USING: modules.rpc-server help.syntax help.markup strings ; QUALIFIED-WITH: modules.using m IN: modules HELP: service { $syntax "IN: module service" } { $description "Starts a server for requests for remote procedure calls." } ; ARTICLE: { "modules" "remote-loading" } "Using the remote-loading vocabulary" "If loaded, starts serving vocabularies, accessable through a " { $link POSTPONE: m:USING: } " form" ; HELP: USING: { $syntax "USING: rpc-server::module fetch-sever::module { module qualified-name } { module => word ... } ... ;" } { $description "Adds vocabularies to the front of the search path. Vocabularies can be fetched remotely, if preceded by a valid hostname. Name pairs facilitate imports like in the " { $link POSTPONE: QUALIFIED: } " or " { $link POSTPONE: FROM: } " forms." } ;