]> gitweb.factorcode.org Git - factor.git/blob - basis/pango/cairo/PangoCairo-1.0.gir
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[factor.git] / basis / pango / cairo / PangoCairo-1.0.gir
1 <?xml version="1.0"?>
2 <!-- This file was automatically generated from C sources - DO NOT EDIT!
3 To affect the contents of this file, edit the original C definitions,
4 and/or use gtk-doc annotations.  -->
5 <repository version="1.2"
6             xmlns="http://www.gtk.org/introspection/core/1.0"
7             xmlns:c="http://www.gtk.org/introspection/c/1.0"
8             xmlns:glib="http://www.gtk.org/introspection/glib/1.0">
9   <include name="GLib" version="2.0"/>
10   <include name="GObject" version="2.0"/>
11   <include name="Pango" version="1.0"/>
12   <include name="PangoFT2" version="1.0"/>
13   <include name="cairo" version="1.0"/>
14   <include name="fontconfig" version="2.0"/>
15   <include name="freetype2" version="2.0"/>
16   <package name="cairo"/>
17   <package name="gobject-2.0"/>
18   <namespace name="PangoCairo"
19              version="1.0"
20              shared-library="libpangocairo-1.0.so.0"
21              c:identifier-prefixes="PangoCairo"
22              c:symbol-prefixes="pango_cairo">
23     <class name="FcFontMap"
24            c:symbol-prefix="fc_font_map"
25            c:type="PangoCairoFcFontMap"
26            parent="Pango.FontMap"
27            glib:type-name="PangoCairoFcFontMap"
28            glib:get-type="pango_cairo_fc_font_map_get_type">
29       <implements name="FontMap"/>
30       <field name="parent_instance" introspectable="0">
31         <type c:type="PangoFcFontMap"/>
32       </field>
33       <field name="dpi">
34         <type name="gdouble" c:type="double"/>
35       </field>
36       <field name="library">
37         <type name="freetype2.Library" c:type="FT_Library"/>
38       </field>
39     </class>
40     <interface name="Font"
41                c:symbol-prefix="font"
42                c:type="PangoCairoFont"
43                version="1.18"
44                glib:type-name="PangoCairoFont"
45                glib:get-type="pango_cairo_font_get_type">
46       <doc xml:whitespace="preserve">#PangoCairoFont is an interface exported by fonts for
47 use with Cairo. The actual type of the font will depend
48 on the particular font technology Cairo was compiled to use.</doc>
49       <prerequisite name="Pango.Font"/>
50       <method name="get_scaled_font"
51               c:identifier="pango_cairo_font_get_scaled_font"
52               version="1.18">
53         <doc xml:whitespace="preserve">Gets the #cairo_scaled_font_t used by @font.
54 The scaled font can be referenced and kept using
55 cairo_scaled_font_reference().
56 or %NULL if @font is %NULL.</doc>
57         <return-value transfer-ownership="full">
58           <doc xml:whitespace="preserve">the #cairo_scaled_font_t used by @font,</doc>
59           <type name="cairo.ScaledFont" c:type="cairo_scaled_font_t*"/>
60         </return-value>
61       </method>
62     </interface>
63     <interface name="FontMap"
64                c:symbol-prefix="font_map"
65                c:type="PangoCairoFontMap"
66                version="1.10"
67                glib:type-name="PangoCairoFontMap"
68                glib:get-type="pango_cairo_font_map_get_type">
69       <doc xml:whitespace="preserve">#PangoCairoFontMap is an interface exported by font maps for
70 use with Cairo. The actual type of the font map will depend
71 on the particular font technology Cairo was compiled to use.</doc>
72       <prerequisite name="Pango.FontMap"/>
73       <method name="create_context"
74               c:identifier="pango_cairo_font_map_create_context"
75               version="1.10"
76               introspectable="0"
77               deprecated="Use pango_font_map_create_context() instead."
