! Copyright (C) 2014 John Benediktsson ! See http://factorcode.org/license.txt for BSD license USING: accessors combinators formatting io.encodings.ascii io.files kernel literals math math.functions math.order multiline regexp sequences sequences.extras sets splitting unicode ; IN: text-analysis > : split-sentences ( str -- seq ) ! Mark end of sentences with EOS marker R/ ((?:[\.?!]|[\r\n]+)(?:\"|\'|\)|\]|\})?)(\s+)/ [ [ ".?!\r\n\"')]}" member? not ] cut-when "\x01" glue ] re-replace-with ! Fix ellipsis marks $[ "(\\.\\.\\.*)\x01" ] [ but-last-slice ] re-replace-with ! Fix e.g, i.e. marks $[ "(?:\\s(?:(?:(?:\\w\\.){2,}\\w?)|(?:\\w\\.\\w)))\x01(\\s+[a-z0-9])" ] [ [ 1 = ] cut-when append ] re-replace-with ! Fix abbreviations $[ ABBREVIATIONS "|" join "(" ")\\.\x01" surround "i" ] [ CHAR: . over index head ] re-replace-with ! Split on EOS marker "\x01" split trimmed ; CONSTANT: sub-syllable { R/ [^aeiou]e$/ ! give, love, bone, done, ride ... R/ [aeiou](?:([cfghklmnprsvwz])\1?|ck|sh|[rt]ch)e[ds]$/ ! (passive) past participles and 3rd person sing present verbs: ! bared, liked, called, tricked, bashed, matched R/ .e(?:ly|less(?:ly)?|ness?|ful(?:ly)?|ments?)$/ ! nominal, adjectival and adverbial derivatives from -e$ roots: ! absolutely, nicely, likeness, basement, hopeless ! hopeful, tastefully, wasteful R/ ion/ ! action, diction, fiction R/ [ct]ia[nl]/ ! special(ly), initial, physician, christian R/ [^cx]iou/ ! illustrious, NOT spacious, gracious, anxious, noxious R/ sia$/ ! amnesia, polynesia R/ .gue$/ ! dialogue, intrigue, colleague } CONSTANT: add-syllable { R/ i[aiou]/ ! alias, science, phobia R/ [dls]ien/ ! salient, gradient, transient R/ [aeiouym]ble$/ ! -Vble, plus -mble R/ [aeiou]{3}/ ! agreeable R/ ^mc/ ! mcwhatever R/ ism$/ ! sexism, racism R/ (?:([^aeiouy])\1|ck|mp|ng)le$/ ! bubble, cattle, cackle, sample, angle R/ dnt$/ ! couldn/t R/ [aeiou]y[aeiou]/ ! annoying, layer } : syllables ( str -- n ) dup length 1 = [ drop 1 ] [ >lower CHAR: . swap remove [ R/ [aeiouy]+/ count-matches ] [ sub-syllable [ matches? ] with count - ] [ add-syllable [ matches? ] with count + ] tri 1 max ] if ; : split-words ( str -- words ) R/ \b([a-z][a-z\-']*)\b/i all-matching-subseqs ; TUPLE: text-analysis #paragraphs #sentences #chars #words #syllables #complex-words #unique-words #difficult-words ; : ( str -- text-analysis ) { [ split-paragraphs length ] [ split-sentences length ] [ [ unicode:blank? not ] count ] [ split-words ] } cleave { [ length ] [ [ 0 0 ] dip [ [ syllables ] [ "-" member? not ] bi over 2 > and 1 0 ? [ + ] bi-curry@ bi* ] each ] [ members length ] [ "vocab:text-analysis/dale-chall.txt" ascii file-lines fast-set '[ >lower _ in? not ] count ] } cleave text-analysis boa ; : syllables-per-word ( text-analysis -- n ) [ #syllables>> ] [ #words>> ] bi / ; : words-per-sentence ( text-analysis -- n ) [ #words>> ] [ #sentences>> ] bi / ; : chars-per-word ( text-analysis -- n ) [ #chars>> ] [ #words>> ] bi / ; : sentences-per-word ( text-analysis -- n ) [ #sentences>> ] [ #words>> ] bi / ; : percent-complex-words ( text-analysis -- n ) [ #complex-words>> ] [ #words>> ] bi / 100 * ; : percent-difficult-words ( text-analysis -- n ) [ #difficult-words>> ] [ #words>> ] bi / 100 * ; : flesch-kincaid ( text-analysis -- n ) [ words-per-sentence 0.39 * ] [ syllables-per-word 11.8 * ] bi + 15.59 - ; : flesch ( text-analysis -- n ) 206.835 swap [ words-per-sentence 1.015 * - ] [ syllables-per-word 84.6 * - ] bi ; : gunning-fog ( text-analysis -- n ) [ words-per-sentence ] [ percent-complex-words ] bi + 0.4 * ; : coleman-liau ( text-analysis -- n ) [ chars-per-word 5.88 * ] [ sentences-per-word 29.6 * ] bi - 15.8 - ; : smog ( text-analysis -- n ) [ #complex-words>> ] [ #sentences>> 30 swap / ] bi * sqrt 1.0430 * 3.1291 + ; : automated-readability ( text-analysis -- n ) [ chars-per-word 4.71 * ] [ words-per-sentence 0.5 * ] bi + 21.43 - ; : dale-chall ( text-analysis -- n ) [ percent-difficult-words [ 0.1579 * ] [ 0.05 > [ 3.6365 + ] when ] bi ] [ words-per-sentence 0.0496 * ] bi + ; STRING: text-report-format Number of paragraphs %d Number of sentences %d Number of words %d Number of characters %d Average words per sentence %.2f Average syllables per word %.2f Flesch Reading Ease %2.2f Flesh-Kincaid Grade Level %2.2f Gunning fog index %2.2f Coleman–Liau index %2.2f SMOG grade %2.2f Automated Readability index %2.2f Dale-Chall readability %2.2f ; PRIVATE> : analyze-text. ( str -- ) { [ #paragraphs>> ] [ #sentences>> ] [ #words>> ] [ #chars>> ] [ words-per-sentence ] [ syllables-per-word ] [ flesch ] [ flesch-kincaid ] [ gunning-fog ] [ coleman-liau ] [ smog ] [ automated-readability ] [ dale-chall ] } cleave text-report-format printf ;