! Copyright (C) 2007 Chris Double. ! See https://factorcode.org/license.txt for BSD license. USING: help.syntax help.markup cpu.8080.emulator ; IN: roms.lunar-rescue HELP: run-lunar { $description "Run the Lunar Rescue emulator in a new window." $nl { $link rom-root } " must be set to the directory containing the " "location of the Lunar Rescue ROM files. See " { $link "lunar-rescue" } " for details." } ; ARTICLE: "lunar-rescue" "Lunar Rescue Emulator" "Provides an emulation of the original 8080 Arcade Game 'Lunar Rescue'." $nl "More information on the arcade game can be obtained from " { $url "https://www.emuparadise.me/M.A.M.E._-_Multiple_Arcade_Machine_Emulator_ROMs/Lunar_Rescue/14294" } "." $nl "To play the game you need the ROM files for the arcade game. They should " "be placed in a directory called " { $snippet "lrescue" } " in the location specified by " "the variable " { $link rom-root } ". The specific files needed are:" { $list "lrescue/lrescue.1" "lrescue/lrescue.2" "lrescue/lrescue.3" "lrescue/lrescue.4" "lrescue/lrescue.5" "lrescue/lrescue.6" } "These are the same ROM files as used by MAME. To run the game use the " { $link run-lunar } " word." $nl "Keys:" { $table { "Backspace" "Insert Coin" } { "1" "1 Player" } { "2" "2 Player" } { "Left" "Move Left" } { "Right" "Move Right" } { "Up" "Fire or apply thrusters" } } "If you save the Factor image while a game is running, when you restart " "the image the game continues where it left off." ; ABOUT: "lunar-rescue"