78               deprecated-version="1.22">
79         <doc xml:whitespace="preserve">Create a #PangoContext for the given fontmap.</doc>
80         <return-value>
81           <doc xml:whitespace="preserve">the newly created context; free with g_object_unref().</doc>
82           <type name="Pango.Context" c:type="PangoContext*"/>
83         </return-value>
84       </method>
85       <method name="get_font_type"
86               c:identifier="pango_cairo_font_map_get_font_type"
87               version="1.18">
88         <doc xml:whitespace="preserve">Gets the type of Cairo font backend that @fontmap uses.</doc>
89         <return-value transfer-ownership="full">
90           <doc xml:whitespace="preserve">the #cairo_font_type_t cairo font backend type</doc>
91           <type name="cairo.FontType" c:type="cairo_font_type_t"/>
92         </return-value>
93       </method>
94       <method name="get_resolution"
95               c:identifier="pango_cairo_font_map_get_resolution"
96               version="1.10">
97         <doc xml:whitespace="preserve">Gets the resolution for the fontmap. See pango_cairo_font_map_set_resolution()</doc>
98         <return-value transfer-ownership="none">
99           <doc xml:whitespace="preserve">the resolution in "dots per inch"</doc>
100           <type name="gdouble" c:type="double"/>
101         </return-value>
102       </method>
103       <method name="set_default"
104               c:identifier="pango_cairo_font_map_set_default"
105               version="1.22">
106         <doc xml:whitespace="preserve">Sets a default #PangoCairoFontMap to use with Cairo.
107 This can be used to change the Cairo font backend that the
108 default fontmap uses for example.  The old default font map
109 is unreffed and the new font map referenced.
110 A value of %NULL for @fontmap will cause the current default
111 font map to be released and a new default font
112 map to be created on demand, using pango_cairo_font_map_new().</doc>
113         <return-value transfer-ownership="none">
114           <type name="none" c:type="void"/>
115         </return-value>
116       </method>
117       <method name="set_resolution"
118               c:identifier="pango_cairo_font_map_set_resolution"
119               version="1.10">
120         <doc xml:whitespace="preserve">Sets the resolution for the fontmap. This is a scale factor between
121 points specified in a #PangoFontDescription and Cairo units. The
122 default value is 96, meaning that a 10 point font will be 13
123 units high. (10 * 96. / 72. = 13.3).</doc>
124         <return-value transfer-ownership="none">
125           <type name="none" c:type="void"/>
126         </return-value>
127         <parameters>
128           <parameter name="dpi" transfer-ownership="none">
129             <doc xml:whitespace="preserve">the resolution in "dots per inch". (Physical inches aren't actually involved; the terminology is conventional.)</doc>
130             <type name="gdouble" c:type="double"/>
131           </parameter>
132         </parameters>
133       </method>
134     </interface>
135     <callback name="ShapeRendererFunc" c:type="PangoCairoShapeRendererFunc">
136       <return-value transfer-ownership="none">
137         <type name="none" c:type="void"/>
138       </return-value>
139       <parameters>
140         <parameter name="cr" transfer-ownership="none">
141           <type name="cairo.Context" c:type="cairo_t*"/>
142         </parameter>
143         <parameter name="attr" transfer-ownership="none">
144           <type name="Pango.AttrShape" c:type="PangoAttrShape*"/>
145         </parameter>
146         <parameter name="do_path" transfer-ownership="none">
147           <type name="gboolean" c:type="gboolean"/>
148         </parameter>
149         <parameter name="data" transfer-ownership="none">
