! Copyright (C) 2018 Alexander Ilin. ! See http://factorcode.org/license.txt for BSD license. USING: combinators.smart kernel math math.bitwise math.functions math.order math.parser ryu.data sequences sequences.private ; IN: ryu or ] [ [ 5 /mod ] 2dip rot zero? [ 1 + ] [ nip dupd ] if ] until 2nip ; inline : multiple-of-power-of-5 ( p value -- ? ) pow-5-factor <= ; : double-pow-5-bits ( n -- m ) [ 1 ] [ DOUBLE_LOG2_5_NUMERATOR * DOUBLE_LOG2_5_DENOMINATOR + 1 - DOUBLE_LOG2_5_DENOMINATOR /i ] if-zero ; inline : decimal-length ( m -- n ) { 10 100 1000 10000 100000 1000000 10000000 100000000 1000000000 10000000000 100000000000 1000000000000 10000000000000 100000000000000 1000000000000000 10000000000000000 100000000000000000 1000000000000000000 } [ dupd >= ] find-last [ 2 + ] [ drop 1 ] if nip ; inline CONSTANT: mantissaBits 52 CONSTANT: exponentBits 11 CONSTANT: offset 1023 ! (1 << (exponentBits - 1)) - 1 :: unpack-bits ( value -- e2 m2 acceptBounds ieeeExponent<=1? neg? string/f ) value double>bits dup mantissaBits exponentBits + bit? :> sign dup mantissaBits bits :> ieeeMantissa mantissaBits neg shift exponentBits bits :> ieeeExponent 0 :> m2! 0 :> e2! exponentBits on-bits ieeeExponent = [ ieeeMantissa zero? [ sign "-Inf" "Inf" ? ] [ "NaN" ] if ] [ ieeeExponent [ ieeeMantissa [ sign "-0e0" "0e0" ? ] [ m2! -1 offset - mantissaBits - e2! f ] if-zero ] [ offset - mantissaBits - 2 - e2! ieeeMantissa mantissaBits set-bit m2! f ] if-zero ] if [ e2 m2 dup even? ieeeExponent 1 <= sign ] dip ; inline :: prepare-output ( vp! acceptBounds vmIsTrailingZeros! vrIsTrailingZeros! vr! vm! -- output ) ! vr is converted into the output 0 ! the if has this stack-effect: ( lastRemovedDigit -- lastRemovedDigit' output ) vmIsTrailingZeros vrIsTrailingZeros or [ ! rare [ vp 10 /i vm 10 /i 2dup > ] [ vm! vp! vmIsTrailingZeros [ vm 10 divisor? vmIsTrailingZeros! ] when vrIsTrailingZeros [ dup zero? vrIsTrailingZeros! ] when vr 10 /mod swap vr! nip ! lastRemovedDigit! ] while 2drop vmIsTrailingZeros [ [ vm dup 10 /i dup 10 * swapd = ] [ vm! vrIsTrailingZeros [ dup zero? vrIsTrailingZeros! ] when vr 10 /mod swap vr! nip ! lastRemovedDigit! vp 10 /i vp! ] while drop ! Drop (vm 10 /i) result from the while condition. ] when vrIsTrailingZeros [ dup 5 = [ vr even? [ drop 4 ] when ! 4 lastRemovedDigit! ] when ] when vr over 5 >= [ 1 + ] [ dup vm = [ acceptBounds vmIsTrailingZeros and not [ 1 + ] when ] when ] if ] [ ! common [ vp 10 /i vm 10 /i 2dup > ] [ vm! vp! vr 10 /mod swap vr! nip ! lastRemovedDigit! ] while 2drop vr dup vm = [ 1 + ] [ over 5 >= [ 1 + ] when ] if ] if nip ; inline :: produce-output ( exp sign output -- string ) [ sign "-" f ? output number>string 1 cut-slice dup empty? f "." ? swap "e" exp number>string ] "" append-outputs-as ; inline PRIVATE> :: print-float ( value -- string ) value >float unpack-bits :> ( e2 m2 acceptBounds ieeeExponent<=1 sign output ) output [ m2 4 * :> mv mantissaBits 2^ m2 = not ieeeExponent<=1 or 1 0 ? :> mmShift f f 0 0 0 :> ( vmIsTrailingZeros! vrIsTrailingZeros! e10! vr! vm! ) ! After the following loop vp is left on stack. e2 0 >= [ e2 DOUBLE_LOG10_2_NUMERATOR * DOUBLE_LOG10_2_DENOMINATOR /i 0 max :> q q e10! q double-pow-5-bits DOUBLE_POW5_INV_BITCOUNT + 1 - :> k q k + e2 - :> i mmShift m2 q DOUBLE_POW5_INV_SPLIT nth-unsafe i mul-shift-all vr! swap vm! ! vp on stack q 21 <= [ mv 5 divisor? [ q mv multiple-of-power-of-5 vrIsTrailingZeros! ] [ acceptBounds [ q mv mmShift - 1 - multiple-of-power-of-5 vmIsTrailingZeros! ] [ q mv 2 + multiple-of-power-of-5 1 0 ? - ! vp! ] if ] if ] when ] [ ! e2 < 0 e2 neg DOUBLE_LOG10_5_NUMERATOR * DOUBLE_LOG10_5_DENOMINATOR /i 1 [-] :> q q e2 + e10! e2 neg q - :> i i double-pow-5-bits DOUBLE_POW5_BITCOUNT - :> k q k - :> j mmShift m2 i DOUBLE_POW5_SPLIT nth-unsafe j mul-shift-all vr! swap vm! ! vp on stack q 1 <= [ mv 1 bitand bitnot q >= vrIsTrailingZeros! acceptBounds [ mv 1 - mmShift - bitnot 1 bitand q >= vmIsTrailingZeros! ] [ 1 - ] if ! vp! ] [ q 63 < [ q 1 - on-bits mv bitand zero? vrIsTrailingZeros! ] when ] if ] if [ decimal-length e10 + 1 - sign ] keep ! exp sign vp acceptBounds vmIsTrailingZeros vrIsTrailingZeros vr vm prepare-output produce-output ] unless* ; ALIAS: d2s print-float