USING: accessors arrays combinators game-input game-input.scancodes game-loop grouping kernel literals locals math math.constants math.functions math.matrices math.order math.vectors opengl opengl.capabilities opengl.shaders opengl.textures opengl.textures.private sequences sequences.product specialized-arrays.float terrain.generation terrain.shaders ui ui.gadgets ui.gadgets.worlds ui.pixel-formats ; IN: terrain CONSTANT: FOV $[ 2.0 sqrt 1+ ] CONSTANT: NEAR-PLANE $[ 1.0 2048.0 / ] CONSTANT: FAR-PLANE 1.0 CONSTANT: PLAYER-START-LOCATION { 0.5 0.51 0.5 } CONSTANT: PLAYER-HEIGHT $[ 3.0 1024.0 / ] CONSTANT: GRAVITY $[ 1.0 4096.0 / ] CONSTANT: JUMP $[ 1.0 1024.0 / ] CONSTANT: TICK-LENGTH $[ 1000 30 /i ] CONSTANT: MOUSE-SCALE $[ 1.0 10.0 / ] CONSTANT: MOVEMENT-SPEED $[ 1.0 16384.0 / ] CONSTANT: FRICTION 0.95 CONSTANT: COMPONENT-SCALE { 0.5 0.01 0.002 0.0 } CONSTANT: terrain-vertex-size { 512 512 } CONSTANT: terrain-vertex-distance { $[ 1.0 512.0 / ] $[ 1.0 512.0 / ] } CONSTANT: terrain-vertex-row-length $[ 512 1 + 2 * ] TUPLE: player location yaw pitch velocity ; TUPLE: terrain-world < world player terrain terrain-segment terrain-texture terrain-program terrain-vertex-buffer game-loop ; : frustum ( dim -- -x x -y y near far ) dup first2 min v/n NEAR-PLANE FOV / v*n first2 [ [ neg ] keep ] bi@ NEAR-PLANE FAR-PLANE ; : set-modelview-matrix ( gadget -- ) GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT bitor glClear GL_MODELVIEW glMatrixMode glLoadIdentity player>> [ pitch>> 1.0 0.0 0.0 glRotatef ] [ yaw>> 0.0 1.0 0.0 glRotatef ] [ location>> vneg first3 glTranslatef ] tri ; : vertex-array-vertex ( x z -- vertex ) [ terrain-vertex-distance first * ] [ terrain-vertex-distance second * ] bi* [ 0 ] dip float-array{ } 3sequence ; : vertex-array-row ( z -- vertices ) dup 1 + 2array terrain-vertex-size first 1 + iota 2array [ first2 swap vertex-array-vertex ] product-map concat ; : vertex-array ( -- vertices ) terrain-vertex-size second iota [ vertex-array-row ] map concat ; : >vertex-buffer ( bytes -- buffer ) [ GL_ARRAY_BUFFER ] dip GL_STATIC_DRAW ; : draw-vertex-buffer-row ( i -- ) [ GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP ] dip terrain-vertex-row-length * terrain-vertex-row-length glDrawArrays ; : draw-vertex-buffer ( buffer -- ) [ GL_ARRAY_BUFFER ] dip [ 3 GL_FLOAT 0 f glVertexPointer terrain-vertex-size second iota [ draw-vertex-buffer-row ] each ] with-gl-buffer ; : degrees ( deg -- rad ) pi 180.0 / * ; :: eye-rotate ( yaw pitch v -- v' ) yaw degrees neg :> y pitch degrees neg :> p y cos :> cosy y sin :> siny p cos :> cosp p sin :> sinp cosy 0.0 siny neg 3array siny sinp * cosp cosy sinp * 3array siny cosp * sinp neg cosy cosp * 3array 3array v swap v.m ; : forward-vector ( player -- v ) yaw>> 0.0 { 0.0 0.0 $ MOVEMENT-SPEED } vneg eye-rotate ; : rightward-vector ( player -- v ) yaw>> 0.0 { $ MOVEMENT-SPEED 0.0 0.0 } eye-rotate ; : walk-forward ( player -- ) dup forward-vector [ v+ ] curry change-velocity drop ; : walk-backward ( player -- ) dup forward-vector [ v- ] curry change-velocity drop ; : walk-leftward ( player -- ) dup rightward-vector [ v- ] curry change-velocity drop ; : walk-rightward ( player -- ) dup rightward-vector [ v+ ] curry change-velocity drop ; : jump ( player -- ) [ { 0.0 $ JUMP 0.0 } v+ ] change-velocity drop ; : clamp-pitch ( pitch -- pitch' ) 90.0 min -90.0 max ; : rotate-with-mouse ( player mouse -- ) [ dx>> MOUSE-SCALE * [ + ] curry change-yaw ] [ dy>> MOUSE-SCALE * [ + clamp-pitch ] curry change-pitch ] bi drop ; :: handle-input ( world -- ) world player>> :> player read-keyboard keys>> :> keys key-w keys nth [ player