150           <type name="gpointer" c:type="gpointer"/>
151         </parameter>
152       </parameters>
153     </callback>
154     <function name="context_get_font_options"
155               c:identifier="pango_cairo_context_get_font_options"
156               version="1.10">
157       <doc xml:whitespace="preserve">Retrieves any font rendering options previously set with
158 pango_cairo_font_map_set_font_options(). This function does not report options
159 that are derived from the target surface by pango_cairo_update_context()
160 if no options have been set. This value is owned by the context
161 and must not be modified or freed.</doc>
162       <return-value transfer-ownership="none">
163         <doc xml:whitespace="preserve">the font options previously set on the context, or %NULL</doc>
164         <type name="cairo.FontOptions" c:type="cairo_font_options_t*"/>
165       </return-value>
166       <parameters>
167         <parameter name="context" transfer-ownership="none">
168           <doc xml:whitespace="preserve">a #PangoContext, from a pangocairo font map</doc>
169           <type name="Pango.Context" c:type="PangoContext*"/>
170         </parameter>
171       </parameters>
172     </function>
173     <function name="context_get_resolution"
174               c:identifier="pango_cairo_context_get_resolution"
175               version="1.10">
176       <doc xml:whitespace="preserve">Gets the resolution for the context. See pango_cairo_context_set_resolution()
177 be returned if no resolution has previously been set.</doc>
178       <return-value transfer-ownership="none">
179         <doc xml:whitespace="preserve">the resolution in "dots per inch". A negative value will</doc>
180         <type name="gdouble" c:type="double"/>
181       </return-value>
182       <parameters>
183         <parameter name="context" transfer-ownership="none">
184           <doc xml:whitespace="preserve">a #PangoContext, from a pangocairo font map</doc>
185           <type name="Pango.Context" c:type="PangoContext*"/>
186         </parameter>
187       </parameters>
188     </function>
189     <function name="context_get_shape_renderer"
190               c:identifier="pango_cairo_context_get_shape_renderer"
191               version="1.18"
192               introspectable="0">
193       <doc xml:whitespace="preserve">Sets callback function for context to use for rendering attributes
194 of type %PANGO_ATTR_SHAPE.  See #PangoCairoShapeRendererFunc for
195 details.
196 Retrieves callback function and associated user data for rendering
197 attributes of type %PANGO_ATTR_SHAPE as set by
198 pango_cairo_context_set_shape_renderer(), if any.
199 if no shape rendering callback have been set.</doc>
200       <return-value>
201         <doc xml:whitespace="preserve">the shape rendering callback previously set on the context, or %NULL</doc>
202         <type name="ShapeRendererFunc" c:type="PangoCairoShapeRendererFunc"/>
203       </return-value>
204       <parameters>
205         <parameter name="context" transfer-ownership="none">
206           <doc xml:whitespace="preserve">a #PangoContext, from a pangocairo font map</doc>
207           <type name="Pango.Context" c:type="PangoContext*"/>
208         </parameter>
209         <parameter name="data" transfer-ownership="none">
210           <doc xml:whitespace="preserve">Pointer to #gpointer to return user data</doc>
211           <type name="gpointer" c:type="gpointer*"/>
212         </parameter>
213       </parameters>
214     </function>
215     <function name="context_set_font_options"
216               c:identifier="pango_cairo_context_set_font_options"
217               version="1.10">
218       <doc xml:whitespace="preserve">Sets the font options used when rendering text with this context.
