: midi-track events ; TUPLE: meta-event delta name value ; C: meta-event TUPLE: sysex-event delta type bytes ; C: sysex-event TUPLE: midi-event delta name value ; C: midi-event CONSTANT: formats H{ { 0 "the file contains a single multi-channel track" } { 1 "the file contains one or more simultaneous tracks (or MIDI outputs) of a sequence" } { 2 "the file contains one or more sequentially independant single-track patterns" } } CONSTANT: min-pitchwheel -8192 CONSTANT: max-pitchwheel 8191 CONSTANT: min-songpos 0 CONSTANT: max-songpos 16383 CONSTANT: key-signatures H{ { B{ -7 0 } "Cb" } { B{ -6 0 } "Gb" } { B{ -5 0 } "Db" } { B{ -4 0 } "Ab" } { B{ -3 0 } "Eb" } { B{ -2 0 } "Bb" } { B{ -1 0 } "F" } { B{ 0 0 } "C" } { B{ 1 0 } "G" } { B{ 2 0 } "D" } { B{ 3 0 } "A" } { B{ 4 0 } "E" } { B{ 5 0 } "B" } { B{ 6 0 } "F#" } { B{ 7 0 } "C#" } { B{ -7 1 } "Abm" } { B{ -6 1 } "Ebm" } { B{ -5 1 } "Bbm" } { B{ -4 1 } "Fm" } { B{ -3 1 } "Cm" } { B{ -2 1 } "Gm" } { B{ -1 1 } "Dm" } { B{ 0 1 } "Am" } { B{ 1 1 } "Em" } { B{ 2 1 } "Bm" } { B{ 3 1 } "F#m" } { B{ 4 1 } "C#m" } { B{ 5 1 } "G#m" } { B{ 6 1 } "D#m" } { B{ 7 1 } "A#m" } } CONSTANT: smpte-framerate H{ { 0 24 } { 1 25 } { 2 29.97 } { 3 30 } } "sequence-number" ] } { 0x01 [ utf8 decode "text" ] } { 0x02 [ utf8 decode "copyright" ] } { 0x03 [ utf8 decode "track-name" ] } { 0x04 [ utf8 decode "instrument-name" ] } { 0x05 [ utf8 decode "lyrics" ] } { 0x06 [ utf8 decode "marker" ] } { 0x07 [ utf8 decode "cue-point" ] } { 0x09 [ utf8 decode "device-name" ] } { 0x20 [ first "channel-prefix" ] } { 0x21 [ first "midi-port" ] } { 0x2f [ drop t "end-of-track" ] } { 0x51 [ 3 head be> "set-tempo" ] } { 0x54 [ [ 5 firstn { [ [ -6 shift "frame-rate" ,, ] [ 0x3f bitand "hours" ,, ] bi ] [ "minutes" ,, ] [ "seconds" ,, ] [ "frames" ,, ] [ "subframes" ,, ] } spread ] H{ } make "smpte-offset" ] } { 0x58 [ [ first4 { [ "numerator" ,, ] [ 2 * "denominator" ,, ] [ "clocks-per-tick" ,, ] [ "notated-32nd-notes-per-beat" ,, ] } spread ] H{ } make "time-signature" ] } { 0x59 [ key-signatures at "key-signature" ] } { 0x7f [ "sequencer-specific" ] } } case swap ; : read-meta ( delta -- event ) read1 read-number read parse-meta ; : read-sysex ( delta type -- event ) read-number read ; : read-message ( delta type -- message ) dup 0xf0 < [ [ ! channel messages [ 0x0f bitand "channel" ,, ] [ 0xf0 bitand ] bi { { 0x80 [ "note-off" read1 "note" ,, read1 "velocity" ,, ] } { 0x90 [ "note-on" read1 "note" ,, read1 "velocity" ,, ] } { 0xa0 [ "polytouch" read1 "note" ,, read1 "value" ,, ] } { 0xb0 [ "control-change" read1 "control" ,, read1 "value" ,, ] } { 0xc0 [ "program-change" read1 "program" ,, ] } { 0xd0 [ "aftertouch" read1 "value" ,, ] } { 0xe0 [ "pitchwheel" read1 read1 7 shift + min-pitchwheel + "pitch" ,, ] } } case ] H{ } make ] [ { ! system common messages { 0xf0 [ "sysex" { 0xf7 } read-until drop ] } { 0xf1 [ "quarter-made" [ read1 [ -4 shift "frame-type" ,, ] [ 0x0f bitand "frame-value" ,, ] bi ] H{ } make ] } { 0xf2 [ "songpos" read1 read1 7 shift + ] } { 0xf3 [ "song-select" read1 ] } { 0xf6 [ "tune-request" f ] } ! real-time messages { 0xf8 [ "clock" f ] } { 0xfa [ "start" f ] } { 0xfb [ "continue" f ] } { 0xfc [ "stop" f ] } { 0xfe [ "active-sensing" f ] } { 0xff [ "reset" f ] } } case ] if ; : read-event ( delta type -- event ) { { 0xf0 [ 0xf0 read-sysex ] } { 0xf7 [ 0xf7 read-sysex ] } { 0xff [ read-meta ] } [ read-message ] } case ; : read-status ( prev-status -- prev-status' status ) peek1 dup 0x80 < [ drop dup ] [ drop read1 dup 0xff = [ nip dup ] unless ] if ; : read-event-header ( prev-status -- prev-status' delta status ) [ read-number ] dip read-status swapd ; : parse-events ( data -- events ) binary [ f [ peek1 [ read-event-header ] [ f f ] if dup ] [ read-event ] produce 3nip ] with-input-stream ; : ( bytes -- header ) 2 cut 2 cut [ be> ] tri@ midi-header boa ; : ( bytes -- track ) parse-events midi-track boa ; : read-chunk ( -- chunk ) 4 read 4 read be> read swap { { $[ "MThd" >byte-array ] [ ] } { $[ "MTrk" >byte-array ] [ ] } [ swap ] } case ; : read-header ( -- header ) read-chunk dup midi-header? t assert= ; : read-chunks ( header -- chunks ) #chunks>> [ read-chunk ] replicate ; PRIVATE> : read-midi ( -- midi ) read-header dup read-chunks ; : >midi ( byte-array -- midi ) binary [ read-midi ] with-byte-reader ; : file>midi ( path -- midi ) binary [ read-midi ] with-file-reader ; ] [ [ 8 shift 0x80 bitor ] [ [ 0x7f bitand + ] keep ] bi* ] while drop [ [ -8 shift ] [ 0x80 bitand 0 > ] bi ] [ dup 0xff bitand write1 ] do while drop ; : write-string ( str -- ) utf8 encode [ length write-number ] [ write ] bi ; GENERIC: write-event ( prev-status event -- status ) M: meta-event write-event [ delta>> write-number 0xff write1 ] [ value>> ] [ name>> ] tri { { "sequence-number" [ B{ 0x00 0x02 } write 2 >be write ] } { "text" [ 0x01 write1 write-string ] } { "copyright" [ 0x02 write1 write-string ] } { "track-name" [ 0x03 write1 write-string ] } { "instrument-name" [ 0x04 write1 write-string ] } { "lyrics" [ 0x05 write1 write-string ] } { "marker" [ 0x06 write1 write-string ] } { "cue-point" [ 0x07 write1 write-string ] } { "device-name" [ 0x09 write1 write-string ] } { "channel-prefix" [ B{ 0x20 0x01 } write write1 ] } { "midi-port" [ B{ 0x21 0x01 } write write1 ] } { "end-of-track" [ B{ 0x2f 0x00 } write drop ] } { "set-tempo" [ B{ 0x51 0x03 } write 3 >be write ] } { "smpte-offset" [ B{ 0x54 0x05 } write { [ "frame-rate" of 6 shift ] [ "hours" of + write1 ] [ "minutes" of write1 ] [ "seconds" of write1 ] [ "frames" of write1 ] [ "subframes" of write1 ] } cleave ] } { "time-signature" [ B{ 0x58 0x04 } write { [ "numerator" of write1 ] [ "denominator" of 2 /i write1 ] [ "clocks-per-tick" of write1 ] [ "notated-32nd-notes-per-beat" of write1 ] } cleave ] } { "key-signature" [ B{ 0x59 0x02 } write key-signatures value-at write ] } { "sequencer-specific" [ 0x7f write1 [ length write-number ] [ write ] bi ] } } case drop f ; M: sysex-event write-event drop [ delta>> write-number ] [ type>> write1 ] [ bytes>> write ] tri f ; : write-status ( prev-status status -- ) dup 0xf0 < [ [ = ] keep swap [ drop ] [ write1 ] if ] [ nip write1 ] if ; : write-channel ( prev-status value status quot -- status ) [ swap [ "channel" of + [ write-status ] keep ] keep ] dip call ; inline M: midi-event write-event [ delta>> write-number ] [ value>> ] [ name>> ] tri { { "note-off" [ 0x80 [ [ "note" of write1 ] [ "velocity" of write1 ] bi ] write-channel ] } { "note-on" [ 0x90 [ [ "note" of write1 ] [ "velocity" of write1 ] bi ] write-channel ] } { "polytouch" [ 0xa0 [ [ "note" of write1 ] [ "value" of write1 ] bi ] write-channel ] } { "control-change" [ 0xb0 [ [ "control" of write1 ] [ "value" of write1 ] bi ] write-channel ] } { "program-change" [ 0xc0 [ "program" of write1 ] write-channel ] } { "aftertouch" [ 0xd0 [ "value" of write1 ] write-channel ] } { "pitchwheel" [ 0xe0 [ "pitch" of min-pitchwheel - [ 0x7f bitand write1 ] [ -7 shift write1 ] bi ] write-channel ] } ! system common messages { "sysex" [ [ drop 0xf0 dup write1 ] dip write 0xf7 write1 ] } { "quarter-made" [ [ drop 0xf1 dup write1 ] dip [ "frame-type" of 4 shift ] [ "frame-value" of + ] bi write1 ] } { "songpos" [ [ drop 0xf2 dup write1 ] dip [ 0x7f bitand write1 ] [ -7 shift write1 ] bi ] } { "song-select" [ [ drop 0xf3 dup write1 ] dip write1 ] } { "tune-request" [ 2drop 0xf6 dup write1 ] } ! real-time messages { "clock" [ 2drop 0xf8 dup write1 ] } { "start" [ 2drop 0xfa dup write1 ] } { "continue" [ 2drop 0xfb dup write1 ] } { "stop" [ 2drop 0xfc dup write1 ] } { "active-sensing" [ 2drop 0xfe dup write1 ] } { "reset" [ 2drop 0xff dup write1 ] } } case ; GENERIC: write-chunk ( chunk -- ) M: midi-header write-chunk $[ "MThd" >byte-array ] write $[ 6 4 >be ] write [ format>> ] [ #chunks>> ] [ division>> ] tri [ 2 >be write ] tri@ ; M: midi-track write-chunk $[ "MTrk" >byte-array ] write binary [ events>> f swap [ write-event ] each drop ] with-byte-writer [ length 4 >be write ] [ write ] bi ; M: midi-chunk write-chunk [ type>> write ] [ bytes>> [ length 4 >be write ] [ write ] bi ] bi ; PRIVATE> : write-midi ( midi -- ) [ header>> write-chunk ] [ chunks>> [ write-chunk ] each ] bi ; : midi> ( midi -- byte-array ) binary [ write-midi ] with-byte-writer ; : midi>file ( midi path -- ) binary [ write-midi ] with-file-writer ;