walk-forward ] when key-s keys nth [ player walk-backward ] when key-a keys nth [ player walk-leftward ] when key-d keys nth [ player walk-rightward ] when key-space keys nth [ player jump ] when key-escape keys nth [ world close-window ] when player read-mouse rotate-with-mouse reset-mouse ; : apply-friction ( velocity -- velocity' ) FRICTION v*n ; : apply-gravity ( velocity -- velocity' ) 1 over [ GRAVITY - ] change-nth ; :: pixel-indices ( coords dim -- indices ) coords vfloor [ >integer ] map :> floor-coords floor-coords first2 dim first * + :> base-index base-index dim first + :> next-row-index base-index base-index 1 + next-row-index next-row-index 1 + 4array ; :: terrain-height-at ( segment point -- height ) segment dim>> :> dim dim point v* :> pixel pixel dup vfloor v- :> pixel-mantissa segment bitmap>> 4 :> pixels pixel dim pixel-indices :> indices indices [ pixels nth COMPONENT-SCALE v. 255.0 / ] map first4 [ pixel-mantissa first lerp ] 2bi@ pixel-mantissa second lerp ; : collide ( segment location -- location' ) [ [ first ] [ third ] bi 2array terrain-height-at PLAYER-HEIGHT + ] [ [ 1 ] 2dip [ max ] with change-nth ] [ ] tri ; : tick-player ( world player -- ) [ apply-friction apply-gravity ] change-velocity dup velocity>> [ v+ [ terrain-segment>> ] dip collide ] curry with change-location drop ; M: terrain-world tick* [ dup focused?>> [ handle-input ] [ drop ] if ] [ dup player>> tick-player ] bi ; M: terrain-world draw* nip draw-world ; : set-heightmap-texture-parameters ( texture -- ) GL_TEXTURE_2D GL_TEXTURE0 bind-texture-unit GL_TEXTURE_2D GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER GL_LINEAR glTexParameteri GL_TEXTURE_2D GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER GL_LINEAR glTexParameteri GL_TEXTURE_2D GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE glTexParameteri GL_TEXTURE_2D GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE glTexParameteri ; M: terrain-world begin-world "2.0" { "GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object" "GL_ARB_shader_objects" } require-gl-version-or-extensions GL_DEPTH_TEST glEnable GL_TEXTURE_2D glEnable GL_VERTEX_ARRAY glEnableClientState 0.5 0.5 0.5 1.0 glClearColor PLAYER-START-LOCATION 0.0 0.0 { 0.0 0.0 0.0 } player boa >>player [ >>terrain ] keep { 0 0 } terrain-segment [ >>terrain-segment ] keep make-texture [ set-heightmap-texture-parameters ] keep >>terrain-texture terrain-vertex-shader terrain-pixel-shader >>terrain-program vertex-array >vertex-buffer >>terrain-vertex-buffer TICK-LENGTH over [ >>game-loop ] keep start-loop open-game-input drop ; M: terrain-world end-world close-game-input { [ game-loop>> stop-loop ] [ terrain-vertex-buffer>> delete-gl-buffer ] [ terrain-program>> delete-gl-program ] [ terrain-texture>> delete-texture ] } cleave ; M: terrain-world resize-world GL_PROJECTION glMatrixMode glLoadIdentity dim>> [ [ 0 0 ] dip first2 glViewport ] [ frustum glFrustum ] bi ; M: terrain-world draw-world* [ set-modelview-matrix ] [ terrain-texture>> GL_TEXTURE_2D GL_TEXTURE0 bind-texture-unit ] [ dup terrain-program>> [ [ "heightmap" glGetUniformLocation 0 glUniform1i ] [ "component_scale" glGetUniformLocation COMPONENT-SCALE first4 glUniform4f ] bi terrain-vertex-buffer>> draw-vertex-buffer ] with-gl-program ] tri gl-error ; M: terrain-world focusable-child* drop t ; M: terrain-world pref-dim* drop { 640 480 } ; : terrain-window ( -- ) [ f T{ world-attributes { world-class terrain-world } { title "Terrain" } { pixel-format-attributes { windowed double-buffered T{ depth-bits { value 24 } } } } { grab-input? t } } open-window ] with-ui ; MAIN: terrain-window