219 These options override any options that pango_cairo_update_context()
220 derives from the target surface.</doc>
221       <return-value transfer-ownership="none">
222         <type name="none" c:type="void"/>
223       </return-value>
224       <parameters>
225         <parameter name="context" transfer-ownership="none">
226           <doc xml:whitespace="preserve">a #PangoContext, from a pangocairo font map</doc>
227           <type name="Pango.Context" c:type="PangoContext*"/>
228         </parameter>
229         <parameter name="options" transfer-ownership="none">
230           <doc xml:whitespace="preserve">a #cairo_font_options_t, or %NULL to unset any previously set options. A copy is made.</doc>
231           <type name="cairo.FontOptions" c:type="cairo_font_options_t*"/>
232         </parameter>
233       </parameters>
234     </function>
235     <function name="context_set_resolution"
236               c:identifier="pango_cairo_context_set_resolution"
237               version="1.10">
238       <doc xml:whitespace="preserve">Sets the resolution for the context. This is a scale factor between
239 points specified in a #PangoFontDescription and Cairo units. The
240 default value is 96, meaning that a 10 point font will be 13
241 units high. (10 * 96. / 72. = 13.3).</doc>
242       <return-value transfer-ownership="none">
243         <type name="none" c:type="void"/>
244       </return-value>
245       <parameters>
246         <parameter name="context" transfer-ownership="none">
247           <doc xml:whitespace="preserve">a #PangoContext, from a pangocairo font map</doc>
248           <type name="Pango.Context" c:type="PangoContext*"/>
249         </parameter>
250         <parameter name="dpi" transfer-ownership="none">
251           <doc xml:whitespace="preserve">the resolution in "dots per inch". (Physical inches aren't actually involved; the terminology is conventional.) A 0 or negative value means to use the resolution from the font map.</doc>
252           <type name="gdouble" c:type="double"/>
253         </parameter>
254       </parameters>
255     </function>
256     <function name="context_set_shape_renderer"
257               c:identifier="pango_cairo_context_set_shape_renderer"
258               version="1.18">
259       <doc xml:whitespace="preserve">Sets callback function for context to use for rendering attributes
260 of type %PANGO_ATTR_SHAPE.  See #PangoCairoShapeRendererFunc for
261 details.</doc>
262       <return-value transfer-ownership="none">
263         <type name="none" c:type="void"/>
264       </return-value>
265       <parameters>
266         <parameter name="context" transfer-ownership="none">
267           <doc xml:whitespace="preserve">a #PangoContext, from a pangocairo font map</doc>
268           <type name="Pango.Context" c:type="PangoContext*"/>
269         </parameter>
270         <parameter name="func"
271                    transfer-ownership="none"
272                    scope="notified"
273                    closure="2"
274                    destroy="3">
275           <doc xml:whitespace="preserve">Callback function for rendering attributes of type %PANGO_ATTR_SHAPE, or %NULL to disable shape rendering.</doc>
276           <type name="ShapeRendererFunc" c:type="PangoCairoShapeRendererFunc"/>
277         </parameter>
278         <parameter name="data" transfer-ownership="none">
279           <doc xml:whitespace="preserve">User data that will be passed to @func.</doc>
280           <type name="gpointer" c:type="gpointer"/>
281         </parameter>
282         <parameter name="dnotify" transfer-ownership="none" scope="async">
283           <doc xml:whitespace="preserve">Callback that will be called when the context is freed to release @data, or %NULL.</doc>
284           <type name="GLib.DestroyNotify" c:type="GDestroyNotify"/>
285         </parameter>
286       </parameters>
287     </function>
288     <function name="create_context"
289               c:identifier="pango_cairo_create_context"
290               version="1.22"
291               introspectable="0">
292       <doc xml:whitespace="preserve">Creates a context object set up to match the current transformation
293 and target surface of the Cairo context.  This context can then be
294 used to create a layout using pango_layout_new().
295 This function is a convenience function that creates a context using
296 the default font map, then updates it to @cr.  If you just need to
297 create a layout for use with @cr and do not need to access #PangoContext
298 directly, you can use pango_cairo_create_layout() instead.
299 g_object_unref().</doc>
300       <return-value>
301         <doc xml:whitespace="preserve">the newly created #PangoContext. Free with</doc>
302         <type name="Pango.Context" c:type="PangoContext*"/>
303       </return-value>
304       <parameters>
305         <parameter name="cr" transfer-ownership="none">
306           <doc xml:whitespace="preserve">a Cairo context</doc>
307           <type name="cairo.Context" c:type="cairo_t*"/>
308         </parameter>
309       </parameters>
310     </function>
311     <function name="create_layout"
312               c:identifier="pango_cairo_create_layout"
313               version="1.10"
314               introspectable="0">
315       <doc xml:whitespace="preserve">Creates a layout object set up to match the current transformation
316 and target surface of the Cairo context.  This layout can then be
317 used for text measurement with functions like
318 pango_layout_get_size() or drawing with functions like
319 pango_cairo_show_layout(). If you change the transformation
320 or target surface for @cr, you need to call pango_cairo_update_layout()
321 This function is the most convenient way to use Cairo with Pango,
322 however it is slightly inefficient since it creates a separate
323 #PangoContext object for each layout. This might matter in an
324 application that was laying out large amounts of text.
