! Copyright (C) 2008 Your name. ! See http://factorcode.org/license.txt for BSD license. USING: arrays help.markup help.syntax kernel sequences ; IN: adsoda.combinators HELP: among { $values { "array" array } { "n" null } { "array" array } } { $description "returns an array containings every possibilities of n choices among a given sequence" } ; HELP: columnize { $values { "array" array } { "array" array } } { $description "flip a sequence into a sequence of 1 element sequences" } ; HELP: concat-nth { $values { "seq1" sequence } { "seq2" sequence } { "seq" sequence } } { $description "merges 2 sequences of sequences appending corresponding elements" } ; HELP: do-cycle { $values { "array" array } { "array" array } } { $description "Copy the first element at the end of the sequence in order to close the cycle." } ; ARTICLE: "adsoda.combinators" "adsoda.combinators" { $vocab-link "adsoda.combinators" } ; ABOUT: "adsoda.combinators"