! Copyright (C) 2009 Chris Double. ! See http://factorcode.org/license.txt for BSD license. USING: assocs help.markup help.syntax kernel strings ; IN: s3 HELP: buckets { $values { "seq" "a sequence of " { $link bucket } " objects" } } { $description "Returns a list of " { $link bucket } " objects containing data on the buckets available on S3." } { $examples { $unchecked-example "USING: s3 ;" "buckets ." "{ }" } } ; HELP: create-bucket { $values { "bucket" string } } { $description "Creates a bucket with the given name." } { $examples { $unchecked-example "USING: s3 ;" "\"testbucket\" create-bucket" "" } } ; HELP: delete-bucket { $values { "bucket" string } } { $description "Deletes the bucket with the given name." } { $examples { $unchecked-example "USING: s3 ;" "\"testbucket\" delete-bucket" "" } } ; HELP: keys { $values { "bucket" string } { "seq" "a sequence of " { $link key } " objects" } } { $description "Returns a sequence of " { $link key } " objects. Each object in the sequence has information about the keys contained within the bucket." } { $examples { $unchecked-example "USING: s3 ;" "\"testbucket\" keys . " "{ }" } } ; HELP: get-object { $values { "bucket" string } { "key" string } { "response" "The HTTP response object" } { "data" "The data returned from the http request" } } { $description "Does an HTTP request to retrieve the object in the bucket with the given key." } { $examples { $unchecked-example "USING: s3 ;" "\"testbucket\" \"mykey\" http-get " "" } } ; HELP: put-object { $values { "data" object } { "mime-type" string } { "bucket" string } { "key" string } { "headers" assoc } } { $description "Stores the object under the key in the given bucket. The object has " "the given mimetype. 'headers' should contain key/values for any headers to " "be associated with the object. 'data' is any Factor object that can be " "used as the 'data' slot in . If it's a it stores " "the contents of the file. If it's a stream, it's the contents of the " "stream, etc." } { $examples { $unchecked-example "USING: s3 ;" "\"hello\" binary encode \"text/plain\" \"testbucket\" \"hello.txt\" H{ { \"x-amz-acl\" \"public-read\" } } put-object" "" } { $unchecked-example "USING: s3 ;" "\"hello.txt\" \"text/plain\" \"testbucket\" \"hello.txt\" H{ { \"x-amz-acl\" \"public-read\" } } put-object" "" } } ; HELP: delete-object { $values { "bucket" string } { "key" string } } { $description "Deletes the object in the bucket with the given key." } { $examples { $unchecked-example "USING: s3 ;" "\"testbucket\" \"mykey\" delete-object" "" } } ; ARTICLE: "s3" "Amazon S3" "The " { $vocab-link "s3" } " vocabulary provides a wrapper to the Amazon " "Simple Storage Service API." $nl "To use the api you must set the variables " { $link key-id } " and " { $link secret-key } " to your Amazon S3 key and secret key respectively. Once " "this is done you can call any of the words below." { $subsections buckets create-bucket delete-bucket keys get-object put-object delete-object } ; ABOUT: "s3"