325 g_object_unref().</doc>
326       <return-value>
327         <doc xml:whitespace="preserve">the newly created #PangoLayout. Free with</doc>
328         <type name="Pango.Layout" c:type="PangoLayout*"/>
329       </return-value>
330       <parameters>
331         <parameter name="cr" transfer-ownership="none">
332           <doc xml:whitespace="preserve">a Cairo context</doc>
333           <type name="cairo.Context" c:type="cairo_t*"/>
334         </parameter>
335       </parameters>
336     </function>
337     <function name="error_underline_path"
338               c:identifier="pango_cairo_error_underline_path"
339               version="1.14">
340       <doc xml:whitespace="preserve">Add a squiggly line to the current path in the specified cairo context that
341 approximately covers the given rectangle in the style of an underline used
342 to indicate a spelling error.  (The width of the underline is rounded to an
343 integer number of up/down segments and the resulting rectangle is centered
344 in the original rectangle)</doc>
345       <return-value transfer-ownership="none">
346         <type name="none" c:type="void"/>
347       </return-value>
348       <parameters>
349         <parameter name="cr" transfer-ownership="none">
350           <doc xml:whitespace="preserve">a Cairo context</doc>
351           <type name="cairo.Context" c:type="cairo_t*"/>
352         </parameter>
353         <parameter name="x" transfer-ownership="none">
354           <doc xml:whitespace="preserve">The X coordinate of one corner of the rectangle</doc>
355           <type name="gdouble" c:type="double"/>
356         </parameter>
357         <parameter name="y" transfer-ownership="none">
358           <doc xml:whitespace="preserve">The Y coordinate of one corner of the rectangle</doc>
359           <type name="gdouble" c:type="double"/>
360         </parameter>
361         <parameter name="width" transfer-ownership="none">
362           <doc xml:whitespace="preserve">Non-negative width of the rectangle</doc>
363           <type name="gdouble" c:type="double"/>
364         </parameter>
365         <parameter name="height" transfer-ownership="none">
366           <doc xml:whitespace="preserve">Non-negative height of the rectangle</doc>
367           <type name="gdouble" c:type="double"/>
368         </parameter>
369       </parameters>
370     </function>
371     <function name="font_map_get_default"
372               c:identifier="pango_cairo_font_map_get_default"
373               version="1.10"
374               introspectable="0">
375       <doc xml:whitespace="preserve">Gets a default #PangoCairoFontMap to use with Cairo.
376 Note that the type of the returned object will depend
377 on the particular font backend Cairo was compiled to use;
378 You generally should only use the #PangoFontMap and
379 #PangoCairoFontMap interfaces on the returned object.
380 The default Cairo fontmap can be changed by using
381 pango_cairo_font_map_set_default().  This can be used to
382 change the Cairo font backend that the default fontmap
383 uses for example.
384 object is owned by Pango and must not be freed.</doc>
385       <return-value>
386         <doc xml:whitespace="preserve">the default Cairo fontmap for Pango. This</doc>
387         <type name="Pango.FontMap" c:type="PangoFontMap*"/>
388       </return-value>
389     </function>
390     <function name="font_map_new"
391               c:identifier="pango_cairo_font_map_new"
392               version="1.10"
393               introspectable="0">
394       <doc xml:whitespace="preserve">Creates a new #PangoCairoFontMap object; a fontmap is used
395 to cache information about available fonts, and holds
396 certain global parameters such as the resolution.
397 In most cases, you can use pango_cairo_font_map_get_default()
398 instead.
399 Note that the type of the returned object will depend
400 on the particular font backend Cairo was compiled to use;
401 You generally should only use the #PangoFontMap and
402 #PangoCairoFontMap interfaces on the returned object.
