! Copyright (C) 2013 Charles Alston, John Benediktsson ! See http://factorcode.org/license.txt for BSD license. USING: help.markup help.syntax io.pathnames sequences strings ; IN: spotlight HELP: mdfind { $values { "query" string } { "results" sequence } } { $description "Finds files matching a given query." $nl { $snippet "mdfind [-live] [-count] [-onlyin directory] [-name fileName] query" } $nl "The mdfind command consults the central metadata store and returns a list of files that match the given metadata query. The query can be a string or a query expression." $nl { $subheading "Spotlight Keywords" } "These can be included in the query expression to limit the type of documents returned:" { $table { "Applications" "kind:application, kind:applications, kind:app" } { "Audio/Music" "kind:audio, kind:music" } { "Bookmarks" "kind:bookmark, kind:bookmarks" } { "Contacts" "kind:contact, kind:contacts" } { "Email" "kind:email, kind:emails, kind:mail message, kind:mail messages" } { "Folders" "kind:folder, kind:folders" } { "Fonts" "kind:font, kind:fonts" } { "iCal Events" "kind:event, kind:events" } { "iCal To Dos" "kind:todo, kind:todos, kind:to do, kind:to dos" } { "Images" "kind:image, kind:images" } { "Movies" "kind:movie, kind:movies" } { "PDF" "kind:pdf, kind:pdfs" } { "Preferences" "kind:system preferences, kind:preferences" } { "Presentations" "kind:presentations, kind:presentation" } } { $subheading "Date Keywords" } "These can be included in the query expression to limit the age of documents returned:" { $table { "date:today" "$time.today()" } { "date:yesterday" "$time.yesterday()" } { "date:this week" "$time.this_week()" } { "date:this month" "$time.this_month()" } { "date:this year" "$time.this_year()" } { "date:tomorrow" "$time.tomorrow()" } { "date:next month" "$time.next_month()" } { "date:next week" "$time.next_week()" } { "date:next year" "$time.next_year()" } } { $subheading "Boolean Operators" } "By default mdfind will AND together elements of the query string." { $table { "| (OR)" { "to return items that match either word, use the pipe character: " { $snippet "stringA|stringB" } } } { "- (NOT)" { "to exclude documents that match a string: " { $snippet "-string" } } } { "==" "equal" } { "!=" "not equal" } { "< and >" "\"less\" or \"more than\"" } { "<= and >=" "\"less than or equal\" or \"more than or equal\"" } } } { $examples "Return all files that have been modified today" { $code "\"date:today\" mdfind" } "Return all files that have been modified in the last 3 days" { $code "\"kMDItemFSContentChangeDate >= $time.today (-3)\" mdfind" } "Returns files with particular attributes" { $code "\"com.microsoft.word.doc\" \"kMDItemContentType\" attr== mdfind" } "Look for files with a particular file name" { $code "\"Finding Joy in Combinators.pdf\" \"kMDItemFSName\" attr== mdfind" } "Look for terms in documents" { $code "\"Document cocoa.messages selector\" mdfind" } "Return all files in the users home folder that have been modified in the last 3 days" { $code "\"~\" [ \"kMDItemFSContentChangeDate >= $time.today (-3)\" mdfind ] with-directory" } } { $notes "This word uses the " { $link current-directory } " to restrict the search, choosing to search from the root ('" { $snippet "/" } "') if not set." } ; HELP: mdfind. { $values { "query" string } } { $description "Similar to " { $link mdfind } ", but prints out the results as a list of " { $link pathname } " objects, allowing you to right-click and \"Open File\" if used with the " { $snippet "webbrowser" } " vocabulary." } ; HELP: mdls { $values { "path" "string or pathname" } } { $description "Lists the metadata attributes for the specified file." $nl { $snippet "mdls [-name attributeName] [-raw [-nullMarker markerString]] file ..." } $nl "The mdls command prints the values of all the metadata attributes associated with the files provided as an argument." } ; HELP: mdutil { $values { "flags" string } { "on|off" string } { "volume" string } { "seq" sequence } } { $description "Manage the metadata stores used by Spotlight." $nl { $snippet "mdutil [-pEsav] [-i on | off] mountPoint ..." } $nl "The mdutil command is useful for managing the metadata stores for mounted volumes." } ; HELP: mdimport { $values { "path" string } { "seq" sequence } } { $description "Import file hierarchies into the metadata datastore." $nl { $snippet "mdimport [-VXLArgn] [-d level | category] [-w delay] file | directory" } $nl "mdimport is used to test Spotlight plug-ins, list the installed plug-ins and schema, and re-index files handled by a plug-in when a new plug-in is installed." } ; HELP: kMDItems { $values { "seq" sequence } } { $description "Retrieves all the available kMDItemAttributes." } ; HELP: kMDItems. { $description "Prints a table of all the available kMDItemAttributes." } ;