403 be freed with g_object_unref().</doc>
404       <return-value>
405         <doc xml:whitespace="preserve">the newly allocated #PangoFontMap, which should</doc>
406         <type name="Pango.FontMap" c:type="PangoFontMap*"/>
407       </return-value>
408     </function>
409     <function name="font_map_new_for_font_type"
410               c:identifier="pango_cairo_font_map_new_for_font_type"
411               version="1.18"
412               introspectable="0">
413       <doc xml:whitespace="preserve">Creates a new #PangoCairoFontMap object of the type suitable
414 to be used with cairo font backend of type @fonttype.
415 In most cases one should simply use @pango_cairo_font_map_new(),
416 or in fact in most of those cases, just use
417 which should be freed with g_object_unref(),
418 or %NULL if the requested cairo font backend is
419 not supported / compiled in.</doc>
420       <return-value>
421         <doc xml:whitespace="preserve">the newly allocated #PangoFontMap of suitable type</doc>
422         <type name="Pango.FontMap" c:type="PangoFontMap*"/>
423       </return-value>
424       <parameters>
425         <parameter name="fonttype" transfer-ownership="none">
426           <doc xml:whitespace="preserve">desired #cairo_font_type_t</doc>
427           <type name="cairo.FontType" c:type="cairo_font_type_t"/>
428         </parameter>
429       </parameters>
430     </function>
431     <function name="glyph_string_path"
432               c:identifier="pango_cairo_glyph_string_path">
433       <return-value transfer-ownership="none">
434         <type name="none" c:type="void"/>
435       </return-value>
436       <parameters>
437         <parameter name="cr" transfer-ownership="none">
438           <type name="cairo.Context" c:type="cairo_t*"/>
439         </parameter>
440         <parameter name="font" transfer-ownership="none">
441           <type name="Pango.Font" c:type="PangoFont*"/>
442         </parameter>
443         <parameter name="glyphs" transfer-ownership="none">
444           <type name="Pango.GlyphString" c:type="PangoGlyphString*"/>
445         </parameter>
446       </parameters>
447     </function>
448     <function name="layout_line_path"
449               c:identifier="pango_cairo_layout_line_path"
450               version="1.10">
451       <doc xml:whitespace="preserve">Adds the text in #PangoLayoutLine to the current path in the
452 specified cairo context.  The origin of the glyphs (the left edge
453 of the line) will be at the current point of the cairo context.</doc>
454       <return-value transfer-ownership="none">
455         <type name="none" c:type="void"/>
456       </return-value>
457       <parameters>
458         <parameter name="cr" transfer-ownership="none">
459           <doc xml:whitespace="preserve">a Cairo context</doc>
460           <type name="cairo.Context" c:type="cairo_t*"/>
461         </parameter>
462         <parameter name="line" transfer-ownership="none">
463           <doc xml:whitespace="preserve">a #PangoLayoutLine</doc>
464           <type name="Pango.LayoutLine" c:type="PangoLayoutLine*"/>
465         </parameter>
466       </parameters>
467     </function>
468     <function name="layout_path"
469               c:identifier="pango_cairo_layout_path"
470               version="1.10">
471       <doc xml:whitespace="preserve">Adds the text in a #PangoLayout to the current path in the
472 specified cairo context.  The top-left corner of the #PangoLayout
473 will be at the current point of the cairo context.</doc>
474       <return-value transfer-ownership="none">
475         <type name="none" c:type="void"/>
476       </return-value>
477       <parameters>
478         <parameter name="cr" transfer-ownership="none">
479           <doc xml:whitespace="preserve">a Cairo context</doc>
480           <type name="cairo.Context" c:type="cairo_t*"/>
481         </parameter>
482         <parameter name="layout" transfer-ownership="none">
483           <doc xml:whitespace="preserve">a Pango layout</doc>
484           <type name="Pango.Layout" c:type="PangoLayout*"/>
485         </parameter>
486       </parameters>
487     </function>
488     <function name="show_error_underline"
489               c:identifier="pango_cairo_show_error_underline"
490               version="1.14">
491       <doc xml:whitespace="preserve">Draw a squiggly line in the specified cairo context that approximately
492 covers the given rectangle in the style of an underline used to indicate a
493 spelling error.  (The width of the underline is rounded to an integer
494 number of up/down segments and the resulting rectangle is centered in the
495 original rectangle)</doc>
496       <return-value transfer-ownership="none">
497         <type name="none" c:type="void"/>
498       </return-value>
499       <parameters>
500         <parameter name="cr" transfer-ownership="none">
501           <doc xml:whitespace="preserve">a Cairo context</doc>
502           <type name="cairo.Context" c:type="cairo_t*"/>
503         </parameter>
504         <parameter name="x" transfer-ownership="none">
505           <doc xml:whitespace="preserve">The X coordinate of one corner of the rectangle</doc>
506           <type name="gdouble" c:type="double"/>
507         </parameter>
508         <parameter name="y" transfer-ownership="none">
509           <doc xml:whitespace="preserve">The Y coordinate of one corner of the rectangle</doc>
510           <type name="gdouble" c:type="double"/>
511         </parameter>
512         <parameter name="width" transfer-ownership="none">
513           <doc xml:whitespace="preserve">Non-negative width of the rectangle</doc>
514           <type name="gdouble" c:type="double"/>
515         </parameter>
516         <parameter name="height" transfer-ownership="none">
517           <doc xml:whitespace="preserve">Non-negative height of the rectangle</doc>
518           <type name="gdouble" c:type="double"/>
519         </parameter>
520       </parameters>
521     </function>
522     <function name="show_glyph_item"
523               c:identifier="pango_cairo_show_glyph_item"
524               version="1.22">
525       <doc xml:whitespace="preserve">Draws the glyphs in @glyph_item in the specified cairo context,
526 embedding the text associated with the glyphs in the output if the
527 output format supports it (PDF for example), otherwise it acts
528 similar to pango_cairo_show_glyph_string().
529 The origin of the glyphs (the left edge of the baseline) will
530 be drawn at the current point of the cairo context.
531 Note that @text is the start of the text for layout, which is then
532 indexed by &lt;literal&gt;@glyph_item-&gt;item-&gt;offset&lt;/literal&gt;.</doc>
533       <return-value transfer-ownership="none">
534         <type name="none" c:type="void"/>
535       </return-value>
536       <parameters>
537         <parameter name="cr" transfer-ownership="none">
538           <doc xml:whitespace="preserve">a Cairo context</doc>
539           <type name="cairo.Context" c:type="cairo_t*"/>
540         </parameter>
541         <parameter name="text" transfer-ownership="none">
542           <doc xml:whitespace="preserve">the UTF-8 text that @glyph_item refers to</doc>
543           <type name="utf8" c:type="char*"/>
544         </parameter>
545         <parameter name="glyph_item" transfer-ownership="none">
546           <doc xml:whitespace="preserve">a #PangoGlyphItem</doc>
547           <type name="Pango.GlyphItem" c:type="PangoGlyphItem*"/>
548         </parameter>
549       </parameters>
550     </function>
551     <function name="show_glyph_string"
552               c:identifier="pango_cairo_show_glyph_string"
553               version="1.10">
554       <doc xml:whitespace="preserve">Draws the glyphs in @glyphs in the specified cairo context.
555 The origin of the glyphs (the left edge of the baseline) will
556 be drawn at the current point of the cairo context.</doc>
557       <return-value transfer-ownership="none">
558         <type name="none" c:type="void"/>
559       </return-value>
560       <parameters>
561         <parameter name="cr" transfer-ownership="none">
562           <doc xml:whitespace="preserve">a Cairo context</doc>
563           <type name="cairo.Context" c:type="cairo_t*"/>
564         </parameter>
565         <parameter name="font" transfer-ownership="none">
566           <doc xml:whitespace="preserve">a #PangoFont from a #PangoCairoFontMap</doc>
567           <type name="Pango.Font" c:type="PangoFont*"/>
568         </parameter>
569         <parameter name="glyphs" transfer-ownership="none">
570           <doc xml:whitespace="preserve">a #PangoGlyphString</doc>
571           <type name="Pango.GlyphString" c:type="PangoGlyphString*"/>
572         </parameter>
573       </parameters>
574     </function>
575     <function name="show_layout"
576               c:identifier="pango_cairo_show_layout"
577               version="1.10">
578       <doc xml:whitespace="preserve">Draws a #PangoLayout in the specified cairo context.
579 The top-left corner of the #PangoLayout will be drawn
580 at the current point of the cairo context.</doc>
581       <return-value transfer-ownership="none">
582         <type name="none" c:type="void"/>
583       </return-value>
584       <parameters>
585         <parameter name="cr" transfer-ownership="none">
586           <doc xml:whitespace="preserve">a Cairo context</doc>
587           <type name="cairo.Context" c:type="cairo_t*"/>
588         </parameter>
589         <parameter name="layout" transfer-ownership="none">
590           <doc xml:whitespace="preserve">a Pango layout</doc>
591           <type name="Pango.Layout" c:type="PangoLayout*"/>
592         </parameter>
593       </parameters>
594     </function>
595     <function name="show_layout_line"
596               c:identifier="pango_cairo_show_layout_line"
597               version="1.10">
598       <doc xml:whitespace="preserve">Draws a #PangoLayoutLine in the specified cairo context.
599 The origin of the glyphs (the left edge of the line) will
600 be drawn at the current point of the cairo context.</doc>
601       <return-value transfer-ownership="none">
602         <type name="none" c:type="void"/>
603       </return-value>
604       <parameters>
605         <parameter name="cr" transfer-ownership="none">
606           <doc xml:whitespace="preserve">a Cairo context</doc>
607           <type name="cairo.Context" c:type="cairo_t*"/>
608         </parameter>
609         <parameter name="line" transfer-ownership="none">
610           <doc xml:whitespace="preserve">a #PangoLayoutLine</doc>
611           <type name="Pango.LayoutLine" c:type="PangoLayoutLine*"/>
612         </parameter>
613       </parameters>
614     </function>
615     <function name="update_context"
616               c:identifier="pango_cairo_update_context"
617               version="1.10">
618       <doc xml:whitespace="preserve">Updates a #PangoContext previously created for use with Cairo to
619 match the current transformation and target surface of a Cairo
620 context. If any layouts have been created for the context,
621 it's necessary to call pango_layout_context_changed() on those
622 layouts.</doc>
623       <return-value transfer-ownership="none">
624         <type name="none" c:type="void"/>
625       </return-value>
626       <parameters>
627         <parameter name="cr" transfer-ownership="none">
628           <doc xml:whitespace="preserve">a Cairo context</doc>
629           <type name="cairo.Context" c:type="cairo_t*"/>
630         </parameter>
631         <parameter name="context" transfer-ownership="none">
632           <doc xml:whitespace="preserve">a #PangoContext, from a pangocairo font map</doc>
633           <type name="Pango.Context" c:type="PangoContext*"/>
634         </parameter>
635       </parameters>
636     </function>
637     <function name="update_layout"
638               c:identifier="pango_cairo_update_layout"
639               version="1.10">
640       <doc xml:whitespace="preserve">Updates the private #PangoContext of a #PangoLayout created with
641 pango_cairo_create_layout() to match the current transformation
642 and target surface of a Cairo context.</doc>
643       <return-value transfer-ownership="none">
644         <type name="none" c:type="void"/>
645       </return-value>
646       <parameters>
647         <parameter name="cr" transfer-ownership="none">
648           <doc xml:whitespace="preserve">a Cairo context</doc>
649           <type name="cairo.Context" c:type="cairo_t*"/>
650         </parameter>
651         <parameter name="layout" transfer-ownership="none">
652           <doc xml:whitespace="preserve">a #PangoLayout, from pango_cairo_create_layout()</doc>
653           <type name="Pango.Layout" c:type="PangoLayout*"/>
654         </parameter>
655       </parameters>
656     </function>
657   </namespace>
658 </repository>